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Is Lent about my devotion to Christ the crucified? Is Easter about my celebrating Christ risen from the dead? Do I measure my Christian life by some standard of piety and say I’m following Christ’s example? Lent...Easter...the whole Church year proclaims Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior. Faith is trust in His blood-won forgiveness of the world’s sin. Through faith we fix our eyes on Jesus in our daily devotions, gathering in worship, and constancy in prayer. FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS walks you, the reader, through daily devotions from Ash Wednesday through Pentecost. See your need for repentance. Follow Jesus as He defeats Satan in the wilderness. Rejoice in the cross He leads you to bear as His disciple. For He has died once for you on the cross and shed His blood for you. He rose to daily proclaim you forgiven, washed, made alive in His Name. The crucifix shines Christ Jesus’ ongoing love for us. Yes, Jesus is risen, never to die again. Now, He who once bled and died sympathizes with us who daily walk through death’s dark shadow. I pray these devotions will encourage your Lent and Easter seasons. Heb. 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Experience the love of Christ in a new light this Lenten season and renew your heart for the resurrection with the help of America's favorite devotional, Daily Guideposts. In just five minutes each day, these devotions will invite you to enjoy a timeless Bible verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day's message as you prepare your heart for Easter. For the six weeks of Lent, you will take a closer look at Jesus's life, death, burial, and resurrection, learning valuable lessons about: The gift of new life Truly letting go Looking for signs of hope Come with Karen Barber as she learns about the days leading up to Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. Instead of giving something up, learn a new spiritual practice with Erin MacPherson, who observes Lent by giving something away. With Eric Fellman, meet biblical men and women--believers and seekers just like us--who were touched and changed by Jesus. Travel with Roberta Rogers as she follows Jesus through the streets of first-century Jerusalem in search of faith and hope for our lives today. Join the community of over a million Daily Guideposts readers on this remarkable and deeply personal spiritual journey, allowing you to grow closer to God and hold on to hope, never losing sight of the spring that is coming.
As Christians, we know that Easter is perhaps the most important day of the year. But when we wake up on Easter Sunday, we often struggle to grasp the significance of the day and find ourselves on the outside of the celebration looking in. Journey to the Cross moves us closer to the heart of Easter through forty days of Bible readings, prayers of confession and thanksgiving, and daily devotional readings. This forty-day devotional takes a deeper look into six central themes of the Christian life: repentance, humility, suffering, lament, sacrifice, and death. Journey to the Cross moves beyond "doing penance" and helps Christians focus on Christ's sacrifice for us—the real meaning of Easter and the reason we celebrate. Journey to the Cross serves as a combined liturgical guide and devotional—presenting a call to worship, confessional, gospel reading, and daily devotional with application. This compact devotional guide meets the needs of Christians who want to prepare their hearts for Easter but don't know how, and it answers the growing desire of many to be connected to the broader history of the church. At its heart, Lent is all about Jesus—his suffering and sacrifice, all powered by his love for his people. Taking the time to meditate on the cross will give readers the opportunity to re-center their hearts, reframe their lives, and rekindle their love for Christ this Easter.
Experience a journey of spiritual growth this 2024 Lenten season with Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Lent and Easter 2024. This remarkable book is a compilation of thought-provoking reflections from various women of faith. Prepare yourself for Jesus Christ's death and resurrection with daily devotions that not only deepen your understanding but also strengthen your faith. Each of the 47 daily devotions, taking you from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, delves into significant themes like hope, prayer, humility, and grace. This 2024 Lent devotional offers a means to deepen your faith during this important liturgical period. Get insight into the lives of ordinary yet devout women as they share their reflections on how Lent resonates in their lives, inspiring you to apply the day's messages to your own life. What to Expect 47 daily devotions, starting with Ash Wednesday (February 14, 2024) and continuing through Easter Sunday (March 31, 2024). Each daily devotion includes inspiring scripture to reassure you that God is with you always, a meaningful reflection sharing how God is at work in the writer's life, and a practical faith step to strengthen your Christian walk. Lent is never mentioned in the Bible, though its roots are deeply biblical. Stretching from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week, Lent draws from Jesus's 40 days in the wilderness. Are you wondering about those extra days on the calendar beyond 40? Sundays are meant for celebrating the Resurrection, no matter the season, and are exempt from our Lenten intentions and restrictions. A curated collection from Mornings with Jesus, Guideposts' best-selling annual devotional written by women for a woman's heart. Join the Growing Trend of Devotional Practices Whether you already have a daily or weekly devotional or prayer practice, or you are looking for a way to incorporate a simple, daily faith habit, Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Lent and Easter 2024 is the perfect opportunity to enrich your spiritual journey this Lenten and Easter season. Consider reading this devotional with family members and friends to discuss your interpretations. Even if you do not have a daily devotion reading habit, Lent is a powerful time to incorporate devotions into your worship practice.
Lent is a time of remembering Christ's sacrifice, and yet it is not meant to be depressing. The 40-day holy season is one of transition when believers turn their eyes away from fading disappointments and move ever closer to the radiance of Easter hope.
It’s always exciting when someone says, “I have a question,” because you never know what will come next. Questions shake things up. A good question cuts through the fog of a long discussion and forces us to confront the big issues. A good question causes the rest of us to stop and say, “Hey, I wondered that about that myself.” During our Lenten journey this year, we’ll explore 46 questions taken from the gospels. Each question reveals something about the person who asked. Each question points us in the direction of new truth. Each question ultimately brings us face to face with Jesus Christ. Come with us on this journey of questions as we walk with Jesus on our way to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Experience New Growth this Easter Do you feel like Easter sneaks up on you, as if you’re spiritually and emotionally unprepared to celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection as victorious King? In Uncovering the Love of Jesus, Asheritah Ciuciu invites you to reclaim the Lenten season with 40 devotionals that reveal the deep love of Jesus that's exhibited at the cross and tomb. Each daily reflection looks at Jesus’ personal interactions in Scripture and leads you in meditation on a new aspect of His love. Don’t let Easter pass by this year. Reflect, engage, and be transformed as you uncover the love of Jesus and learn to love your neighbor as He would. Includes optional family activities to help you celebrate Jesus together.
Derek Maul beckons you to join him on a devotional pilgrimage through Lent. Imagine yourself sitting at the table with Jesus and his disciples. Walk with Jesus on the dusty path from Bethany to Jerusalem. Watch him closely and listen to his words of grace, hope, and challenge as he moves purposefully toward the Cross. Reaching Toward Easter features 49 daily devotions that include in-depth Bible study, personal stories, and prayers. Maul hopes that you will arrive at Holy Week refreshed rather than tired, inspired rather than discouraged, reflective rather than overwhelmed. By the time you reach Easter, your pilgrimage will have prepared you to live as an "Eighth Day Believer"—a true follower of Jesus. 8-week study for individuals or groups Includes a Leader's Guide
Prepare your heart and mind to celebrate the risen Savior. It’s time for fresh spring blossoms, colored eggs, special recipes, and family gatherings. This year, with each tradition, small celebration, and new story, take the time to stop and discover the ways Jesus is showing His love for you. In remembering His Easter story—the greatest story ever told—your own will become that much sweeter. The perfect companion for Lent, Devotions for Easter invites you to find the messages of hope and mercy God places in even the smallest moments of the season. Forty days of warm, inviting readings, prayers, scriptures, and beautiful images will take you through Christ’s journey toward the cross and the miracle of His resurrection. As new life emerges all around you, let your heart be filled with joyful worship of Christ and the renewal He brings.