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Over The Years, Significant Changes In The Exim Policy Have Helped To Strengthen The Export Production Base Of India By Removing Procedural Bottlenecks, Facilitating Input Availability And Upgrading Technological Advancements. The Present Book Examines Various Aspects Of Export Promotion Activities Besides Highlighting The Hidden Potential Of India`S Major Products And How India Can Increase Its Share In World Exports Which Is Currently Below 1 Per Cent. The Highlightsof Exim Policy 2002-2007 Announced On March 31, 2002 Have Also Been Set Forth. The Overall Objective Of The Book Is To Analyse Performance, Problems And Potential For Thrust Products Of Indian Exports And To Suggest Measures To Accelerate The Tempo Of Exports Of These Value-Added Items To Various Countries Of The World.
"Presently, India s exports cover a wide range of traditional and non-traditional items. Although non-traditional items (gems and jewellery, readymade garments, engineering goods and chemicals) have entered into India s exports in a big way yet traditional items of exports, viz. marine products, tea, coffee, spices and coir occupy a dominant place in our export basket. This book focuses on the performance and outlook of traditional items in India s exports. The work is relevant in the context of changing pattern of world trade in the wake of new rules and regulations introduced by the World Trade Organisation (WTO)."
Structural transformation depends not only on how much countries export but also on what they export and with whom they trade. This paper breaks new ground in analyzing India’s exports by the technological content, quality, sophistication, and complexity of the export basket. We identify five priority areas for policies: (1) reduction of trade costs, at and behind the border; (2) further liberalization of FDI including through simplification of regulations and procedures; (3) improving infrastructure including in urban areas to enhance manufacturing and services in cities; (4) preparing labor resources (skills) and markets (flexibility) for the technological progress that will shape jobs in the years ahead; and (5) creating an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship to draw the economy into higher productivity activities.
This book is designed to examine and analyse various issues and hypotheses as regards India s Commodity Export Trade with special reference to price and quality trends and structural behaviour over time, and also encompasses and exhaustive account of recent empirical works progressed so far in the field of India s foreign trade in general and export trade in particular. Contents: Introduction, India s Export Trade: A Brief Survey, Price and Quantity Indices, Price and Quality Trends, Structure of Indian Exports I, Structure of Indian Export II, Main Findings and Conclusions.
This dissertation examines the role of product quality on India's export performance to its major trading partners. It aims at evaluating the empirical relevance of product quality to explore India's export performance from 1996-2015 using different estimation methods. The first chapter examines the relationship between product quality and export quantity in the context of how product quality influences the quantity of Indian exports traded in the global market. We perform the analysis by constructing extensive set of quality estimates and using those estimates to analyze the influence of product quality on Indian export quantity. The second chapter deals with the probability of export entry and exit of India's exports at goods level. We draw annual product level export data for India to each of its top exporters from UN-COMTRADE recorded in the Harmonized System (HS) at the six-digit level covering the period 1996-2015. In the third chapter, we develop an entirely different dataset on export quality using a different methodology for the textiles sector. After we obtain our new set of quality estimates, we use those quality estimates to analyze the determinants of quality growth in panel cross-country framework.
This paper analyses relative contribution of intensive and extensive margins to growth in India’s agricultural exports for the period 2001 to 2020. Two alternative approaches are employed to estimating export margins: the traditional approach of using export volume across product lines, and a robust method proposed by Hummels and Klenow (2005). The paper also examines the determinants of export margins through a standard gravity model. Traditional method of decomposing export growth shown that intensification of the export of existing products to existing destinations dominated export growth. The contribution of export diversification to export growth has remained subdued in the last two decades. Within the extensive margin, contribution of product diversification to export growth was more important than the contribution of geographic diversification. According to the Hummels and Klenow approach, during the 2001 to 2020 period, the extensive margin grew at 1.24 percent per annum, while the intensive margin increased at 0.23 percent. The contribution of growth at the extensive margin increased from 58.8 percent in 2001 to 70.2 percent in 2020. Gravity model results revealed that, among other variables, a positive and significant effect of free trade agreement on export margins. Broadly the study results point out that India’s exports along the extensive margin has not been fully exploited and that export diversification holds the key to higher export growth in agricultural products. There is wide scope for expansion of India’s agricultural exports through development of new product varieties and new markets.
This paper analyses the dynamics of comparative advantage in India’s agricultural exports over the period 2001 to 2019. In order to analyze the pattern of export specialization, we use the revealed comparative advantage index, and its variant, the revealed symmetric comparative advantage index. We use the Markov transition matrix to examine the product mobility of comparative advantage. Our results show that the extent of agricultural trade openness has remained constant over time and that there has been little change in the composition of agricultural exports. Between 2017 and 2019, two products—semi- or wholly milled rice, and frozen shrimps and prawns—accounted for one-third of all exports. Analysis of the mobility of comparative advantage reveals little mobility of products from the lowest to the highest decile. There is a 65.8 percent probability that a product will stay in the first decile even after nearly two decades. A high degree of persistence of export specialization implies a much greater probability of starting and ending up in the highest decile. Policy should aim at diversification of the agricultural export basket through a product-specific focus that is based on export demand and the exploration of new markets.
This book investigates the less-explored dimensions of how industries in different Indian subnational spaces or states have responded to the growing phenomenon of internationalization. What factors have influenced firms participating in global business? Have state (both central and provincial) policies acted as catalyst for local firms? Not only does this study delve into these issues; it also painstakingly develops a comprehensive database that remains unique in the absence of reliable official statistics on this subject to date. Efforts have been made to establish a reasonably consistent dataset for the period 1990-2008 derived from the CMIE-PROWESS database. Care has been taken to condense the data and classify it by sector, location, size and ownership. The study delineates export patterns by firm and state and explores factors influencing export decisions according to sector, size and location. A further interesting aspect is the book’s critical examination of industrial and trade promotion policies at the state/regional level that might have contributed to or hindered exporting by firms. The states considered for detailed policy discussions are highly diverse and include Gujarat, Odisha and Karnataka. To address the glaring absence of literature on the role of subnational factors in enterprises’ export performance, a preliminary state-by-state analysis of the spatial determinants of firms’ export activities is also provided.