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Faults are primary focuses of both fluid migration and deformation in the upper crust. The recognition that faults are typically heterogeneous zones of deformed material, not simple discrete fractures, has fundamental implications for the way geoscientists predict fluid migration in fault zones, as well as leading to new concepts in understanding seismic/aseismic strain accommodation. This book captures current research into understanding the complexities of fault-zone internal structure, and their control on mechanical and fluid-flow properties of the upper crust. A wide variety of approaches are presented, from geological field studies and laboratory analyses of fault-zone and fault-rock properties to numerical fluid-flow modelling, and from seismological data analyses to coupled hydraulic and rheological modelling. The publication aims to illustrate the importance of understanding fault-zone complexity by integrating such diverse approaches, and its impact on the rheological and fluid-flow behaviour of fault zones in different contexts.
Normal faults are the primary structures that accommodate extension of the brittle crust. This volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research into the geometry and growth of normal faults. The 23 research papers present the findings of outcrop and subsurface studies of the geometrical evolution of faults from a number of basins worldwide, complemented by analogue and numerical modelling studies of fundamental aspects of fault kinematics. The topics addressed include how fault length changes with displacement, how faults interact with one another, the controls of previous structure on fault evolution and the nature and origin of fault-related folding. This volume will be of interest to those wishing to develop a better understanding of the structural geological aspects of faulting, from postgraduate students to those working in industry.
Considerable progress has been made recently in quantifying geometrical and physical properties of fault surfaces and adjacent fractured and granulated damage zones in active faulting environments. There has also been significant progress in developing rheologies and computational frameworks that can model the dynamics of fault zone processes. This volume provides state-of-the-art theoretical and observational results on the mechanics, structure and evolution of fault zones. Subjects discussed include damage rheologies, development of instabilities, fracture and friction, dynamic rupture experiments, and analyses of earthquake and fault zone data.
Faults commonly trap fluids such as hydrocarbons and water and therefore are of economic significance. During hydrocarbon field development, smaller faults can provide baffles and/or conduits to flow. There are relatively simple, well established workflows to carry out a fault seal analysis for siliciclastic rocks based primarily on clay content. There are, however, outstanding challenges related to other rock types, to calibrating fault seal models (with static and dynamic data) and to handling uncertainty. The variety of studies presented here demonstrate the types of data required and workflows followed in today’s environment in order to understand the uncertainties, risks and upsides associated with fault-related fluid flow. These studies span all parts of the hydrocarbon value chain from exploration to production but are also of relevance for other industries such as radioactive waste and CO2 containment.
In January 1996 a total of 270 conference participants gathered for 3 days in Trondheim, Norway, to focus on and to discuss the complex topic of hydrocarbon seals particularly related to deformation zones and to caprocks. The conference was the first in Norway and one of the first in Europe to exclusively address this very important subject. The purpose of the conference was to present some of the most recent research results, to establish state-of-the-art with respect to understanding hydrocarbon seals and to discuss where to go from here to find some of the keys to successful future exploration and enhanced oil and gas recovery. Out of the presented papers and posters, 17 are compiled and published in this volume. These provide a good overview of and an introduction to the numerous aspects covered during the fruitful days in Trondheim.