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The book contains the results of the 1st International Conference on Classical Antiquities "Land Experience in Antiquity". The conference (15th-17th May 2019) aimed to aid the multidisciplinary study of the ancient Mediterranean landscape.
Questo libro contiene i risultati del II° Convegno Internazionale diAntichità Classiche, svoltosi a Roma il 21/25 novembre 2021 presso ilDipartimento di Studi Letterari, Filosofici e di Storia dell'Artedell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata". Il paesaggio antico è untema ampio e molto adatto a un approccio di ricerca interdisciplinare, che èuna peculiarità dei progetti di ricerca di "Tor Vergata". Pertanto, in lineacon tale tradizione di studi, questa conferenza ha mirato a stimolare ildialogo tra diverse discipline, dalla storia antica alla letteratura medievale,dalla paleozoologia all'archeologia e all'epigrafia. Così, sono statiparticolarmente presi in considerazione la ricerca innovativa, le metodologiepiù originali e gli studi comparativi. L'area geografica prescelta è stata ilMediterraneo antico (questa volta) tra il VII sec. a.C. e il VII sec. d.C. This book contains the results of the 2ndInternational Conference on Classical Antiquities, held in Rome on 22 -25 November 2021 at the Department of Humanities of the 'Tor Vergata'University of Rome. Ancient landscape is a broad and perfect theme forinternational and interdisciplinary research, and is typical of the approach of'Tor Vergata' researchers. This conference aimed to spark dialogue acrossdifferent disciplines, from ancient history to medieval literature, frompaleozoology to archaeology and philology. The innovative research, originalmethodologies and comparative studies were enhanced in open discussions. Thegeographical area chosen was the ancient Mediterranean between the 7thcentury BC and the 7th century AD. This volume covers the same subject andis a companion to Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity: I ConvegnoInternazionale di Antichità - Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' (BARPublishing, 2020).
Human Landscapes in Classical Antiquity shows how today's environmental and ecological concerns can help illuminate our study of the ancient world. The contributors consider how the Greeks and Romans perceived their natural world, and how their perceptions affected society. The effects of human settlement and cultivation on the landscape are considered, as well as the representation of landscape in Attic drama. Various aspects of farming, such as the use of terraces and the significance of olive growing are examined. The uncultivated landscape was also important: hunting was a key social ritual for Greek and hellenistic elites, and 'wild' places were not wastelands but played an essential economic role. The Romans' attempts to control their environment are analyzed. This volume shows how Greeks and Romans worked hand in hand with their natural environment and not against it. It represents an outstanding collaboration between the disciplines of history and archaeology.
From generation to generation, people experience their landscapes differently. Humans depend on their natural environment: it shapes their behavior while it is often felt that deities responsible for both natural benefits and natural calamities (such as droughts, famines, floods and landslides) need to be appeased. We presume that, in many societies, lakes, rivers, rocks, mountains, caves and groves were considered sacred. Individual sites and entire landscapes are often associated with divine actions, mythical heroes and etiological myths. Throughout human history, people have also felt the need to monumentalize their sacred landscape. But this is where the similarities end as different societies had very different understandings, believes and practices. The aim of this new thematic appraisal is to scrutinize carefully our evidence and rethink our methodologies in a multi-disciplinary approach. More than 30 papers investigate diverse sacred landscapes from the Iberian peninsula and Britain in the west to China in the east. They discuss how to interpret the intricate web of ciphers and symbols in the landscape and how people might have experienced it. We see the role of performance, ritual, orality, textuality and memory in people’s sacred landscapes. A diachronic view allows us to study how landscapes were ‘rewritten’, adapted and redefined in the course of time to suit new cultural, political and religious understandings, not to mention the impact of urbanism on people’s understandings. A key question is how was the landscape manipulated, transformed and monumentalized – especially the colossal investments in monumental architecture we see in certain socio-historic contexts or the creation of an alternative humanmade, seemingly ‘non-natural’ landscape, with perfectly astronomically aligned buildings that define a cosmological order? Sacred Landscapes therefore aims to analyze the complex links between landscape, ‘religiosity’ and society, developing a dialectic framework that explores sacred landscapes across the ancient world in a dynamic, holistic, contextual and historical perspective.
