Download Free Fao Yearbook Fishery And Aquaculture Statistics 2019 Fao Annuaire Statistiques Des Peches Et De Laquaculture 2019 Fao Anuario Estadisticas De Pesca Y Acuicultura 2019 Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Fao Yearbook Fishery And Aquaculture Statistics 2019 Fao Annuaire Statistiques Des Peches Et De Laquaculture 2019 Fao Anuario Estadisticas De Pesca Y Acuicultura 2019 and write the review.

The FAO Yearbook of fishery and aquaculture statistics is a compilation of statistical data on capture fisheries and aquaculture production, employment, commodities production and trade, apparent fish consumption and fishing fleets. It is structured into a booklet (containing summary tables, notes on major trends, concepts, classifications and a map of FAO major fishing areas), and a set of additional statistical tables available online. L’Annuaire des statistiques des pêches et de l’aquaculture de la FAO est une compilation de données statistiques sur les captures, la production de l’aquaculture, l’emploi, la production et le commerce des produits halieutiques, les bilans alimentaires et les flottes. L’Annuaire est composé d’un fascicule (contenant des tableaux résumés, des notes sur les tendances principales, une description des concepts et des classements, ainsi qu’une carte des principales zones de pêche de la FAO) et des tableaux statistiques supplémentaires disponibles en ligne. El Anuario de estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura de la FAO es una compilación de datos estadísticos sobre las capturas, la producción de acuicultura, el empleo, la producción y el comercio de los productos pesqueros, las hojas de balance de alimentos y las flotas. El Anuario se compone de un cuadernillo (con cuadros resúmenes, notas sobre las tendencias principales, conceptos básicos y clasificaciones, así como un mapa de las principales zonas de pesca de la FAO) y de un conjunto de cuadros estadísticos adicionales disponibles en línea.
The FAO Yearbook of fishery and aquaculture statistics is a compilation of statistical data on capture fisheries and aquaculture production, employment, commodities production and trade, apparent fish consumption and fishing fleets. It is structured into a booklet (containing summary tables, notes on major trends, concepts, classifications and a map of FAO major fishing areas) and a USB card presenting the full yearbook package with the complete set of statistical tables. L’Annuaire des statistiques des pêches et de l’aquaculture de la FAO est une compilation de données statistiques sur les captures, la production de l’aquaculture, l’emploi, la production et le commerce des produits halieutiques, les bilans alimentaires et les flottes. L’Annuaire est composé d’un fascicule (contenant des tableaux résumés, des notes sur les tendances principales, une description des concepts et des classements, ainsi qu’une carte des principales zones de pêche de la FAO) et d’une clé USB incluant la collection complète des tableaux statistiques de l’Annuaire. El Anuario de estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura de la FAO es una compilación de datos estadísticos sobre las capturas, la producción de acuicultura, el empleo, la producción y el comercio de los productos pesqueros, las hojas de balance de alimentos y las flotas. El Anuario se compone de un cuadernillo (con cuadros resúmenes, notas sobre las tendencias principales, conceptos básicos y clasificaciones, así como un mapa de las principales zonas de pesca de la FAO) y de una tarjeta USB que incluye toda el conjunto completo de los cuadros estadísticos del Anuario.
The FAO Yearbook of fishery and aquaculture statistics is a compilation of statistical data on capture fisheries and aquaculture production, employment, commodities production and trade, apparent fish consumption and fishing fleets. It is structured into a booklet (containing summary tables, notes on major trends, concepts, classifications and a map of FAO major fishing areas) and a USB card presenting the full yearbook package with all the key information and the complete set of statistical tables. L’Annuaire des statistiques des pêches et de l’aquaculture de la FAO est une compilation de données statistiques sur les captures, la production de l’aquaculture, l’emploi, la production et le commerce des produits halieutiques, les bilans alimentaires et les flottes. L’Annuaire est composé d’un fascicule (contenant des tableaux résumés, des notes sur les tendances principales, une description des concepts et des classements, ainsi qu’une carte des principales zones de pêche de la FAO) et d’une clé USB incluant la totalité des renseignements et la collection complète des tableaux statistiques de l’Annuaire. El Anuario de estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura de la FAO es una compilación de datos estadísticos sobre las capturas, la producción de acuicultura, el empleo, la producción y el comercio de los productos pesqueros, las hojas de balance de alimentos y las flotas. El Anuario se compone de un cuadernillo (con cuadros resúmenes, notas sobre las tendencias principales, conceptos básicos y clasificaciones, así como un mapa de las principales zonas de pesca de la FAO) y de una tarjeta USB que incluye toda la información y el conjunto completo de los cuadros estadísticos del Anuario.
