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While we acknowledge that all expressions of liberation theology are not identical, we must protest very strongly against the false divisions that some make: between black theology in South Africa and black theology in the United States, between black theology and African theology, and between black theology and Latin American liberation theology. But moving away from the illusioned universality of western theology to the contextuality of liberation theology is a risky business; one that cannot be done innocently. In the search for theological and human authenticity in its own situation, black theology does not stand alone. It is but one expression of this search going on within many different contexts. Until now, the Christian church had chosen to move through history with a bland kind of innocence, hiding the painful truths of oppression behind a facade of myths and real or imagined anxieties. This is no longer possible. The oppressed who believe in God, the Father of Jesus Christ, no longer want to believe in the myths created to subjugate them. It is no longer possible to innocently accept history "as it happens," silently hoping that God would take the responsibility for human failure. The theology of liberation spells out this realization. For the Christian church it constitutes, in no uncertain terms, farewell to innocence.
"Innocence's Farewell" is a spellbinding coming-of-age tale that navigates the delicate balance between love, redemption, and the echoes of the past. Set in the enchanting town of Willowbrook, Emma and Ethan's journey is a tapestry woven with secrets, whispered stories, and the power of second chances. As they confront shadows of doubt, unveil hidden truths, and explore the depths of forgiveness, their love story becomes intertwined with the town's rich history, creating a legacy that echoes through time. With lush prose and suspenseful twists, this captivating novel explores the enduring strength of love and the transformative magic of self-discovery.
Orphan Ruby knows no other life than the Foundling Hospital where she was brought up. Sent to work as a kitchen maid for the wealthy Preston family her life hardly seems to have changed until she meets handsome policeman Jeremiah (Jerry) Locker. During their brief meetings love blossoms until Ruby is assaulted by Oliver Preston, the son of the house, and finds herself pregnant. Despite her hopes and dreams she realizes there can be no future for her with Jerry. It seems things cannot get worse for her. But then she is accused of involvement in the spate of burglaries carried out on the big houses in the square where she lives. Can Jerry prove her innocence and can Ruby overcome the stigma of an illegitimate pregnancy?
Farewell Anatolia is a tale of paradise lost and of shattered innocence; a tragic fresco of the fall of Hellenism in Asia Minor; a stinging indictment of Great Power politics, oil-lust and corruption. Dido Soteriou's novel - a perennial best-seller in Greece since it first appeared in 1962 - tells the story of Manolis Axiotis, a poor but resourceful villager born near the ancient ruins of Ephesus. Axiotis is a fictional protagonist and eyewitness to an authentic nightmare: Greece's "Asia Minor Catastrophe," the death or expulsion of two million Greeks from Turkey by Kemal Attaturk's revolutionary forces in the late summer of 1922. Manolis Axiotis' chronicle of personal fortitude, betrayed hope, and defeat resonates with the greater tragedy of two nations: Greece, vanquished and humiliated; Turkey, bloodily victorious. Two neighbours linked by bonds of culture and history yet diminished by mutual greed, cruelty and bloodshed.
Since the adoption of the Accra Declaration by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in Accra, Ghana, 2004 churches in the Reformed communion all over the world have been confronted with some of the most burning issues of our day: globalisation in the myriad life-changing ways it impacts on the world and the lives of ordinary people in communities everywhere.
An historical account of the political and intellectual atmosphere of the USA in the early 20th century, which contends that the old order was being challenged and altered long before World War I. The study examines the ideas and literature of the periods before and after the War.