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The illegal introduction of Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush into Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, preceded the collapse of the native population of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri, producing a four-level trophic cascade. The Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout population?s collapse and the coinciding increase in Lake Trout abundance provided a rare opportunity to evaluate the feeding ecology of a native prey species and a nonnative piscivore species after the restructuring of a large lentic ecosystem. We assessed diets, stable isotope signatures, and depth-related CPUE patterns for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Lake Trout during 2011?2013 to evaluate trophic overlap. To evaluate diet shifts related to density, we also compared 2011?2013 diets to those from studies conducted during previous periods with contrasting Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Lake Trout CPUEs. We illustrate the complex interactions between predator and prey in a simple assemblage and demonstrate how a nonnative apex predator can alter competitive interactions. The diets of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout were dominated by zooplankton during a period when the Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout CPUE was high and were dominated by amphipods when the CPUE was reduced. Lake Trout shifted from a diet that was dominated by Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout during the early stages of the invasion to a diet that was dominated by amphipods after Lake Trout abundance had increased and after Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout prey had declined. The shifts in Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Lake Trout diets resulted in increased trophic similarity of these species through time due to their shared reliance on benthic amphipods. Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout not only face the threat posed by Lake Trout predation but also face the potential threat of competition with Lake Trout if amphipods are limiting. Our results demonstrate the importance of studying the long-term feeding ecology of fishes in invaded ecosystems.
The lake charr Salvelinus namaycush is a ubiquitous member of cold-water lake ecosystems in previously glaciated regions of northern continental U.S., Alaska, and Canada that often support important commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries. The lake charr differs from other charrs by its large size, longevity, iteroparity, top-predator specialization, reduced sexual dimorphism, prevalence of lacustrine spawning, and use of deepwater habitat. The species is remarkably variable in phenotype, physiology, and life history, some of which is reflected in its ecology and genetics, with as many as four morphs or ecotypes co-occurring in a single lake. The lake charr is often the top predator in these systems, but is highly adaptable trophically, and is frequently planktivorous in small lakes. The lake charr by their name highlights their common habitat, lakes both large and small, but often frequents rivers and occasionally moves into the Arctic Ocean. Movement and behaviour of lake charr are motivated by access to cool, well-oxygenated water, foraging opportunities, predator avoidance, and reproduction. Owing to their broad distribution and trophic level, the lake charr serves as a sentinel of anthropogenic change. This volume will provide an up-to-date summary of what is currently known about lake charr from distribution to genetics to physiology to ecology. The book provides a compilation and synthesis of available information on the lake charr, beginning with an updated distribution and a revised treatment of the paleoecology of the species. Understanding of ecological and genetic diversity and movement and behaviour of the species has advanced remarkably since the last major synthesis on the species over 40 years ago. Mid-sections of the book provide detailed accounts of the biology and life history of the species, and later sections are devoted to threats to conservation and fishery management practices used to ensure sustainability. A new standard lake charr-specific terminology is also presented. The book will be a valuable reference text for biologists around the world, ecologists, and fishery managers, and of interest to the angling public.
Native salmonid populations in the inland West are often restricted to small isolated habitats at risk from invasion by nonnative salmonids. However, further isolating these populations using barriers to prevent invasions can increase their extinction risk. This monograph reviews the state of knowledge about this tradeoff between invasion and isolation. We present a conceptual framework to guide analysis, focusing on four main questions concerning conservation value, vulnerability to invasion, persistence given isolation, and priorities when conserving multiple populations. Two examples illustrate use of the framework, and a final section discusses opportunities for making strategic decisions when faced with the invasion-isolation tradeoff.
This richly illustrated and thoroughly researched reference covers all the species of fish and every aspect of their existence in one of the most famous sport fisheries in the world. This edition includes new material on the impact of forest fires and the introduction of non-native species; an expanded chapter on angling; and an assessment of recent management policies. Full color plates and historic b&w photos.
Scientists have been warning for years that human activity is heating up the planet and climate change is under way. We are only just beginning to acknowledge the serious effects this will have on all life on Earth. The federal government is crafting broad-scale strategies to protect wildland ecosystems from the worst effects of climate change. One of the greatest challenges is to get the latest science into the hands of resource managers entrusted with vulnerable wildland ecosystems. This book examines climate and land-use changes in montane environments, assesses the vulnerability of species and ecosystems to these changes, and provides resource managers with collaborative management approaches to mitigate expected impacts. Climate Change in Wildlands proposes a new kind of collaboration between scientists and managers--a science-derived framework and common-sense approaches for keeping parks and protected areas healthy on a rapidly changing planet.
Multiple human stressors including non-native species and habitat alterations can interact with complex consequences on native species. Human-modified habitats can change non-native predator functional and aggregative responses with additive impacts on native prey species. I assessed how the non-native predator, striped bass (Morone saxatilis), and habitat alterations (small diversion dam and other altered habitats) interact to influence mortality on native juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) migrating to sea on the lower Mokelumne River, CA (USA). Relative abundance and diet surveys across natural and human-altered habitats assessed functional and aggregative responses of striped bass. Striped bass showed elevated per capita consumption of juvenile salmon and behavioral aggregation (estimated as catch per unit effort - CPUE) at a small diversion dam site (Woodbridge Irrigation District Dam: per capita consumption= 3.54 juvenile salmon per striped bass and CPUE= 0.189) over other altered (0 juvenile salmon per striped bass; CPUE= 0.0024) and natural habitats (N/A; CPUE= 0.0003) creating a localized area of heightened predation. At this predation hotspot, experimental predator removals, diet energetic analysis, and before-after impact assessment estimated striped bass consumption of the population of out-migrating juvenile salmon to be between 10-29%. Striped bass per capita consumption rates among the three approaches were 0.92%, 1.01-1.11%, and 0.96-1.11% respectively. This study highlights how interactions between multiple stressors can exacerbate consequences for native species and are important to examine when predicting ecological impacts from stressors and planning local management strategies.
The second edition of the award-winning Atlas of Yellowstone contains 50% new material, making it the authoritative reference for the world’s first national park on its 150th anniversary. The publication of the Atlas of Yellowstone, Second Edition coincides with the 150th anniversary of the founding of Yellowstone National Park—a major international event. The atlas is an accessible, comprehensive guide that presents Yellowstone’s story through compelling visualizations rendered by award-winning cartographers at the University of Oregon. Readers of this new edition of the Atlas of Yellowstone will explore the contributions of Yellowstone to preserving and understanding natural and cultural landscapes, to informing worldwide conservation practices, and to inspiring national parks around the world, while also learning about the many struggles the park faces in carrying out its mission. Ranging from Indigenous Americans and local economies to geysers and wildlife migrations, from the life of one wolf to the threat of wildfires, each page provides leading experts’ insights into the complexity and significance of Yellowstone. Key elements of the atlas include: More than 1,000 maps, graphics, and photographs Contributions from more than 130 experts Detailed topographic maps of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Exploration of Yellowstone National Park’s influence over 150 years on conservation practice, park management, and American culture New, detailed visualizations of wildlife that take advantage of modern GPS technology to track individual animals and entire herds Place-name origins for Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the surrounding region
The flagship publication of the National Parks Conservation Association, National Parks Magazine (circ. 340,000) fosters an appreciation of the natural and historic treasures found in the national parks, educates readers about the need to preserve those resources, and illustrates how member contributions drive our organization's park-protection efforts. National Parks Magazine uses images and language to convey our country's history and natural landscapes from Acadia to Zion, from Denali to the Everglades, and the 387 other park units in between.
Introduces readers to key case studies that illustrate how theory and data can be integrated to understand wildlife disease ecology.