This book provides comprehensive information on several dimensions of blue revolution in a structured form. Material provided in the book has been gathered from several relevant published sources and views expressed are based on practical field experience of the authors. Blue revolution would be one of the big game changers for the Indian economy. The subject of sustainable development of fisheries sector being very vast, concerted efforts have been made to accommodate all the relevant elements. Very little reading material with proper analysis is currently available and this book is expected to bridge the gap and project way-forward to achieve sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture in India under the blue revolution. The book is organised under 13 chapters covering wide ranging subjects that include fish production, processing, marketing, exports/imports of fishery products; ecolabelling; role of industry in promoting sustainability in fishing and aquaculture; sustainability issues in marine/inland fisheries/aquaculture; and fisheries regulations and legislations. Information has been provided on Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) particularly SDG 14 (Life Below Water); components of blue economy; Government of India fisheries development initiatives; and executive summary of recently launched PMMSY. Emerging plant and cell-based seafood segment; overall impacts of climate change; and impact of recent pandemic COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture are discussed under separate chapters. Finally, a chapter on ‘Way Forward’ is included that suggests practical management measures, technology infusion, technical interventions along with few innovative concepts and approaches towards achieving blue revolution. Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
This book reviews up-to-date knowledge on the biology and aquaculture of tilapia, with special focus on the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Tilapia are a group of fish species that have become one of the most cultured worldwide, currently having a big economic impact on both developed and developing countries. The first 12 chapters of the present book cover different aspects of tilapia biology such as genetics, nutrition, osmoregulation, pathology, reproduction and development. Each chapter includes both basic knowledge and its application to tilapia culture. The last 3 chapters are devoted to cutting-edge techniques for the industry of tilapia aquaculture. Experts from both academia and research institutes provide their expertise on the present book.
This world review of capture fisheries and aquaculture insurance presents the findings of five regional and four national reports conducted in 2020. An estimated 450 000 fishing vessels worldwide are covered by marine hull insurance. Nearly all of the estimated 67 800 large-scale industrial fishing vessels are covered by marine hull insurance, as well as 50–60 percent of the estimated 430 000 semi-industrial fishing vessels. However, over 95 percent of the 2.3 million motorized small-scale fishing vessels operate uninsured. Most small-scale fishers do not have access to adequate insurance services. Between 2009 and 2019, underwriting experiences in fishing vessel insurance were generally reported as “Good”. What is more, access to accident, life and health insurance services for crew on fishing vessels and small-scale fishers in developing countries has improved in recent years. In 2020, the number of aquaculture insurance policies in force was estimated at over 40 000 worldwide, with China and Indonesia the largest markets for this type of insurance. While large-scale aquaculture producers are well served by the insurance industry, the provision of insurance is inadequate for mediumand small-scale farmers, particularly in Asia. Underwriting experiences for aquaculture stock mortality insurance were reported as “Good” to “Very good” (40 percent), or “Neutral” (36 percent). The insurance industry has consolidated the market and increased profitability in aquaculture insurance. This world review contains information on the capture fisheries and aquaculture insurance market, the prevailing underwriting practices, perils covered, policies in force, risk management and claim handling procedures. Finally, it offers a series of recommendations for increasing insurance service provision to the fisheries and aquaculture industries.
Available online: For most of the Nordic countries, fisheries and aquaculture are important economic sectors. Their labour markets are however male-dominated, and strongly gender-segregated. This report serves as a critical resource for understanding the current state of gender equality in the maritime sector. It offers actionable recommendations for policymakers, industry leaders, and educational institutions to promote gender equality and harness the potential and value of women in this field.
Ecosystem valuation is a process that assigns a monetary value to the benefits that are provided by an ecosystem and its ecosystem services. This study carries out the economic valuation of marine and estuarine coastal ecosystem services in the Canary Current Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). The CCLME stretches along the coast of Western Africa, from Morocco to Guinea, and is characterized by high biological productivity due to the upwelling of deep, cold oceanic waters along this coast. This also supports a high abundance of fish resources (both pelagic and demersal) and overall high biodiversity. This study reviews and assesses ecosystem services provided by the marine areas, coastal mangroves and seagrass meadows. These coastal areas not only provide habitats for some commercial fish species, but also feeding grounds, nurseries, or refuges. Therefore, mangroves and seagrasses can play an important role in maintaining fish stocks. L’évaluation des écosystèmes est un processus qui attribue une valeur monétaire aux avantages offerts par un écosystème et ses services écosystémiques. Cette étude cherche à réaliser une évaluation économique des services des écosystèmes côtiers marins et estuariens dans l’écosystème marin du courant des Canaries (CCLME). Le CCLME s’étend le long des côtes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, du Maroc à la Guinée, et se caractérise par une productivité biologique élevée due à la remontée d’eaux océaniques froides et profondes (upwelling) le long de cette côte. Cela favorise également une grande abondance de ressources halieutiques (pélagiques et démersales) et une biodiversité globale élevée. Cette étude examine et évalue les services écosystémiques fournis par les zones marines, les mangroves côtières et les herbiers marins. Ces zones côtières fournissent non seulement des habitats pour certaines espèces de poissons commerciales, mais constituent également des aires d’alimentation, de nourriceries ou des refuges. Par conséquent, les mangroves et les herbiers marins peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le maintien des stocks de poissons.
This new textbook provides an accessible introduction to sustainable aquaculture through its relationship with three key pillars: the environment, the economy, and society. As the demand for seafood keeps increasing, aquaculture is considered one of the most promising and sustainable ways to satisfy this demand with nutritious and high-quality food. It is important to understand, therefore, the wider role and impact aquaculture has on the environment, the economy, and society. The book begins by providing a foundational introduction to aquaculture and sustainability, discussing the complex and interdependent relationship that exists between the two. The core text of the book is divided into four parts which focus on the environment, economics, social impacts, and governance and technologies. Chapters examine key issues surrounding climate change, food security, new technologies, bioeconomics and risk analysis, international cooperation, employment, and animal welfare, with the book concluding with a chapter examining the future directions and challenges for the aquaculture industry. The book draws on global case studies and each chapter is accompanied by recommended reading and chapter review questions to support student learning. This book will serve as an essential guide for students of aquaculture, fisheries management, and sustainable food, as well as practitioners and policymakers engaged in sustainable fishery development.