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Do you want to live for Jesus but struggle with what that means day by day? The deep desire of our hearts to be close to God is so easily sidetracked by daily realities. This book is designed to cover the areas of faith and life that you most want to bring together under God's leadership: decision-making dating and relationships racial reconciliation suffering experiencing God loving your parents emotional healing time management everyday evangelism hope for times of failure Following Jesus is a wild and wonderful journey. It is perhaps the riskiest choice you will ever make. And the most rewarding. Come and see.
From Catholic website with a cultural, intellectual, and an orthodox point of view--comes this compelling collection of twenty-one unique and powerful personal narratives. Gathering the experiences, fears, and joys of young adult Catholics whose search for faith often puts them on a collision-course with modern society, this anthology explores the mysterious, exhilarating, and sometimes infuriating terrain of faith. With celebrated contributors like Anna Broadway, Matthew Lickona, and John Zmirak, and compelling personal narratives like "Porn and the Sacred Heart" and "My Tallahassee Purgatory," these essays give voice to the struggles and triumphs of a new generation of Catholics who are transforming the Church.
Wennberg explores the important questions of existential doubt using the wisdom and insight of such figures as Blaise Pascal, G.K. Chesterton, Simone Weil, C.S. Lewis, and Martin Marty. He lays out a credible theological account of what happens during doubt.
"Loren Cunningham's dream began with a vision--waves of young people moving out across the continents announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Decades later, Loren's vision has grown into an interdenominational movement of Christians from around the world who are dedicated to presenting the gospel to this generation. Loren speaks and teaches internationally, and his missionary travels have taken him to every nation on earth. Loren Cunningham illustrates that trusting God in every area, including finances, is not just for those Christians called into "full-time" ministry. Every Christian, regardless of vocation, can enter into the adventure of living by faith by firmly committing to obey God's will. A Christian who has experienced God's provision will be spoiled for the ordinary.
Beginning with an autobiographical journey through his disappointing experiences with faith and learning, both in his student and professorial career in Christian colleges, David Claerbaut addresses the issues of faith and learning in higher education.
In his memoir, A Certain Risk, author Paul Richardson reminds you that the Creator designed you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions. Rather than offering a series of how-to steps, Richardson offers you a refreshing vision of what a Spirit-fueled life looks like - a vision that sees Christianity as a fluid, innovative...
Black and white photographs explore both the history of Goa's Catholic past and its struggle to deal with its multicultural multireligious present.
A major voice in liberation theology and once silenced for a year by the pope for his outspoken views, Leonardo Boff here presents a collection of his controversial essays attacking poverty and political persecution. As a Brazilian, Boff is witness to, and active in, the liberation movement within the Catholic Church in Latin America. He claims that the Church there is redefining itself as a modern, populist movement. It is [in Latin America], writes Boff, that the Church of the future is being molded. There are more Catholics in Latin America than on any other continent. Soon more than half of the members of the Church will live here. European countries, with their demographic decline and meager religious creativity - their theology, liturgy, and pastoral ministry consisting almost entirely of syntheses of material drawn from the past - are gradually losing their universal relevance . . . It is in Latin America that the Church's principal new challenges are appearing. What is the relationship between the gospel and the liberation of the oppressed? How can Christian love be reconciled with participation in the wild class struggle taking place around us? How can Christianity help overcome the relations of international injustice prevailing in the unequal relationships between rich countries and poor ones? Advocating a sympathetic but critical relationship between liberation theology and Marxism, Boff claims that historical materialism is the social - scientific method conducive to liberation theology. He also discusses the political dimension of faith, the Church's role in the struggle for human rights, the nature of the popular Church, the rights of the poor and the oppressed, and the kind of future they may anticipate. Boff's bold reflections on these and other issues make vital reading for anyone concerned with faith and justice in today's world.
Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth explores how Christian spirituality and practice must adapt to prepare for life on a climate-altered planet. Refugia (reh-FU-jee-ah) is a biological term describing places of shelter where life endures in times of crisis, such as a volcanic eruption, fire, or stressed climate. Ideally, these refugia endure, expand, and connect so that new life emerges. Debra Rienstra applies this concept to human culture and faith, asking, In this era of ecological devastation, how can Christians become people of refugia? How can we find and nurture these refugia, not only in the biomes of the earth, but in our human cultural systems and in our spiritual lives? How can we apply all our love and creativity to this task as never before? Rienstra recounts her own process of reeducation--beginning not as a scientist or an outdoors enthusiast but by examining the wisdom of theologians and philosophers, farmers and nature writers, scientists and activists, and especially people on the margins. By weaving nature writing, personal narrative, and theological reflection, Rienstra grapples honestly with her own fears and longings and points toward a way forward--a way to transform Christian spirituality and practice, become a healer on a damaged earth, and inspire others to do the same. Refugia Faith speaks to people securely within the faith as well as to those on the edge, providing a suitable entry for those who sense that this era of upheaval requires a transformed faith but who don't quite know where to begin.