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We are now living in the multimessenger era in which often weak and elusive astrophysical phenomena need to be studied using different and orthogonal probes and information carriers in order to be fully understood. Different techniques need to be emploted and developped to detect and carefuly characterize electromagnetic waves arising from astrophysical obsjects depending mainly on their energy and other characteristics, such as spectral features and polarization. This book is designed to give advanced undergraduate students a description of the most popular techniques and instrumentation employed in modern astrophysics. Focusing on electromagnetic radiation and its detection spanning from radio- to X-ray wavelengths, it gives a general description of astrophysical observables, such as flux, brightness, throughput, and magnitude. It describes general concepts about geometrical and physical optics at different wavelengths, in an astronomical context, including the concepts of lenses, mirrors, antennas, telescopes, the focal plane, angular resolution, the field of view, and the diffraction limit. The origin of noise and the extraction of a signal from it is also covered, including noise reduction techniques such as filtering, amplification, as well as cryogenic techniques. The theory of signals and the theorems related to digital electronics are also introduced. A set of student laboratory activities is included to illustrate the concepts covered in the book.
Socrates knew all that was known by his contemporaries. But already in the Middle Ages it was becoming difficult for a single man to have a truly encyclopedic view of all human knowledge. It is true that Pico della Mirandola, Pius II, Leonardo da Vinci, and several other great minds were thoroughly in possession of considerable know ledge, and knew all that one could know, except no doubt for some techniques. The encyclopedists of the 18th century had to be content with an admirable survey: they could not go into details, and their work is a collective one, the specialized science of each collaborator compensating for the insufficiencies of the others. We know very well that our science of today is a science of specialists. Not only is it impossible for anyone person to assimilate the totality of human knowledge, it is impossible even to know ones own discipline perfectly thoroughly. Each year the presses of science pro duce a frightening quantity of printed paper. Even in very limited fields, new journals are created every day, devoted to extremely specialized, often very narrowly defined subjects. It is indeed evident that in a field whose scope extends well beyond astronomical or astrophysical research, it is materially impossible to be informed of everything, even with the richest of libraries at hand.
This book has two goals. One goal is to provide a means for those new to high-energy-density physics to gain a broad foundation from one text. The second goal is to provide a useful working reference for those in the ?eld. This book has at least four possible applications in an academic c- text. It can be used for training in high-energy-density physics, in support of the growing number of university and laboratory research groups working in this area. It also can be used by schools with an emphasis on ultrafast lasers, to provide some introduction to issues present in all laser–target - perimentswithhigh-powerlasers,andwiththoroughcoverageofthematerial in Chap. 11 on relativistic systems. In addition, it could be used by physics, applied physics, or engineering departments to provide in a single course an introduction to the basics of ?uid mechanics and radiative transfer, with d- matic applications. Finally, it could be used by astrophysics departments for a similar purpose, with the parallel bene?t of training the students in the similarities and di?erences between laboratory and astrophysical systems. The notation in this text is deliberately sparse and when possible a given symbol has only one meaning. A de?nition of the symbols used is given in Appendix A. In various cases, additional subscripts are added to distinguish among cases of the same quantity, as for example in the use of ? and ? 1 2 to distinguish the mass density in two di?erent regions.
The raw numbers of high-energy-density physics are amazing: shock waves at hundreds of km/s (approaching a million km per hour), temperatures of millions of degrees, and pressures that exceed 100 million atmospheres. This title surveys the production of high-energy-density conditions, the fundamental plasma and hydrodynamic models that can describe them and the problem of scaling from the laboratory to the cosmos. Connections to astrophysics are discussed throughout. The book is intended to support coursework in high-energy-density physics, to meet the needs of new researchers in this field, and also to serve as a useful reference on the fundamentals. Specifically the book has been designed to enable academics in physics, astrophysics, applied physics and engineering departments to provide in a single-course, an introduction to fluid mechanics and radiative transfer, with dramatic applications in the field of high-energy-density systems. This second edition includes pedagogic improvements to the presentation throughout and additional material on equations of state, heat waves, and ionization fronts, as well as problem sets accompanied by solutions.
In recent years there have been great advances in the fields of laboratory and astronomical spectroscopy. These have been equally matched by large-scale computations using state-of-the-art theoretical methods. The accurate atomic opacities that are available today play a great role in the field of biomedical research using nanotechnology. The proceedings of the "International Conference on Recent Advances in Spectroscopy: Theoretical, Experimental and Astrophysical Perspectives" contain both invited and contributory papers, which give the most recent results by the peers in the areas of theoretical and experimental atomic physics as well as observational astrophysics.
This book is an introduction to “multi-messenger” astrophysics. It covers the many different aspects connecting particle physics with astrophysics and cosmology and introduces astrophysics using numerous experimental findings recently obtained through the study of high-energy particles. Taking a systematic approach, it comprehensively presents experimental aspects from the most advanced laboratories and detectors, as well as the theoretical background. The book is aimed at graduate students and post-graduate researchers with a basic understanding of particle and nuclear physics. It will also be of interest to particle physicists working in accelerator/collider physics who are keen to understand the mechanisms of the largest accelerators in the Universe. The book draws on the extensive lecturing experience of Professor Maurizio Spurio from the University of Bologna.