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"The connection between faith, leadership and public service is a complex one. Preston Manning knows all too well from his years as a path-blazer and party leader of the loyal opposition in our legislative assembly. Now, in his new book Faith, Leadership and Public Life: Leadership Lessons from Moses to Jesus he fearlessly tackles this subject head on by drawing upon his own years in politics and then skillfully intertwining the lessons learned by comparing them with the lives of the best known leaders of the old and new testaments. Starting with Joseph, and systematically working his way through the lives and lessons of all the best leaders, highlighting his analysis with the life of Jesus, he challenges people of faith to learn from their examples and to learn to live and conduct ourselves responsibly at the faith-political interface. He shows us how we can be seen by others as non-coercive and credible contributors to public discourse, so that we are a credit and not a discredit to our own faith and faith communities, and still make a great impact around us. If you are a leader, the experiences and insights you will glean in the following pages will help you in meeting those challenges."--Provided by publisher.
The connection between faith, leadership and public life is a complex one as Preston Manning knows all too well from his years as a scout and trailblazer on Canada’s political frontiers. Now, in his new book Faith, Leadership and Public Life: Leadership Lessons from Moses to Jesus he fearlessly tackles this subject by drawing upon his own years in Canada’s parliament and political arena and upon relevant lessons to be learned from the public lives of the founding giants of Judaism and the Christian faith. Starting with the public life of Jesus himself, he also draws upon the experience of those leaders whom Jesus most frequently referenced such as Moses and David, as well as examining the lives of leaders such as Joseph and Daniel who were called upon to exercise their faith in societies and political systems hostile to their beliefs. He challenges people of faith today to learn from their examples about how to conduct ourselves responsibly at the faith-political interface, while bringing what Jesus called “salt and light” to bear on the political issues and structures of our times. If you are a person of faith, currently active in politics or leadership, or contemplating involvement in either, the following pages will help you in meeting those challenges.
Christian ministry is deeply concerned with proclaiming the transforming power of God??'s gift of faith in the daily lives of disciples. How is it, then, that so often Christian faith fails to orient our lives? Christian Scharen offers the compelling argument that such a way of life needs communities and leaders that build and communicate faith as foundation. Pastors will be able to impart this vision of faith, he cautions, only if they themselves are compelled by it and if their parishioners find that the model helps them make sense of life as a whole. Faith as a Way of Life is one response to this call for reflection on Christian faith as an orienting force impacting every aspect of daily life. Scharen examines the powerful languages that can replace faith language? emotion-driven therapeutic and results-driven managerial models? and shows how their domination leads to faith becoming a weak sibling. He directly engages the problems these languages often lead to with the hope of fostering pastoral leadership grounded in a vision of faith as a way of life. Faith as a Way of Life is an engaging and encouraging examination of how pastoral leaders can model and mediate faith as the beating heart pumping life-blood through every sphere of life
Eminently readible, current, and comprhensive, this acclaimed text sets the standard for instruction in
This book brings the best of leadership theory and research together with biblical reflection and examples of leadership in action to offer a practical guide to Christian leaders. Combining expertise in leadership studies and biblical studies, Justin Irving and Mark Strauss explore how leadership models have moved from autocratic and paternalistic leader-centered models toward an increased focus on followers. The authors show how contemporary theories such as transformational leadership, authentic leadership, and servant leadership take an important step toward prioritizing and empowering followers who work with leaders to accomplish organizational goals. Irving and Strauss organize their book around "nine empowering practices," making it accessible to students, church leaders, and business leaders. Integrating solid research in leadership studies with biblical and theological reflection on the leadership ideas that are most compatible with Christian faith, this book is an important resource for all Christian students of leadership.
Covering such timely issues as witness in a multifaith society and political engagement in a pluralistic world, this compelling book highlights things Christians can do to serve the common good. Now in paperback. Praise for the cloth edition Named one of the "Top 100 Books" and one of the "Top 10 Religion Books" of 2011 by Publishers Weekly "Accessible, wise guidance for people of all faiths."--Publishers Weekly (starred review) "Highly original. . . . The book deserves a wide audience and is one that will affect its readers well after they have turned the final page."--Christianity Today (5-star review)
Here are 8 prominent women in leadership in Canada who are led by God’s Spirit, who have come forward to serve as mentors and models for others. As successful, godly Canadian women, each is a distinguished leader in her field, willing to share the unique stories and lessons of their journeys, communicating with utmost authenticity and integrity. Be inspired and edified.
How can the church move forward in unity amid such political strife and cultural contention? As Christians, we’ve felt pushed to the outskirts of national public life, yet even within our congregations we are divided about how to respond. Some want to strengthen the evangelical voting bloc. Others focus on social justice causes, and still others would abandon the public square altogether. What do we do when brothers and sisters in Christ sit next to each other in the pews but feel divided and angry? Is there a way forward? In How the Nations Rage, political theology scholar and pastor Jonathan Leeman challenges Christians from across the spectrum to hit the restart button by shifting our focus from redeeming the nation to living as a nation already redeemed rejecting the false allure of building heaven on earth while living faithfully as citizens of a heavenly kingdom letting Jesus’ teaching shape our public engagement as we love our neighbors and seek justice When we identify with Christ more than a political party or social grouping, we can return to the church’s unchanging political task: to become the salt and light Jesus calls us to be and offer the hope of his kingdom to the nations.
For thirty years Jesus of Nazareth lived and worked in obscurity. Then for three short years he taught and worked in public. While his ultimate mission was a spiritual one, he nevertheless chose to use a political word--the "kingdom" of God--to define it. He never sought nor held public office, but he and his followers have been politically influential for twenty centuries. For those engaged in public life of any kind, there is much to learn and profit from examining the public life of Jesus. This book considers what contemporary Christians who wish to participate in the political culture and systems of our times can learn from Jesus' life.
In the wake of the 2004 election, pundits were shocked at exit polling that showed that 22% of voters thought 'moral values' was the most important issue at stake. People on both sides of the political divide believed this was the key to victory for George W. Bush, who professes a deep and abiding faith in God. While some fervent Bush supporters see him as a man chosen by God for the White House, opponents see his overt commitment to Christianity as a dangerous and unprecedented bridging of the gap between church and state. In fact, Gary Scott Smith shows, none of this is new. Religion has been a major part of the presidency since George Washington's first inaugural address. Despite the mounting interest in the role of religion in American public life, we actually know remarkably little about the faith of our presidents. Was Thomas Jefferson an atheist, as his political opponents charged? What role did Lincoln's religious views play in his handling of slavery and the Civil War? How did born-again Southern Baptist Jimmy Carter lose the support of many evangelicals? Was George W. Bush, as his critics often claimed, a captive of the religious right? In this fascinating book, Smith answers these questions and many more. He takes a sweeping look at the role religion has played in presidential politics and policies. Drawing on extensive archival research, Smith paints compelling portraits of the religious lives and presidencies of eleven chief executives for whom religion was particularly important. Faith and the Presidency meticulously examines what each of its subjects believed and how those beliefs shaped their presidencies and, in turn, the course of our history.