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Provides information on the Egyptian goddesses and their festivals, including Isis and Hathor, Neith the cobra, and Bast the cat, and includes information on astrology, sacred plants, aromatics, and birth and mourning rituals
Using original art sketches and easy-to-understand language, this book helps the reader understand the reason God gave the Law, the Old Testament system of priests, animal sacrifices and feasts. It is an enlightening journey into what has often been a place of confusion to many.
Unlock the Prophetic Significance of the Biblical Feasts! The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, These are the appointed feast of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are my appointed feasts.Leviticus 23:1-2 ESV The Feasts of the Lord have powerful and prophetic significance to Gods people, both Jew and Gentile. Each feast is a picture of Jesus the Messiah and represents one of seven phases of spiritual development in your life! In this intriguing and biblically sound study, Dr. Richard Booker takes you on a revelatory journey through the Bible showing you how the ancient Biblical feasts are relevant for your spiritual growth today. Get life-changing revelation of the significance of: Passover Unleavened Bread First Fruits Pentecost Trumpets Atonement Tabernacles From the new birth found in Passover and the Crucifixion, all the way to entering Gods rest found in the Feast of Tabernacles and the Second Coming, you will discover how the seven Biblical feast powerfully impact your faith journey with the Lord. Learn to encounter God in a fresh powerful way by unlocking the prophetic significance of the Feasts of the Lord!
In this third volume of papers from Thomas Merton’s conferences during his decade (1955-1965) as novice master at the Cistercian Abbey of Gethsemani, his insight into the liturgical pattern of the Christian year and beyond is presented in fresh detail. Merton’s own commitment to this central dimension of Christian life is clear, and nowhere more so than in his work introducing students to the patterns that would mark their lives as monks. Though dating from the period just before the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, Merton's commentaries remain pertinent. The thoroughly annotated text is preceded by an extensive introduction situating this material in the context of Merton's lifelong writing on liturgy. Moreover, as his former student Br. Paul Quenon notes in his foreword, this context is one deeply rooted in Merton’s understanding of Scripture. ‘These notes . . . take us into one man's lifetime of reflection and seasoned experience of the Church Year.’
Sets of seven. 666. The Whore of Babylon and the Seven-headed Beast. How would first-century readers have heard these things? One can get at an answer by asking, How does the Book of Revelation compare with contemporaneous Jewish apocalypses? God's Timetable unlocks the hitherto unseen Jewish background to the Apocalypse based on the seven weeks leading up to Pentecost, the Harvest Feast. The meaning of Revelation suddenly becomes clearer. Stramara situates the Book of Revelation in its original context as a prophetic work regarding the end of the world, the final harvest, and Jesus as the fulfillment of expectations.
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons, in this third volume of paper, from Thomas Merton's conferences during his decade (1955-1965) as novice master at the Cistercian Abbey of Gethsemani, his insight into the liturgical pattern of the Christian year and beyond is presented in fresh detail. Merton's own commitment to this central dimension of Christian life is clear, and nowhere more so than in his work introducing students to the patterns that would mark their lives as monks. Though dating from the period just before the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, Merton's commentaries remain pertinent. The thoroughly annotated text is preceded by an extensive introduction situating this material in the context of Merton's lifelong writing on liturgy. Moreover, as his former student Br. Paul Quenon notes in his foreword, this context is one deeply rooted in Merton's understanding of Scripture. 'These notes ... take us into one man's lifetime of reflection and seasoned experience of the Church Year.' In the Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3, Patrick F. O'Connell deeply rooted in Merton's understanding of Scripture.
In this work Michael A. Daise broaches the question of the rationale lying behind the six feasts mentioned in the Gospel of John. He argues that, in an earlier recension of the Fourth Gospel, those feasts were sequenced into a single, liturgical year and, as such, furnished temporal momentum for the concurrent motif of Jesus' 'hour'. After reviewing the feasts as they appear in the narrative, then critiquing the major theories proposed for their purpose, the author presents his key premise that the Passover at John 6:4 is to be read not as a regular Passover, observed on 14 Nisan (first month of the Jewish calendar), but as the 'Second Passover' of Numbers 9:9-14, observed on 14 Iyyar (second month of the Jewish calendar). The law of "hadash" for barley (6:9) requires a date for chapter 6 after the regular Passover; the Exodus manna episode (Exodus 16), on which John 6 largely turns, dates to 15 Iyyar; the contingent character of the Second Passover explains Jesus' absence from Jerusalem in John 6; and, with John 5 and 6 reversed, the chronology of John 2:13-6:71 coheres. On such a reading, the feasts of the entire Fourth Gospel unfold within a single, liturgical year: Passover (2:13), Second Passover (6:4), the unnamed feast/Pentecost? (5:1), Tabernacles (7:2), the Dedication (10:22-23) and Passover (11:55). Inasmuch as this scheme brings chronological design to chapters 2-12, and inasmuch as those same chapters also chronicle the imminent arrival of Jesus' "hour" (2:4; 12:23), an overarching purpose for the feasts emerges; namely, to serve the motif of Jesus' "hour" by marking the movement of time toward its arrival.
The elegant and beautiful system of the special days of holy convocation and how each one has been or will be fulfilled in prophecy. An explanation of the commandments of Jehovah to Moses on Mount Sinai regarding the festival days and their deep significance. Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles are shown in all their glory.
The New Testament is filled with stories of Jesus eating with people--from extravagant wedding banquets to simple meals of loaves and fishes. The Food and Feasts of Jesus offers a new perspective on life in biblical times by taking readers inside these meals. Food production and distribution impacted all aspects of ancient life, including the teachings of Jesus. From elaborate holiday feasts to a simple farmer's lunch, the book explores the significance of various meals, discusses key ingredients, places food within the socioeconomic conditions of the time, and offers accessible recipes for readers to make their own tastes of the first century. Ideal for individual reading or group study, this book opens a window into the tumultuous world of the first century and invites readers to smell, touch, and taste the era's food.