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The Faith We Proclaim! In The Postmodern Age. Everybody Wants IT. Few people have it. Faith. But Jesus came, defeated Satan, and took the authority from him that was originally Adam’s. He reinstated man in a position of fellowship with God. Those who accepted Jesus through faith became born again, and they were made the righteousness of God. The God kind of faith took up residence in their hearts. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus is the author and finisher (Developer) of our faith. He reintroduced it into the earth. The faith revolutions will continue, in the postmodern age. Join Dr. Anderson as he unlocks the scriptural faith, of our Lord Jesus Christ in showing us: • How having the faith of Jesus is vitally important • Dr. Anderson has opened up the heavens of faith for generations to come. • The Postmodern is the era of the greatest faith being appropriated.
The Faith We Proclaim! In The Postmodern Age. Everybody Wants IT. Few people have it. Faith. But Jesus came, defeated Satan, and took the authority from him that was originally Adam's. He reinstated man in a position of fellowship with God. Those who accepted Jesus through faith became born again, and they were made the righteousness of God. The God kind of faith took up residence in their hearts. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus is the author and finisher (Developer) of our faith. He reintroduced it into the earth. The faith revolutions will continue, in the postmodern age. Join Dr. Anderson as he unlocks the scriptural faith, of our Lord Jesus Christ in showing us: - How having the faith of Jesus is vitally important - Dr. Anderson has opened up the heavens of faith for generations to come. - The Postmodern is the era of the greatest faith being appropriated.
We live in a culture which has broadly rejected the possibility of absolute belief in one overriding truth. And yet we are surrounded by people who do believe, who indeed are often intensely religious, but believe in different things. This fragmentation of culture is a challenge to all major religions. Given that we have to live together, and given that many of our starting points are the same, even if our interpretations are different, how do we cope with the practical, day-to-day task of living and thriving in the same socio-political environment? This key postmodern dilemma is addressed in this valuable collection of essays by all international team of writers. In a postmodern age, can we believe at all? If we accept that we are no longer unique, where does that leave Christian spirituality? British, South African and Jewish writers explore ways in which the question of religion impacts on political life in Britain, South Africa and Israel.
My wife and I love our sons unconditionally and equally. Talking with one of them about his atheism has brought me to a new dimension in my relationship with him, to a review of my own christian beliefs, to a more critical examination of the church, and to a different understanding of ministry in today's world. As personal as I make this all sound, my family represents a thousand families, a hundred thousand and more, who have sat in painful silence because religious differences have taken away their voice. They tire of confrontation, angry discussions, verse hurling and jabbing one another with theories over every conceivable divisive issue. It is a powerful idea that those who do not share our faith should know that we do, not so much in our argument as in our love. It is time to listen.
The modern era is over. Assumptions that shaped twentieth-century thought and culture, the bridges we crossed to this present moment, have blown up. The postmodern age has begun. Just what is postmodernism? The average person would be shocked by its creed: Truth, meaning, and individual identity do not exist. These are social constructs. Human life has no special significance, no more value than animal or plant life. All social relationships, all institutions, all moral values are expressions and masks of the primal will to power. Alarmingly, these ideas have gripped the nation's universities, which turn out today's lawyers, judges, writers, journalists, teachers, and other culture-shapers. Through society's influences, postmodernist ideas have seeped into films, television, art, literature, politics; and, without his knowing it, into the head of the average person on the street. Christ has called us to proclaim the gospel to a culture grappling with postmodernism. We must understand our times. Then, through the power that Christ gives, we can counter the prevailing culture and proclaim His sufficiency to our society's very points of need.
A professor of religion asserts that the difficulties faced in communicating the gospel are as much an opportunity as they are a challenge. This book analyzes contemporary trends in American cultural life related to what those who don't attend church know about Christianity and how they think about questions of ultimate meaning.
Crystal L. Downing introduces students (especially those in the arts) to postmodernism: where it came from, and how Christians can best understand, critique and benefit from its insights.
Michael Green shares his story of faith and ministry—and offers insight into the church’s present challenges and future hope. Michael Green invites us to join him on a journey through a lifetime in Christian ministry. From his conversion to the present day, he recounts times of fruitfulness and failure and points to those people and ideas that have shaped and inspired him. Alongside relating his experiences, Green also reflects on crucial issues in today’s church and world. Ultimately, he sets forth a vision of hope for the future of the worldwide community of God. Evangelical Christians will find Green’s life, work, and ideas inspiring in their own journeys of faith and ministry.
The philosophies of French thinkers Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault form the basis for postmodern thought and are seemingly at odds with the Christian faith. However, James K. A. Smith claims that their ideas have been misinterpreted and actually have a deep affinity with central Christian claims. Each chapter opens with an illustration from a recent movie and concludes with a case study considering recent developments in the church that have attempted to respond to the postmodern condition, such as the "emerging church" movement. These case studies provide a concrete picture of how postmodern ideas can influence the way Christians think and worship. This significant book, winner of a Christianity Today 2007 Book Award, avoids philosophical jargon and offers fuller explanation where needed. It is the first book in the Church and Postmodern Culture series, which provides practical applications for Christians engaged in ministry in a postmodern world.
Most of us realize that traffic laws exist to preserve our lives, not cramp them. Yet when it comes to moral laws, 66 percent of Americans believe there are no absolutes. Is it any wonder, then, that the highway of our postmodern culture is strewn with wrecks? Broken marriages, overcrowded prisons, murder in the classrooms, babies having babies - -they're what happen when we confuse liberty with ignoring the rules of the road. That's why Michael Moriarty is convinced that the Ten Commandments really are The Perfect 10. Behind them lie God's concern for our welfare and his understanding of the indelible truths that govern our world, our relationships, and our inner being. One by one, Moriarty reveals the Ten Commandments as the keys to wholeness and freedom and shows their far-reaching application for us today. For the Perfect 10 remain the ideal ethical compass. They help us align our lives with the character of God; and to a world hurtling blindly down the dead-end road or moral relativism, they point the way back to sanity, restoration, and life.