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Presents the most recent developments in second-order nonlinear optical polymers. Covers the most important technologies necessary to achieve commercially viable devices based on special polymeric materials with second-order nonlinear optical properties. Discusses important molecular design considerations, how to process the polymers into films, the stability of the films, their optical properties, and prototype devices that can be made from these films.
Polymer Yearbook 13 brings together reviews and information on the progress of polymer science worldwide, including useful and topical information such as a list of new publications in polymer science and a compilation of dissertation abstracts. This volume includes reviews of key aspects of polymer science, including contributions from Russia, and details of important publications., This volume also contains reviews on state-of-the-art Japanese research presented at the annual Spring and Fall meetings of the Japanese Polymer Science Society. The aim of this section is to make information on the progress of Japanese polymer science, and on topics of current interest to polymer scientists in Japan, more easily available worldwide.
We are examining a variety of novel high temperature stable polymers as new materials for second order nonlinear optical (NLO) device applications and modelling the rotational Brownian dynamics of chromophore orientation. Current polymers have sufficient optical signal generated by available chromophores, but are not practical for devices because of limitations in the temporal and thermal stability of the active chromophore orientation in the polymer matrix. This experimental and theoretical approach for developing a new class of photonic materials with superior thermal and temporal stability is a first attempt to design second order NLO polymer with controllable, tailorable local physical and electrical properties. A second, equally important goal is to theoretically and experimentally understand the basic polymer physics controlling the thermal and temporal stability of the optical chromophore orientation. This will determine not only the overall efficiency of the materials for device applications, but will generate substantial information about local mobility in high temperature stable polymers. jg p.8.
The study of the non-linear optical properties of polymeric systems is a challenging and exciting field of research ranging from device engineering, optical measurements, chemical synthesis to design and theoretical issues. At the present time, most of the basic science needed for the synthesis of molecules and the design of devices utilizing second order optical susceptibilities is in hand, although certain issues remain to be resolved. On the other hand, many important questions regarding the design and use of third order optical susceptibilities are still unanswered. The earliest ideas of the importance of low dimensionality optical band gaps suggests the use of conjugated molecules. At present, there is considerable effort, both experimentally and theoretically, in optimizing the value of gamma for polymers or oligomers with conjugated segments, because such conjugated polymers (like polyacetylene, polythiophenes, and the poly-diacetylenes) have very large gamma. These polymers have also been under intense scrutiny because of their large conductivities when doped. Although we are beginning to understand the theoretical reasons for the various unusual properties of the materials, we do not understand the factors that limit the ultimate value of gamma. For example, what are the important structures and interactions in the molecule the prevent gamma from being as large as possible while still having a small absorption coefficient, and how can we design molecules with these constraints in mind.
The MRS Symposium Proceeding series is an internationally recognised reference suitable for researchers and practitioners.
Photonics, the counterpart of electronics, involves the usage of Photons instead of electrons to process information and perform various switching operations. Photonics is projected to be the technology of the future because of the gain in speed, processing and interconnectivity of network. Nonlinear optical processes will play the key role in photonics Where they can be used for frequency conversion, optical switching and modulation. Organic molecules and polymers have emerged as a new class of highly promising nonlinear optical materials Which has captured the attention of scientists world wide. The organic systems offer the advantage of large nonresonant nonlinearities derived from the 1T electrons contribution, femtosecond response time and the flexibility to modify their molecular structures. In addition, organic polymers can easily be fabricated in various device structures compatible with the fiber-optics communication system. The area of nonlinear optics of organic molecules and polymers offers exciting opportunities for both fundamental research and technologic development. It is truly an interdisciplinary area. This proceeding is the outcome of the first NATO Advanced Research WOrkshop in this highly important area. The objective of the workshop was to provide a forum for scientists of varying background from both universities and industries to come together and interface their expertize. The scope of the workshop was multidisciplinary with active participations from Chemists, physicists, engineers and materials scientists from many countries.
This project consists of a collaborative synthetic, processing, physical characterization, and theoretical program aimed at the rational design, construction, evaluation, and fundamental understanding of new types of maximum-performance molecule/polymer-baeed materials exhibiting high second-order x sup 2 optical nonlinearities. Areas of emphasis include poled chromophore- functionalized glassy polymers, poled chromophore- embedded crosslinkable matrices, chromophoric self-assembled superlattices, the theoretical design and analysis of novel chromophores and chromophore environments, theoretical studies of poling dynamics1 studies of optical damage phenomena, and fabrication of new types of NLO waveguides.