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Exposes a serious problem within today's Christian Church and offers the solution. In this book, learn what these false gods are and be able to recognize them. It is important for Christians to put aside these false gods and return to the one true God!
The issue of idolatry has been with the human race for thousands of years; the subtle temptation is always to take what is good and turn it into the ultimate good, elevating it above all other things in the search for security and meaning. In this timely and challenging book, New York pastor Timothy Keller looks at the issue of idolatry throughout the Bible -- from the worship of actual idols in the Old Testament, to the idolatry of money by the rich young ruler when he was challenged by Jesus to give up all his wealth. Using classic stories from the Bible Keller cuts through our dependence on the glittering false idols of money, sex and power to uncover the path towards trust in the real ultimate -- God. Today's idols may look different from those of the Old Testament, but Keller argues that they are no less damaging. Culturally transforming as well as biblically based, COUNTERFEIT GODS is a powerful look at the temptation to worship what can only disappoint, and is a vital message in today's current climate of financial and social difficulty.
“If I had my entire life to live over, I’d choose to be a preacher again. It’s been extremely rewarding and gratifying. But I could do ministry a lot better if given a second try. As I look back on my forty years at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, I wish I had a mulligan. This book lists seven things I’d do differently and seven I’d do about the same. They are written in hopes they’ll be a source of encouragement for those growing weary and losing heart. I pray my observations will inspire others to conclude, ‘If he can do it, I can, too.’ In this book I share both the joys and sorrows of my ministry, both the successes and failures. I’m going to be as transparent as possible in hopes that it will encourage ministers to stand firm in the faith and be faithful unto death. If just one minister is motivated to pick up the sword of the Spirit and re-enter the battle, it will be well worth the effort.” — Bob Russell
Jesus warned that when He returns in judgment, "many" will call Him "Lord," and say that they have "prophesied, cast out devils, and done many wonderful things" in His, Jesus', name. To which He will reply that, He "never knew" them (Matthew 7:22-23). Which Jesus is it then, that these "many" false Christians are doing works in the name of, and calling "lord," if not the authentic Jesus of the Bible?When the character and nature of the God of the Bible is changed in any way, a new false god is born. A false god who has a false god son, named Jesus. In this age of Postmodern Progressivism, where truth is relative and under emphasized, and there are 35,000 different denominations, one needs to be careful they are calling the correct Jesus, "lord." The responsibility of getting this right cannot be deferred to anyone: not your pastor, not your priest, and not the pope.Author, Doug Hooley, discusses the history and underlying causes of what is contributing to a startling yet stealthy and seldom recognized problem today; polytheism, the worship of many false gods, within the Church! Doug discusses how to recognize a "not-quite-Jesus," and utilizing biblical principles, guard against such false gods that come in the name of Christ. According to research, people are leaving traditional churches in droves. They are no longer content with traditional religion that has strayed so far from the truth, that even words such as "faith," "hope," and "belief," have lost their original meaning as used in the first century. Many are hungering and searching for the authentic Jesus of the Bible. They are longing to hear His true and complete good news, instead of carrying the weight of traditional religious burdens on their backs. They are looking for the Jesus that came to free them from such burdens and the false gods of religious imaginations who would have them be in bondage. False Christian Gods: Choose Your Jesus Wisely, is a tool to help those who are in search of the authentic Jesus, and His authentic truth.
Are there false, fruitless and even deceptive predators in the pulpits of the modern church? If so, are these deceivers leading multitudes to the worship of false gods through their damnable heresies? Are "seeker-friendly" churches creating a new class of "Christians" who have no concept of authentic, Biblical Christianity? Are there leaders who are building their own kingdoms in lieu of God's and doing so on your dime? Are we hearing the full counsel of the LORD from those in leadership, or the psychology and programs of mere men? Are beguiling emissaries in our midst drawing believers away from pure devotion and intimacy with Jesus Christ? Do these things exist within your local fellowship? Are you truly being instructed in the right ways of the LORD? Explore the answers to these and many more questions in this bold, insightful, and resourceful look at the church world today. WHAT YOU WILL GAIN FROM READING THIS BOOK: What specific erroneous teachings are circulating in the church world and how to identify and expose them How to discern the genuine leaders who truly follow the Word and Spirit of God, from the false and fruitless who are using God's money to build their own kingdoms How to please the LORD by positioning and establishing His written revelation as final authority in your personal life How to discern and cease wasting your brief existence on this earth supporting wolves in sheep's clothing How to serve God with a loving and concerned heart from the foundation of divine immutable truth "Todd has addressed the number one issue of today's Christian culture. A subtle enemy has been invading our Christian churches and lulling Christians to sleep. This book is a dynamic tool for the discerning Christian who wants to be an effective servant of the LORD." Dan White
What if the very foundations of your beliefs have been infiltrated by modern idols, subtly leading you away from the true path? In "The Seven False Gods of America," Bishop Al Cheeks exposes the seven insidious forces that have taken hold of American culture and, alarmingly, the Church itself. Through a prophetic lens, Bishop Al Cheeks delivers a powerful and urgent message, revealing how materialism, individualism, hedonism, entertainment, politics, technology, and self-image have become the modern-day golden calves that many unwittingly worship. These false gods, propagated by the media and even some churches, have led believers astray, diverting their devotion from God to the fleeting promises of worldly success and pleasure. Drawing from over 30 years of experience in church planting and Christian leadership, Bishop Al Cheeks combines contemporary language with the timeless wisdom of the King James Bible, making complex spiritual concepts accessible and relatable. Each section meticulously dissects a false god, providing historical context, biblical critique, and practical steps for breaking free from its grasp. "The Seven False Gods of America" is not just a book but a clarion call to return to the true worship of God. It challenges readers to reflect on their lives, recognize the idols they may be serving, and make a radical shift towards authentic faith. This book is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the cultural forces at play in their spiritual journey and desiring a more profound, undiluted relationship with God. Join Bishop Al Cheeks in this riveting exploration and stand firm against the false idols of our age. Embrace the truth, renew your faith, and prepare for a transformative spiritual awakening. Purchase your copy today and begin the journey to spiritual freedom and renewal.
