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Immunological Surveillance
Immune Surveillance deals with the issues regarding tumor immunology and surveillance, in which the central theme is all about the life span of the mammalian host that is depleted by the environment with mutagenic agents and solutions. The book is divided into six chapters. It includes discussions on the organization and modulation of cell membrane receptors, as well as the origin and expression of membrane antigens. It also covers the topics on the triggering mechanisms for and effector mechanisms activated by the cellular recognition. These topics analyze and evaluate alternatives for the recognition and destruction mechanisms in the knowledge of cell cooperation and requirements for immune recognition. A chapter provides discourse on a solution for the paradox of thriving tumors based on the demonstrable in vitro host immunity. Another discusses the generation of antibody diversity and the theory of self-tolerance. The last chapter explains the evaluation of the evidence for immune surveillance. This reference will be invaluable to those who specialize in immunology.
Proceedings of the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST 825) Symposium on Mammary Gland Biology, held September 16-18, 1999, in Tours, France. It is difficult to overstate the evolutionary and functional significance of mammary tissue in biology. Substantial progress has been made by researchers in various disciplines, particularly over the last fifteen years, towards realizing the potential of this tissue to yield powerful experimental models for morphogenesis and tissue development; for cellular differentiation; for the biosynthesis and secretion of proteins, lipids, small molecules and inorganic salts; and for the coordination and regulation of these processes. More recently, the possibility of exploiting the secretory epithelial cells of mammary tissue as `cell factories' has become a reality and the recombinant production by lactating animals of an increasing number of proteins, valuable both in the pharmaceutical and `nutraceutical' fields, is in progress or under development. Also in this sphere of agricultural production, genetic as well as nutritional technologies are under investigation and exploitation to optimize milk composition for various end-uses - for instance in food process and manufacture. The possibilities of deriving health benefit from the bioactive properties of some of the minor constituents of milk are emerging to counter the highly-publicized negative health impact of excessive consumption of saturated animal fats. In human nutrition and medicine, the mammary gland is both a source of nutrition to the neonate and a potential health threat to the adult female - breast cancer remains the major single cause of female mortality in most developed countries. This volume provides a unique glimpse into our understanding, at the cutting edge of a variety of disciplines, of this versatile and extraordinary tissue, at the birth of the twenty-first century.
Entries in a practical A to Z Format Highly therapy-focused Uniform and clearly arranged entries for ease of reference Comprehensive information on symptoms and therapeutical possibilities of rheumatologic and musculoskeletal diseases as well as drugs Written by leading experts in the field
The Janeway's Immunobiology CD-ROM, Immunobiology Interactive, is included with each book, and can be purchased separately. It contains animations and videos with voiceover narration, as well as the figures from the text for presentation purposes.
Because of several valid (and some invalid) reasons, the research field of tumor immunology has been declining in popularity. The Simplistic dogmas, articles of faith, and theories of the late 1960s and early 1970s on the immuno logical mechanisms of the host-tumor interrelationships have frequently been refuted by some of the new developments in cancer biology, cancer biochem istry, and immunology. Furthermore, some of the conventional assays used to monitor "tumor-host immune relations" did not always reflect the host's true clinical situation or his prognosis. Several approaches to immunological interven tion were less successful than expected. In addition, the concept of "immune surveillance," which was basic to many researchers in the field of cancer im munology, seemed to fall apart. Much of the criticism was based on results from solid, well-performed, and well-controlled experiments, but there was also un just criticism based on ill-conceived and badly performed studies, and on misin terpretations of experimental data. There are many misconceptions about the tumor-host relationship. It is very often assumed that tumor immunity, as expressed systemically, is truly reflected at the tumor site. Several studies reported in this volume and elsewhere indicate that such is not always the case. Certain immune effectors may be selectively prevented from reaching the tumor site or the close vicinity of the tumor cells because of mechanical or chemical barriers, whereas others may be selectively attracted to the site by chemotaxis or other mechanisms.
Early detection is essential to the control of emerging, reemerging, and novel infectious diseases, whether naturally occurring or intentionally introduced. Containing the spread of such diseases in a profoundly interconnected world requires active vigilance for signs of an outbreak, rapid recognition of its presence, and diagnosis of its microbial cause, in addition to strategies and resources for an appropriate and efficient response. Although these actions are often viewed in terms of human public health, they also challenge the plant and animal health communities. Surveillance, defined as "the continual scrutiny of all aspects of occurrence and spread of a disease that are pertinent to effective control", involves the "systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data." Disease detection and diagnosis is the act of discovering a novel, emerging, or reemerging disease or disease event and identifying its cause. Diagnosis is "the cornerstone of effective disease control and prevention efforts, including surveillance." Disease surveillance and detection relies heavily on the astute individual: the clinician, veterinarian, plant pathologist, farmer, livestock manager, or agricultural extension agent who notices something unusual, atypical, or suspicious and brings this discovery in a timely way to the attention of an appropriate representative of human public health, veterinary medicine, or agriculture. Most developed countries have the ability to detect and diagnose human, animal, and plant diseases. Global Infectious Disease Surveillance and Detection: Assessing the Challenges-Finding Solutions, Workshop Summary is part of a 10 book series and summarizes the recommendations and presentations of the workshop.
Machine generated contents note: -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: A History of the Immune Self -- Chapter 2: Whither Immune Identity? -- Chapter 3: Individuality Revised -- Chapter 4: Immune Cognition -- Chapter 5: Eco-immunology -- Chapter 6: A New Biology? -- Epilogue -- Endnotes -- References. 650
This book was prepared as extension of author’s accidental discoveries on experimental models of acute and chronic ocular inflammatory diseases that were established at the University of Pennsylvania in 1980’s. Analyses of original data suggest a series of first evidence for direct link between inflammation and developmental phases of immune dysfunction in multistep tumorigenesis and angiogenesis. The only evidence presented on initial events for interactions and synergies between activated host and recruiting cells toward tumorigenesis. Effective immunity was defined as balance between two highly regulated and biologically opposing arms, Yin and Yang of acute inflammation, an amazingly precise signal communications between immune and non-immune systems requiring differential bioenergetics. Unresolved inflammation is a common denominator mapping aging process and induction of ‘mild’, ‘moderate’ or ‘severe’ immune disorders including cancers. Our knowledge of the fascinating biology of immunity in health or chronic diseases is fragmentary, chaotic and confusing, particularly for cancer science. Lack of progress in curing majority of chronic diseases or cancer is primarily due to the fact that scientists work on isolated molecules/cells or topics that are funded and promoted by decision makers in medical/cancer establishment. Despite existence of over 25 million articles on cancer-related topics, cancer biology and cure remain mysteries to be solved. After a century of cancer research, the failure rates of therapies for solid tumors are 90% (+/-5). Current reductionist views on cancer science are irresponsible, shut-gun approaches and create chaos. Outcomes are loss of millions of precious lives and economic drain to society. Very little is known about initial events that disturb effective immunity whose function is to monitor and arrest growth of cancerous cells or defend against other external or internal hazardous agents that threaten body’s survival. The author demonstrates the serious need for systematic understanding of how immune disruptors and aging process would alter effective immunity. Outcomes of proposed orderly studies are expected to provide logical foundations for cost-effective strategies to promote immunity toward a healthier society. The policy makers and medical/cancer establishment are urged to return to the common sense that our Forefathers used to serve the public.