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The report gives a comprehensive survey of work in the field of aviation fatigue. Both current work still in process and earlier work are surveyed. The nature of fatigue itself is discussed, along with all possible factors that contribute to both physical and mental fatigue. Topics covered include flight-time limitations, indicators of excessive fatigue, new developments related to intercontinental flights and Forest Service flights, and the author's detailed comments and recommendations. (Author).
The report gives a comprehensive survey of work in the field of aviation fatigue. Both current work still in process and earlier work are surveyed. The nature of fatigue itself is discussed, along with all possible factors that contribute to both physical and mental fatigue. Topics covered include flight-time limitations, indicators of excessive fatigue, new developments related to intercontinental flights and Forest Service flights, and the author's detailed comments and recommendations. (Author).
The report gives a comprehensive survey of work in the field of aviation fatigue. Both current work still in process and earlier work are surveyed. The nature of fatigue itself is discussed, along with all possible factors that contribute to both physical and mental fatigue. Topics covered include flight-time limitations, indicators of excessive fatigue, new developments related to intercontinental flights and Forest Service flights, and the author's detailed comments and recommendations. (Author).
Nearly everyone experiences fatigue, but some professions--such as aviation, medicine and the military--demand alert, precise, rapid, and well-informed decision making and communication with little margin for error. The potential for fatigue to negatively affect human performance is well established. Concern about this potential in the aviation context extends back decades, with both airlines and pilots agreeing that fatigue is a safety concern. A more recent consideration is whether and how pilot commuting, conducted in a pilot's off-duty time, may affect fatigue during flight duty. In summer 2010 the U.S. Congress directed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to update the federal regulations that govern pilot flight and duty time, taking into account recent research related to sleep and fatigue. As part of their directive, Congress also instructed FAA to have the National Academy of Sciences conduct a study on the effects of commuting on pilot fatigue. The Effects of Commuting on Pilot Fatigue reviews research and other information related to the prevalence and characteristics of commuting; to the science of sleep, fatigue, and circadian rhythms; to airline and regulatory oversight policies; and to pilot and airline practices. The Effects of Commuting on Pilot Fatigue discusses the policy, economic, and regulatory issues that affect pilot commuting, and outlines potential next steps, including recommendations for regulatory or administrative actions, or further research by the FAA.
This overview of fatigue includes fatigue definitions, the measurement / assessment of fatigue, and the performance, mood, and safety problems associated with fatigue in the operational setting. The physiological bases of fatigue are discussed, so the reader understands that fatigue is a physiological phenomenon that is not "just a state of mind". Scientifically-valid countermeasures are discussed and data from a variety of sources are included to provide readers with a "toolbox" from which they can choose solutions to fatigue-related problems. The book is of interest to aviation crews in both civilian and military sectors, managers as well as aviators, flight deck as well as maintenance crews. It aims to be 'user-friendly', although scientific information is included to help the reader understand why certain behaviours occur.
Taking Precautions Against Fatigue in Aviation Pilot fatigue is a significant problem in modern aviation operations, largely because of the unpredictable work hours, long duty periods, circadian disruptions, and insufficient sleep that are commonplace in both civilian and military flight operations. The full impact of fatigue is often underappreciated, but many of its deleterious effects have long been known. Compared to people who are well-rested, people who are sleep deprived think and move more slowly, make more mistakes and have memory difficulties. These negative effects may and do lead to aviation errors and accidents. In the 1930s, flight time limitations suggested lay-over durations, and aircrew sleep recommendations were developed in an attempt to mitigate aircrew fatigue. Unfortunately, there have been few changes to aircrew scheduling provisions and flight time limitations since the time they were first introduced, despite evidence that updates are needed. Although the scientific understanding of fatigue, sleep, shift work, and circadian physiology has advanced significantly over the past several decades, current regulations and industry practices have in large part failed to adequately incorporate the new knowledge.
This updated edition includes fatigue and sleep definitions as well as strategies for the measurement and assessment of fatigue. The aviation performance, mood, and safety problems associated with sleep restriction and circadian disruptions in operational settings are highlighted. The biological bases of fatigue are discussed so that the reader can understand that it is a real physiological phenomenon and not 'just a state of mind'. Both traditional and newly-developed scientifically-valid countermeasures are presented, and a variety of data from diverse sources are included to provide readers with a 'toolbox' from which they can choose the best solutions for the fatigue-related problems that exist in their unique operational context. In addition, an essential overview of Fatigue Risk Management Systems is included to provide the basic structure necessary to build and validate a modern, integrated approach to successful fatigue management. The book is of interest to aviation crews in both civilian and military sectors--managers as well as pilots, flight crews, and maintainers. It aims to be user-friendly, although scientific information is included to help the reader fully understand the 'fatigue phenomenon' from an evidence-based perspective as well as to enhance the reader's appreciation for the manner in which various counter-fatigue interventions are helpful.
The potential for fatigue to negatively affect human performance is well established. Concern about this potential in the aviation context extends back decades, with both airlines and pilots agreeing that fatigue is a safety concern. A more recent consideration is whether and how pilot commuting, conducted in a pilot's off-duty time, may affect fatigue. The National Academy of Sciences was asked to review available information related to the prevalence and characteristics of pilot commuting; sleep, fatigue, and circadian rhythms; airline and regulatory oversight policies; and pilot and airline practices. This interim report summarizes the committee's review to date of the available information. The final report will present a final review, along with the committee's conclusions and recommendations based on the information available during its deliberations.