In The Myth of Persecution, Candida Moss, a leading expert on early Christianity, reveals how the early church exaggerated, invented, and forged stories of Christian martyrs and how the dangerous legacy of a martyrdom complex is employed today to silence dissent and galvanize a new generation of culture warriors. According to cherished church tradition and popular belief, before the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal in the fourth century, early Christians were systematically persecuted by a brutal Roman Empire intent on their destruction. As the story goes, vast numbers of believers were thrown to the lions, tortured, or burned alive because they refused to renounce Christ. These saints, Christianity's inspirational heroes, are still venerated today. Moss, however, exposes that the "Age of Martyrs" is a fiction—there was no sustained 300-year-long effort by the Romans to persecute Christians. Instead, these stories were pious exaggerations; highly stylized rewritings of Jewish, Greek, and Roman noble death traditions; and even forgeries designed to marginalize heretics, inspire the faithful, and fund churches. The traditional story of persecution is still taught in Sunday school classes, celebrated in sermons, and employed by church leaders, politicians, and media pundits who insist that Christians were—and always will be—persecuted by a hostile, secular world. While violence against Christians does occur in select parts of the world today, the rhetoric of persecution is both misleading and rooted in an inaccurate history of the early church. Moss urges modern Christians to abandon the conspiratorial assumption that the world is out to get Christians and, rather, embrace the consolation, moral instruction, and spiritual guidance that these martyrdom stories provide.
Join pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman as he illustrates a clear path away from the heartache of our twenty-first-century idolatry and back to the heart of God--enabling us to be completely committed followers of Jesus. What do Netflix, our desire for the corner office, and that perfect picture we just posted on Instagram have to do with each other? None of these things are wrong in and of themselves. But when we begin to allow entertainment, success, or social media to control us, we miss out on the joy of God's rule in our hearts. In Gods at War, Idleman helps every believer recognize that there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives. According to Idleman, idolatry isn't an issue; it is the issue. And he reveals which false gods we are allowing on the throne of our lives by asking insightful questions, including: What do you sacrifice for? What makes you mad? What do you worry about? Whose applause do you long for? We're all wired for worship, but we often end up valuing and honoring the idols of money, sex, food, romance, success, and many others that keep us from the intimate relationship with God that we desire. In this updated and expanded edition of Gods at War, Idleman adds a new introduction as well as new content about the battle many of us face with technology, whether we are tempted to send just one more text, stay online when our bodies need rest, or put email before in-person relationships, teaching us how to seek God with our whole heart instead. Praise for Gods at War: "Today's false gods are more tempting than ever as they promise comfort, wealth, and happiness. Kyle Idleman equips us to kill the deceitful pests that harass our hearts. Get ready for battle." --Mark Batterson, pastor, National Community Church, and bestselling author of The Circle Maker "Don't just read this book--read it now! Kyle's words will dig deep to expose the false gods that drive us away from the real One. In these pages, liberation awaits." --Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith
Have you ever listened to a preacher bring a sermon on the pre-tribulation rapture? How wonderful it will be when we are all caught up with Jesus just before everything breaks loose here on earth? What about the one that is preached on how and why the Sabbath was changed to Sunday and give a list of reasons; none of them found in the Bible. Then there is tithing? They make sure to let us know we demonstrate our obedience through paying our tithing and giving back to God/Yahweh, and when we do not, we can be cursed or not be blessed as we should. We cannot forget the sermon on the Gifts of God/Yahweh that are no longer for the church. These and other doctrinal views are commonly preached in the main stream Christian Churches today. They are based off opinion of men and are often argued with verses from the Bible that have been taken out of context. It is interesting that the evangelical churches today claim to take and read the Bible literally. They claim every word to be the inerrant word of God/Yahweh. Many of them treat the Bible as God/Yahweh, yet there is not a verse that can be found that says the Sabbath was changed to a Sunday, that the Saints will be raptured before the tribulation, or the church is to pay tithing. Nowhere will you find the Holy Spirit only gives just some of the gifts on the list to believers today. You will not find a verse that specifically tells you once you are saved you are always saved. Instead, you will find volumes of verses that contradict each of these false doctrines being preached.So, what does that say about our contemporary church today, the one that claims to take each word, statement, or verse literally, the very ones preaching about false teachers, teaching themselves, false doctrine?