From generation to generation, people experience their landscapes differently. Humans depend on their natural environment: it shapes their behavior while it is often felt that deities responsible for both natural benefits and natural calamities (such as droughts, famines, floods and landslides) need to be appeased. We presume that, in many societies, lakes, rivers, rocks, mountains, caves and groves were considered sacred. Individual sites and entire landscapes are often associated with divine actions, mythical heroes and etiological myths. Throughout human history, people have also felt the need to monumentalize their sacred landscape. But this is where the similarities end as different societies had very different understandings, believes and practices. The aim of this new thematic appraisal is to scrutinize carefully our evidence and rethink our methodologies in a multi-disciplinary approach. More than 30 papers investigate diverse sacred landscapes from the Iberian peninsula and Britain in the west to China in the east. They discuss how to interpret the intricate web of ciphers and symbols in the landscape and how people might have experienced it. We see the role of performance, ritual, orality, textuality and memory in people’s sacred landscapes. A diachronic view allows us to study how landscapes were ‘rewritten’, adapted and redefined in the course of time to suit new cultural, political and religious understandings, not to mention the impact of urbanism on people’s understandings. A key question is how was the landscape manipulated, transformed and monumentalized – especially the colossal investments in monumental architecture we see in certain socio-historic contexts or the creation of an alternative humanmade, seemingly ‘non-natural’ landscape, with perfectly astronomically aligned buildings that define a cosmological order? Sacred Landscapes therefore aims to analyze the complex links between landscape, ‘religiosity’ and society, developing a dialectic framework that explores sacred landscapes across the ancient world in a dynamic, holistic, contextual and historical perspective.
This is the first volume of an exciting new project; Antiquity , drawing on its 75-year tradition of publishing articles of enduring value, has brought together twenty-four classic papers on a central archaeological theme. The papers have been selected to represent ancient and modern landscape approaches, organized into thematic sections: Early studies of Fox and Curwen, aerial photography of Bradford, Crawford and St Joseph, survey method, integrated regional landscapes, physical, industrial, contested and experienced landscapes. Each section is introduced with an overview and personal perspective by Simon Stoddart, the current editor of Antiquity . As he points out in the introduction, the editor of Antiquity has always drawn on the most exciting and relevant of current research. Consequently the frequency and content of landscape in Antiquity provides illuminating commentary on the definition and prominence of the theme landscape in archaeological research. Contents: Early studies of landscape: Prehistoric Cart-tracks in Malta ( T. Zammit ); Dykes ( Cyril Fox ); The Hebrides: a Cultural Backwater ( E. Cecil Curwen ); Native Settlements of Northumberland ( A. H. A. Hogg ). The impact of aerial photography: Woodbury. Two marvellous air-photographs ( O. G. S. Crawford ); Iron Age square enclosures in Rhineland ( K. V. Decker and I. Scollar ); Aerial reconnaissance in Picardy ( R. Agache ); Air reconnaissance: recent results ( J. K. St Joseph ). Survey method and analysis: Understanding early medieval pottery distributions ( A. J. Schofield ); Exploring the topography of the mind: GIS, social space and archaeology ( Marcos Llobera ). Integrated landscape archaeology: Neolithic settlement patterns at Avebury, Wiltshire ( Robin Holgate ); Stonehenge for the ancestors: the stones pass on the message ( M. Parker Pearson and Ramilisonina ); Aerial reconnaissance of the Fen Basin ( D. N. Riley ); The Fenland Project: from survey management and beyond ( John Coles and David Hall ); Siticulosa Apulia ( John Bradford and P. R. Williams-Hunt ); Archaeology and the Etruscan countryside ( Graeme Barker ). Physical landscapes: Active tectonics and land-use strategies: a Palaeolithic example from northwest Greece ( Geoff Bailey, Geoff King and Derek Sturdy ); A guide for archaeologists investigating Holocene landscapes ( A. J. Howard and M. G. Macklin ). Industrial landscapes: Trouble at t'mill: industrial archaeology in the 1980s ( C. M. Clark ); Towards an archaeology of navvy huts and settlements of the industrial revolution ( Michael Morris ). Contested landscapes: The Berlin Wall: production, preservation and consumption of a 20th-century monument ( Frederick Baker ); Seeing stars: character and identity in the landscapes of modern Macedonia ( Keith Brown ). Experienced landscapes: Forms of power: dimensions of an Irish megalithic landscape ( Jean McMann ); Late woodland landscapes of Wisconsin: ridges, fields, effigy mounds and territoriality ( William Gustav Gartner ).
