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Dairy consumption in Asia has more than doubled over the last 25 years, and has led to more than 50% of the world’s total dairy imports now entering Asian markets. Consequently, Asian countries are seeking to improve their self-sufficiency in dairy produce by developing their local milk industries. Asian livestock importers are looking for increasing numbers of high grade dairy stock from established dairy industries in countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately, a major problem encountered throughout Asia has been the poor performance of these exotic high grade dairy heifers when exported from their country of origin to a new, more stressful environment. This has been due to a failure to prepare for their introduction. Exotic dairy cows, particularly those from farms with high levels of herd performance, have high management requirements. If subjected to local and traditional small holder dairy farm practices, they are unlikely to produce acceptable yields of milk or may not even get back into calf. Poor management practices can lead to low growth rates, delayed breeding, stock diseases and even deaths among imported stock both before and after first calving. Managing High Grade Dairy Cows in the Tropics addresses the entire range of management practices found on tropical small holder dairy farms, highlighting those which are likely to adversely impact on heifer and cow performance, hence farm profitability. It is a companion volume to three other manuals written by John Moran: Rearing Young Stock on Tropical Dairy Farms in Asia, Tropical Dairy Farming and Business Management for Tropical Dairy Farmers.
An indispensable resource for the dairy farmer or veterinarian, the researcher, teacher, or advanced student, this book puts the cutting–edge science of raising dairy calves into an accessible, usable form. Geared to those with a basic understanding of principles of animal nutrition and husbandry, the volume gives a comprehensive account of all aspects of calf rearing, from the rudiments of anatomy and development through the practicalities of feeding and housing. The Development, Nutrition and Management of the Young Calf begins with an overview of how the calf′s digestive system develops, highlighting the period of transition from preruminant to ruminant digestion. Here the authors provide information essential to understanding nutritional needs and restrictions during the liquid–feeding phase in the young calf as well as those factors that govern the development of a functional rumen. Major emphasis is given to the energy and protein requirements of the young calf, with attention to the effects of environmental temperature on energy requirements. The authors also review the adequacy of current National Research Council recommendations on the energy and protein requirements of young calves. They discuss the management, nutrition, and care of the pregnant cow as well as calving management necessary to deliver a healthy calf. Other topics include liquid–feeding systems, formulation and use of milk replacers and starter feeds, the weaning process, housing principles, and the interactions of nutrition and disease
Rearing young stock for replacement heifers is probably one of the least well understood and practised aspects of herd and feeding management on dairy farms throughout the world, particularly on small holder dairy farms in the tropics. This book addresses all the major concerns of the small holder dairy farmer in Asia. It shows how to attain optimal growth in young stock, so that as cows, they can calve at an appropriate early age at the lowest cost and promptly substitute for any cows culled from the milking herd. This provides continuing returns on the investments of feed, labour and other farm resources. Low reproductive rates and high calf mortality are the major causes of reproductive wastage. This has a direct bearing on culling and replacement strategies and on genetic improvement. In many tropical countries, calf mortality can be as high as 50%. In some areas this can be due to climatic stress on temperate or crossbred stock. While climatic stress compounds the other hazards of calf life, high calf mortality is usually due to diseases and poor feeding management. Rearing Young Stock on Tropical Dairy Farms in Asia encourages the small holder dairy farmer to maintain their investment in replacement heifers and gives them the tools necessary to achieve realistic targets for mortalities, live weight gain, mating age, and age and live weight at first calving. It is a companion volume to three previous manuals written by John Moran: Tropical Dairy Farming, Business Management for Tropical Dairy Farmers and Managing High Grade Dairy Cows in the Tropics.