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Everything in Its Place: The Life and Works of Virgilio Pinera: is a seminal book that fills a major gap in Cuban and Latin American literary criticism. In addition to being the most comprehensive study to date of the life and work of Virgilio Pinera, this is the first book in English on this major twentieth-century Cuban author. In this study Thomas F. Anderson draws extensively on unpublished manuscripts and diverse critical writings, bringing new insights into how Pinera's works responded to key literary influences as well as events in his life and in Cuban political and cultural history.
El diccionari UB anglès-català és el resultat d’una activitat conjunta de diferents agents que, de manera complementària, han sumat coneixements, continguts i tecnologia per fer una obra de referència rigorosa, posada al dia, útil a un ampli sector de la ciutadania i que contribueixi a eixamplar els horitzons culturals i lingüístics no solament de la comunitat universitària, sinó de la societat catalana...Pel seu contingut, constitueix una obra idònia tant per als usuaris comuns de la llengua com per a especialistes d’un ampli ventall de sectors professionals, així com per al professorat i estudiants universitaris i de cursos avançats de secundària. La mobilitat estudiantil a nivell internacional el converteix en un company de viatge imprescindible per als estudiants catalans que viatgen a l’estranger i en una eina bàsica per al coneixement de la llengua i la cultura catalanes per als qui vénen a completar els seus estudis al nostre país.
Mist (Niebla), published in 1914, is one of Miguel de Unamuno's key works; a truly Modernist work of Europe-wide significance which aims to shatter the conventions of fiction, using the novel as a vehicle for exploration of philosophical themes. The plot revolves around the character of Augusto, a wealthy, intellectual and introverted young man and his love affair with Eugenia, which eventually ends in heartbreak. Augusto decides to kill himself, but decides that he needs to consult Unamuno himself, who had written an article on suicide which Augusto had read. When Augusto speaks with Unamuno, the truth is revealed that Augusto is actually a fictional character whom Unamuno has created. Augusto is not real, Unamuno explains, and for that reason cannot kill himself. Augusto asserts that he exists, even though he acknowledges internally that he doesn't, and threatens Unamuno by telling him that he is not the ultimate author. Augusto reminds Unamuno that he might be just one of God's dreams. Augusto dies and the book ends with the author himself debating to himself about bringing back the character of Augusto. He establishes, however, that this would not be feasible. Following on from his translation of Abel Sanchez , John Macklin's edition provides a much needed new English translation, alongside the Spanish text, together with a substantial introduction.
This dictionary consists of some 25,000 terms and references in both Spanish and English, drawn from all the major areas in the field of Telecommunications. It includes comprehensive labelling of subject areas, detailed abbreviation entries including cross-reference links to full forms, full British and American English coverage of lexical and spelling variants presented in clear layout and typography. Este diccionario consta de unos 25.000 términos y referencias tanto en español como en inglés, procedentes de las principales áreas del campo de las Telecomunicaciones. Incluye etiquetado completo de áreas temáticas, entradas de abreviaturas detalladas que incluyen enlaces de referencia cruzada a formularios completos, cobertura completa en inglés británico y americano de variantes léxicas y ortográficas presentadas en un diseño y tipografía claros.
Esta es la historia de la trama secreta del apoyo Soviético durante la guerra de Malvinas.'Todo comenzó con reuniones secretas entre agentes de la SIDE y la KGB.La OTAN y los Estados Unidos, conjuntamente bloquearon el envío de armas para Argentina. Esta historia revela el camino de esas armas y tecnologías, y cómo las grandes potencias intervinieron directamente en dicho conflicto.
In recent years adaptation studies has established itself as a discipline in its own right, separate from translation studies. The bulk of its activity to date has been restricted to literature and film departments, focussing on questions of textual transfer and adaptation of text to film. It is however, much more interdisciplinary, and is not simply a case of transferring content from one medium to another. This collection furthers the research into exactly what the act of adaptation involves and whether it differs from other acts of textual rewriting. In addition, the 'cultural turn' in translation studies has prompted many scholars to consider adaptation as a form of inter-semiotic translation. But what does this mean, and how can we best theorize it? What are the semiotic systems that underlie translation and adaptation? Containing theoretical chapters and personal accounts of actual adaptions and translations, this is an original contribution to translation and adaptation studies which will appeal to researchers and graduate students.