‘Where am I?’. Our physical orientation in place is one of the defining characteristics of our embodied existence. However, while there is no human life, culture, or action without a specific location functioning as its setting, people go much further than this bare fact in attributing meaning and value to their physical environment. 'Landscape’ denotes this symbolic conception and use of terrain. It is a creation of human culture. In Valuing Landscape we explore different ways in which physical environments impacted on the cultural imagination of Greco-Roman Antiquity. In seventeen chapters with different disciplinary perspectives, we demonstrate the values attached to mountains, the underworld, sacred landscapes, and battlefields, and the evaluations of locale connected with migration, exile, and travel.
Over the last two decades, research in cultural geography and landscape studies has influenced many humanities fields, including Classics, and has increasingly drawn our attention to the importance of spaces and their contexts, both geographical and social: how spaces are described by language, what spaces are used for by individuals and communities, and how language, use, and the passage of time invest spaces with meaning. In addition to this ‘spatial’ turn in scholarship, recent years have also seen an ‘emotive’ turn – an increased interest in the study of emotion in literature. Many works on landscape in classical antiquity focus on themes such as the sacred and the pastoral and the emotions such spaces evoke, such as (respectively) feelings of awe or tranquillity in settings both urban and rural. Far less scholarship has been generated by the locus terribilis, the space associated with negative emotions because of the bad things that happen there. In short, the recent ‘emotive’ turn in humanities studies has so far largely neglected several of the more negative emotions, including anxiety, fear, terror, and dread. The papers in this volume focus on those neglected negative emotions, especially dread – and they do so while treating many types of space, including domestic, suburban, rural and virtual, and while covering many genres and authors, including the epic poems of Homer, Greek tragedy, Roman poetry and historiography, medical writing, paradoxography and the short story.
This text represents research presented at the 1st International Conference on Classical Antiquities, held in Rome from 15th to 17th May, 2019 at the Tor Vergata University. The conference focused on the ancient Mediterranean between the 6th century BC and the 7th century AD, stimulating dialogue across different disciplines - from ancient history to medieval literature and archaeology - producing innovative research, original methodologies, and comparative studies.
The division of land and consolidation of territory that created the Greek polis also divided sacred from productive space, sharpened distinctions between purity and pollution, and created a ritual system premised on gender difference. Regional sanctuaries ameliorated competition between city-states, publicized the results of competitive rituals for males, and encouraged judicial alternatives to violence. Female ritual efforts, focused on reproduction and the health of the family, are less visible, but, as this provocative study shows, no less significant. Taking a fresh look at the epigraphical evidence for Greek ritual practice in the context of recent studies of landscape and political organization, Susan Guettel Cole illuminates the profoundly gendered nature of Greek cult practice and explains the connections between female rituals and the integrity of the community. In a rich integration of ancient sources and current theory, Cole brings together the complex evidence for Greek ritual practice. She discusses relevant medical and philosophical theories about the female body; considers Greek ideas about purity, pollution, and ritual purification; and examines the cult of Artemis in detail. Her nuanced study demonstrates the social contribution of women's rituals to the sustenance of the polis and the identity of its people.