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Structural transformation depends not only on how much countries export but also on what they export and with whom they trade. This paper breaks new ground in analyzing India’s exports by the technological content, quality, sophistication, and complexity of the export basket. We identify five priority areas for policies: (1) reduction of trade costs, at and behind the border; (2) further liberalization of FDI including through simplification of regulations and procedures; (3) improving infrastructure including in urban areas to enhance manufacturing and services in cities; (4) preparing labor resources (skills) and markets (flexibility) for the technological progress that will shape jobs in the years ahead; and (5) creating an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship to draw the economy into higher productivity activities.
This book investigates the less-explored dimensions of how industries in different Indian subnational spaces or states have responded to the growing phenomenon of internationalization. What factors have influenced firms participating in global business? Have state (both central and provincial) policies acted as catalyst for local firms? Not only does this study delve into these issues; it also painstakingly develops a comprehensive database that remains unique in the absence of reliable official statistics on this subject to date. Efforts have been made to establish a reasonably consistent dataset for the period 1990-2008 derived from the CMIE-PROWESS database. Care has been taken to condense the data and classify it by sector, location, size and ownership. The study delineates export patterns by firm and state and explores factors influencing export decisions according to sector, size and location. A further interesting aspect is the book’s critical examination of industrial and trade promotion policies at the state/regional level that might have contributed to or hindered exporting by firms. The states considered for detailed policy discussions are highly diverse and include Gujarat, Odisha and Karnataka. To address the glaring absence of literature on the role of subnational factors in enterprises’ export performance, a preliminary state-by-state analysis of the spatial determinants of firms’ export activities is also provided.
A presentation of the commodity, country, and regional marketing strategies together with an analysis of world trade and India's share in it.
"The book strongly advocates intensification of exports through a radical review of the policies that have regulated Indian industry since independence1⁄4. The authors have presented a vivid exposition of India's trade policy since independence and the performance of the Indian companies therein. The book is a timely contribution to the ongoing debate on India's foreign trade policies." --The Indian Journal of Social Science "The authors have given a good account of India's export efforts. The volume should prove a valuable asset in the formulation of relevant Indian strategies to promote exports in the regime of the new World Trade Organisation." --The Journal of Entrepreneurship "This book constitutes a strong and cogent case for further intensifying India's export thrust through a radical review of the policies that have regulated Indian industry since 1947. It also provides a background to understand the economic reforms that have been initiated since 1990. It will be of immense use to those studying international trade, political economy and development economics." --Finance India Virtually all developing countries have endeavored to increase their exports to pay for the wide range of essential goods that many of them need to import. The policies that impact vary from country to country. In the case of India, the country's planners emphasized import substitution combined with restrictions on imports and the development of indigenous industries. As this volume reveals, such inward-oriented and protectionist policies severely limited the role of international trade in India's economy. Focusing on the 1970s and 1980s, this study analyzes the export performance of India's manufacturing sector and the efforts made to encourage Indian industry to contribute to export earnings in a more substantial manner. The first part of the study provides macro-economic data and the second part presents data relating to the export performance of more than 400 Indian companies in the private sector. A book providing a strong and cogent case for further intensifying India's export thrust, India's Trade Policy and the Export Performance of Industry will appeal to those interested in the subjects of political economy, international trade, and development economics. "The timely and valuable contribution of the authors to the crucial issues of India's trade policy and its export performance is highly commendable. The pertinent questions raised by the authors in the course of their analysis require serious consideration." Southern Economist "Highly interesting book . . . With liberalization and a free market economy poised to bring about a sea of change in the situation, the historical background of India's export policy will make good reading for a long time to come." -The Economic Times "The book is a useful addition to the empirical literature on India's trade policy. The book is particularly helpful for students and policymakers, who may ant to study the implications of trade policy on exports at a sectoral and industrial level of disaggregation." -Deccan Herald
"Presently, India s exports cover a wide range of traditional and non-traditional items. Although non-traditional items (gems and jewellery, readymade garments, engineering goods and chemicals) have entered into India s exports in a big way yet traditional items of exports, viz. marine products, tea, coffee, spices and coir occupy a dominant place in our export basket. This book focuses on the performance and outlook of traditional items in India s exports. The work is relevant in the context of changing pattern of world trade in the wake of new rules and regulations introduced by the World Trade Organisation (WTO)."
Globalisation has changed the trade pattern globally. More globalised nations have benefited from trade liberalisation reducing inequality, unemployment and poverty but less globalised players have become marginalised in the world economy. This, is fact, has reduced incomes and enhanced poverty. This book makes a humble effort in analysing India's pattern of foreign trade in the World Trade Organisation regime. There is an exposition of India's trade during last fifteen years and side by side there has been a presentation of the functioning of the WTO in the developing nations context.
This book examines India's export performance and export policies in the 1960s. The author analyses the causal factors underlying the trends in exports and evaluates the government policies which affected them. This authoritative work will be of interest to all those concerned with Indian economic problems, international trade and development economics.
Between 1950 and 1990, foreign trade of India suffered from strict bureaucratic and discretionary controls. Beginning 1991, the Government of India introduced a series of reforms to liberalise and globalise the Indian economy. Reforms in the foreign trade sector were intended to integrate Indian economy with the global economy. The major trade policy changes in the post-1991 period have included simplification of procedures, removal of quantitative restrictions, and substantial reduction in the tariff rates. Since early 1990s, India's foreign trade has undergone a complete change in terms of composition and direction. Exports now cover a wide range of traditional and non-traditional items while imports mainly consist of capital goods, petroleum products, raw materials, and chemicals to meet the ever-increasing needs of a developing and diversifying economy. Exports have acquired added significance in the wake of liberalisation wave sweeping across the world. The trend towards market economy in almost all the countries of the world has increased the role of exports in developmental efforts. Exports have become an important indicator of a country's economic performance. The surge i