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WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS After a battle with an evil demon, an entire village is laid waste. All perish, except for one boy. Keeping his master’s teachings close to his heart, this lone survivor sets out on a journey westwards in search of new sights and unimaginable power. The boy’s name: Gray Fullbuster. For the first time, experience Gray’s childhood adventures, and follow him down the path that will lead him to Fairy Tail!
Après une bataille livrée contre Deliora, un jeune garçon se retrouve seul et prend la route de l’Ouest, fort des conseils laissés par son maître Oul. En quête de mondes inconnus et de forces qu’il n’aurait jamais imaginées, Grey Fullbuster est bien décidé à suivre son destin. Comment Grey est-il arrivé jusqu’à Fairy Tail ?
「歩き出せ 未来へ──」厄災の悪魔との戦いで独りぼっちになった少年は、師の教えを胸に西へと旅立つ。見たこともない世界を、想像したこともない強さを求めて。少年の名は…グレイ・フルバスター。いかにして彼は“妖精の尻尾”へと導かれたのか? いま明かされる小さき氷の魔導士の冒険!! 主人公はグレイ! 『FAIRY TAIL』公式スピンオフ!!
WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS After a battle with an evil demon, an entire village is laid waste. All perish, except for one boy. Keeping his master's teachings close to his heart, this lone survivor sets out on a journey westwards in search of new sights and unimaginable power. The boy's name: Gray Fullbuster. For the first time, experience Gray's childhood adventures, and follow him down the path that will lead him to Fairy Tail!
「造形魔法は“自由”の魔法だ──」ギルダーツの勧めに従いマグノリアを目指すことにしたグレイは、同じくマグノリアに向かう魔導士の少年パウゼと知り合う。道中、意気投合する二人だったが、パウゼには秘密の使命があった…。たどりついたのは運命を決める街! グレイが“妖精の尻尾”に出会って得たものとは!? 少年グレイと“妖精の尻尾”、運命の邂逅!
MAGIC THAT FREES Following Gildarts's suggestion, Gray heads towards Magnolia and meets a young boy named Pauz along the way. The two kids quickly become close friends, but Pauz has a secret mission he must attend to... Then, Gray arrives at a special town that will change his life forever. The young ice wizard encounters Fairy Tail for the first time, and gains something truly magical!
WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS After a battle with an evil demon, an entire village is laid waste. All perish, except for one boy. Keeping his master's teachings close to his heart, this lone survivor sets out on a journey westwards in search of new sights and unimaginable power. The boy's name: Gray Fullbuster. For the first time, experience Gray's childhood adventures, and follow him down the path that will lead him to Fairy Tail!
"After a battle with an evil demon, an entire village is laid waste. All perish, except for one boy. Keeping his master's teachings close to his heart, this lone survivor sets out on a journey westwards in search of new sights and unimaginable power. The boy's name: Gray Fullbuster. For the first time, experience Gray's childhood adventures, and follow him down the path that will lead him to Fairy Tail!"
Sur les conseils de Gildarts, Grey a décidé de se rendre à Magnoria, et en chemin, il fait la connaissance du jeune magicien Pauze. L’entente est parfaite entre les deux garçons, mais Pauze est en réalité porteur d’une mission secrète... Leur destin va se jouer dans la ville où ils arrivent ! Grey découvre Fairy Tail et sa vie va changer à jamais !