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Hold your head up high: be ready for jealous slights. For sweet little ladies winning thru subtle spiritual power are gone, replaced by big harridans. Talking to them you feel ripped apart. They start out sweet then the evil starts. They get restless when things are harmonious and go on the attack: every man knows this. There's no guards on their mind: outa nowhere they pick fights and here we go again, cycles of fright. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Frenemies who sow discord: a malicious heart hides behind loving lips. The strong have restraint, the weak do not. The problem is: surrounded by evil you just feel nuts. By smooth words/flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the simple. The enemy sows discord and division to the dumbed down who can't discern truly good from evil. You're not even supposed to reason with a fool, yet these simpletons are your enemy's army against you. Chapter art by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
She brags about how she's a modern avatar then lets some joker she just met drive her car. What distinguishes a queen from the others is a sense of direction that shuts out losers & mean mockers: they aren't confused/indecisive virtue signalers. Living without clarity is walking thru a mine field without caution--you're hurt badly if not trained soon. Brainless females use sex for manipulation: life becomes a cruel thing when there's no boundaries or direction. Silly women laden with sins taken in by wicked men in their own homes: I was one. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Systems Theory: how the system creates/maintains pathology in the one: the identified patient seen as scum. There's always an altercation right before becoming famous and rich. It's like the test, rejecting the witch. To see behind the mask is an incredibly beneficial task. To get to success divide from old systems keeping you down. If you fit you're illegit. If you don't it may mean you're God's kid. It's New Age to be positive: thinking everything's ok when it isn't. The past holds us down: let it go, it was just a scaffold while growing a crown. Never throw your pearls before swine or be trampled by em. They don't just snub, they ruin [smears and virtue signaling]. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst
Work on yourself or smirk with the rabble never growing just getting more unstable. Trauma is in every cell so get that stuff out, work on this catastrophe. Why did they abuse you? Because they're toxic, abusive and mentally unstable too. Seek peace of mind regardless of whether you get closure, which is usually futile. It may take a lifetime to go from barely surviving to fully thriving so go gently. You can't change the gossip/what they say about you--just chill out man, that's all you can do. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
The more public her smear campaign the happier she is: the more humiliating, the better her image. How it shocks when someone you admired is de-pedestalized and shown to be a dam liar. Narcissists will do anything to win--any sabotaging, cruel thing: that’s why to cut the chain. Learn about narcissists, for it protects. Spirituality brings the life and peace of God but soul ties are a stronghold keeping bad in/good out. Shifting life in a spiritual direction is the only way to get out of a soul tie relationship of destruction. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
In setting a boundary we may have to burn a bridge. No matter, you'll feel much better. Having to filter everything thru kings with poor character doesn't sound like America. He had the charisma to take it to that level but not the character to keep himself there or better. He started out with style--looking good--but quickly became a caricature: a fool or wolf. War is instructive: losing 95% of the time and then sudden victory: persistence! Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst and Fox design
They didn't treat you as special, unique, talented or significant. You're treated with indifference/love was conditional. They compared you to others like you're fullabull. Early rejection explains the insane drive for greatness and the survival panic leading to suicide. The world imposes BS then weak friends create a mess blocking success. Significance is a child of God and that gives you purpose, no more seen as odd. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst and Blaze Goldburst
It's a funny thing but those that are full of themselves are actually empty, it's compensatory see. Sin puts us in a dark place. Sudden jealous triangles and enemies seeking to destroy the ace. Some were complicitous--going along to get along--and some were bystanders who didn't oppose at all. The sisters spread rumors and ruin the reputation of their sibling, spilling the beans to anybody. This is not what's wrong with you, it's about what happened to you from liberal abuse. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Narcissistic relationships are tornados: they sweep us off our feet and we forget who we are. A true emotional cutoff dissolves your symptoms. If still hooked they will persist cuz it's a system. It is frightening the bad decisions made to get each other's approval--these women need removal. If you live for their approval you'll die by their rejection--you're so much happier never thinking about em. Cover by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst