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Drawing from the 1970's song by Paul Simon, Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover, Dr. Glaze uses names of men and women to show how believers can "leave" or resist the devil. This book is packed with spiritual truths that will enable God's people to be effective in spiritual warfare. It looks at many of the verses in the Bible dealing with Satan and presents valuable strategies for coming against him. All who read this book will be enlightened to the subtle ways in which the forces of darkness operate and how to successfully come against them. This book is written in short vignettes with the biblical reference, a brief exegesis of the passage, a succinct lesson on how to deal with the devil, a thoughtful conclusion and a prayer. It can be used in several ways. First, it is recommended that one peruse it and become familiar with the content. Second, there is a subject index in the back of the book. The reader can go to a specific topic and read what it has to say about dealing with Satan in that area. Third, it can be used in a Bible-study setting to address the issue of spiritual warfare with the devil. Fourth, a children's teacher can work with the material and creatively design age-appropriate lessons for youth.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith." Life is a battlefield. The foe we face is not flesh and blood, but Satan himself, the spiritual arch-enemy of God and man. He has had six thousand years of practice is taking souls captive, and now he is stalking you. Thank God, the devil is a defeated foe. Christ conquered him at Calvary, and has paved the way for every Christian to be an overcomer as well. The Scriptures are full of warning, exhortation, and encouragement for the soldier of the Lord. In this book, a veteran of many battles offers you insight and inspiration to "Put on the whole armour of God," and learn how to resist the devil.
When anyone acts in accordance with the devil, they become of a “devilish quality,” (John 6:70). When Christians are enticed by the devil, they are pulled away from God by honors, profits, pleasures, or whatever other things the devil uses to hinder their profiting by the Word, (Luke 8:12). These wicked spirits have such a heinous effect on the world, that the same condemnation that will befall them, will befall those who follow them. The proud fall into the condemnation of the devil, that is, by means of pride and high mindedness they too will be cast into hell fire, in the same manner as the devil will be. In consideration of such vile and wicked practices following the devil and his practices, Gifford directs the reader to resist such assaults and submit before God with the weapon of steadfast faith. His text is a famous one, “Be sober and watch: for your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith,” (1 Peter 5:8-9). Gifford expounds on how the Apostle Peter, 1) begins with an admonition or exhortation by which he stirs up all the faithful to sobriety and watchfulness with these words, “Be sober and watch,” 2) why it is important to move all men into this position of sobriety and watchfulness, seeing they have such a terrible and cruel adversary who continually seeks their eternal misery and destruction, “For your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” And, 3) teaching how Christians shall withstand him, overcome him, and put him to flight, that so they may escape from his cruel tyranny, “Whom resist steadfast in the faith.” This is an exceedingly helpful work, that will arm the Christian in due manner to fight steadfastly in the power of Jesus Christ through his Spirit against the works and wiles of the devil. And Gifford will not only show how to do this, but how to do it effectively, with victory, through true Christian faith empowered by God’s Christ.
WHO IS OUR ENEMY? Many people are deceived, fighting against things, against people, against problems or against diseases, not knowing who their true enemy is. Let us see, through the Word of God, that our true enemies are “demons”, organised into castes. These “demons” are led by the Devil, also called Lucifer or Satan. Jesus said – "the Devil comes only to Steal, Kill and Destroy." John 10:10 As the devil and his angels (demons) are not seen, many people have difficulty believing in them. We also cannot see the WIND, however it exists. The wind is felt, and its MANIFESTATION is seen, for example, through the movement of the trees. Such is the MANIFESTATION of demons. They cannot be seen because they are spirits, but we can see their MANIFESTATIONS. If we are able to identify the demons when they operate against us and if we know how to fight against them, we will have victories in our lives like we never dreamt of having. This is what this book is about: To teach how to RECOGNISE demons; To teach how to FIGHT against them.
There are all kinds of things that threaten us, hurt us, and confuse us. The devil loves nothing more than using these things to keep us down so he can have the upper hand! But God has given us everything we need to keep the devil in his place, beginning with the Word of God. To live in victory, we must do more than know His Word-we must put it into action! Satan may attack you, but he doesn't have to defeat you. Joyce Meyer reveals eight proven ways for you to keep the devil under your feet. You'll learn how to: Remain peaceful through life's storms Be strengthened and transformed by spending time with God Learn to conquer negative thoughts. When you put God's Word into action amazing things will begin to happen. Master these eight ways to keep the devil under your feet and you'll experience the countless ways that God wants to bless you!
50 Ways to Beat the Devil is a book power packed with wisdom, revelation and the word of God. It will help you fight and win against depression, doubt, fear, guilt and any of the tools the enemy uses to attack you. When you've had enough of these battles - take the authority you have as a believer and as #11 says "Pray the Word." Or, try #34, "Know the Holy Spirit and all His roles!" You'll walk away thinking "Is it really that simple?" YES! You'll understand the power God has given us to fight our battles and WIN! That's #15 - "We WIN!" Be inspired to study 50 ways to take back your destiny and defeat your enemy!
After nearly four decades of ministry, Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than it was thirty years ago and the results have dramatically improved! You may be asking many of the same questions Andrew once did. Is prayer my Christian duty? Is prayer primarily about asking God to meet my needs and the needs of others? Is God's answer to my prayer based on the degree of my humility and sincerity? Is answered prayer a sovereign decision of God or do I have the ability to influence Him? Clear, scriptural answers to these questions and more could significantly change the way you pray. These principles may not be the only way to pray, but if you're not getting the results you desire, consider changing directions; maybe there is A Better Way to Pray.
It begins with a shocking, unsolved murder. In small town in southern Illinois, the butchered body of Linda Balfour--with a cryptic code printed in blood on the back of her head--forges a gruesome link to the brutal murder of Bishop Rushman, the beloved Chicago clergyman who had been dismembered years before by the angelic-looking altar boy, Aaron Stampler. The same Aaron Stampler whom defense attorney Martin Vail saved from the electric chair... Now Vail is Chicago's chief prosecutor, facing the nightmare of his life. If Stampler has been locked away in a high-security institution for the past ten years, how could he have killed Linda Balfour? Then another altar boy turns up dead with a similar inscription in blood on the back of his head. If Aaron Stampler isn't committing these killings, who is? Martin Vail's career--maybe even his life--hangs on the answer...