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Feminist culture is a massive impediment to genius. Women aren't born dumb they adapt to other women. Feminists want open borders, approval of others, big governments--horrors! Races help each other up (as men and religions do) but women push each other down like crabs in a barrel: cruel. Nothing's more wrong than a liberal feminist and to think we had to adapt to that frustration as kids. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
KELLOCK PSYCH TEXTBOOKS FOR A LOST GENERATION: MANUAL FOR SUPERIOR MEN. THE FULL COLLECTED WORKS OF KAREN KELLOCK. NEW PSYCH THEORY by Karen Kellock Ph.D., Psychology & Proverb Author. The cause of mental illness is other people: be shocked into a new world view seeing mental illness in a new light. Elite Review: "Koestler [1962] shows all discoveries blend art with science. Vivid poetic images combined with rock-solid psychology show the tyranny of groups vs. the individual: collective insanity, the contagion of lunacy. What does it take to be a champion in a sea of sharks? That’s the essence of this work. The writing is subtle, witty, clever and highly accurate. The therapy: open the book anywhere". Mansell Pattison M.D., Postdoctoral Sponsor at UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry. Karen Kellock received her Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Medical School, Dept. of Psychiatry [NIAAA and NIMH grants] to develop a theory of System Pathology: the Debris Theory of Disease, presented in 120 books and 22 textbooks for the general public. The theory has a general formula: All disease is obstruction, all recovery is elimination, all success is attraction. The three obstructions are people, habit and food. Remove your obstruction and snap to your goals, waiting in the wings. "An integrator and discoverer. As her Ph.D. advisor it's WOW on pathological systems theory, a sudden eye-opener". Doug Chalmers, Ph.D., UCI Dept. of Psychology "Brilliance inspires thinking in new realms by debunking old myths. A true theoretician ties everything together so we can see the whole". Daniel Feldman M.D., Postdoc sponsor V.A. hospital/UCI Med Chapter art by Karen Kellock and Fox Design, Cover by Blaze Goldburst
KELLOCK PSYCH TEXTBOOKS: Manual for Superior Men. 22 Volumes NEW PSYCH THEORY by Karen Kellock Ph.D., Psychologist & Proverb Author. The cause of mental illness is other people: be shocked into a new world view seeing mental illness in a new light. Elite Review: " Koestler [1962] shows all discoveries blend art with science. Vivid poetic images combined with rock-solid psychology show the tyranny of groups vs. the individual: collective insanity, the contagion of lunacy. What does it take to be a champion in a sea of sharks? That’s the essence of this work. The writing is subtle, witty, clever and highly accurate. The therapy: open the book anywhere". Mansell Pattison M.D., Postdoctoral Sponsor at UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry. Ph.D. Political Psychology (UCI) Postdoctoral: UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry, NIMH/NIAAA Grants to develop a theory of System Pathology. Cover by Blaze Goldburst
If you're too accessible they'll make your life miserable. God was with me as I endured my hard lessons to overcome. How else to learn how mean, spiteful, status-driven, competitive, catty and cruel females have become? I had to endure, but from my own sisters, are you kidding me? That's the hardest lessons of life, unfortunately. I finally understood what men do: life is a war so keep out problems not invite in more. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Get Jezebel outa your life or she'll ruin it with strife. Nothing's worse than a tyrannical harridan in the home with wimpy hubby acting like a silly pawn. Female bullying is most vicious, taking the form of reputation destruction, innuendo and gossip. Girls who bully have many friends, are socially skilled and act in groups: destroy reps/spread the scoop. Cover by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blake Goldburst
The mental disease of the century is narcissistic sociopathy manifested in having no empathy. I wanted solitude for no one's more hated than he who speaks the truth. Our self-image is trashed early, determining all that we attract later to confirm that bad identity. The smarter one is the more messed up they get when wires are crossed, hearts broken, rejected. Cross a narcissist and it's their entire goal to hurt you as much as they can so don't get involved man. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
It was like putting a rattlesnake in your cage but in naïve victim denial you couldn’t see it, ok? If too weak to keep boundaries the evil world flows in and like a Tsunami it’ll ruin you surely. Fallen Hero: As long as they’re around you’re adapting to THEM. Empaths easily become doormats for other’s ends. You’re such a strong beach they see the light and cling on. It’s sad so stay detached son. Cover by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Success through FRUIT, FAT & FASTING daily. Enantiodromia: the tyrant brings himself down just as the champion rises up.—the inversion of systems. Daily fasting ends the pain caused by troublemakers. Your lack of breakthrough is nothing you lack but an obstruction to remove so genius flows with tact. If you’ve a destiny—made to make a mark—you’ll misfit all groups. Before success you feel a mess as if you’re less. Fast to be happy & high as self-esteem shoots to the sky. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner page by Blaze Goldburst
Because women fight thru flying monkeys it's all about that--you face their army. She’s the most dangerous person you ever knew, angering her army so cruel. Feeling powerless the female seeks sidekicks and these can be very dangerous as she directs their hits. The weak sadistic husband will sense who's jealous of her and nurture that contact for a future project. They play cute/clever games that destroy you and it comes from their friends. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Systems theory: all mental illness is rooted in attachment trauma--we are framed by the SYSTEM. By framing us they either mess us up for life or we take that suit off and put a new on one, and go on. Because they're not awake living in their present moment they aren’t working with a full deck and will bury the truth to death. Few are smart, the bulb's dim or out on most. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst