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The greatest calling we can have during our brief journey here on Planet Earth is to earnestly yearn and search, without prejudice, for an intimate relationship with the one and only true Creator God, outside the box. The vast masses of humans never get this deep and blindly believe whatever they have been taught about God, often out of fear of rejection by family or peers. Others see God as a Heavenly Version of their earthly fathers. Paul Meier, MD, is a psychiatrist and theologian whose books have been read by over seven million people in over thirty languages all around the world, and he describes the many prejudicial mountains that must be climbed to become intimate with the real God. Dr. Meier also gives many positive ways to assist you to make that earnest search for "Experiencing God Outside the Box".
Whether struggling with day-to-day problems or overwhelming hardship, you will find the strength and encouragement you need through this exploration of the Psalms.
I was driving home from work one evening and talking to the Lord about things. We were talking about this subject of "Taking God out of the Box" and how He has opened this topic up to me so extensively over the past eleven or twelve years. While asking the Lord what He was specifically trying to speak to me during this season, He said something to me that I will never forget. He said, "I AM TRYING TO GET YOU TO BELIEVE ME FOR 'BIG' THINGS!" It totally wrecked my life at that moment. It may seem small to some but when God speaks and says something it is monumental and life changing. You listen! This book is a twelve day devotional that will challenge and strengthen your faith. It is a book that you will read over and over again. It is perfect for bible study and meditation. Take God out of the box and experience the supernatural.
God Out of Control shouts the fact that God’s Presence is not constrained by time, manmade walls around Him, or self-limiting and God-constraining mindsets. Statistics abound about the large numbers of people leaving organized religion and the general disenchantment with all things spiritual as presented by Western religions. Secularists, politicians, political correctness police, public education, government, and law enforcement have all stepped up unwarranted persecution of religion in general and Christianity in particular. These anti-Christ systems are encouraged to continue by the obvious lack of push-back by the religious machines in the United States. Genuine believers, the grassroots movement of quiet anarchy, are quickly dismissed as fringe groups with no real power or organization. Little do the masters of deception understand the inner workings of the Holy Spirit that are reminiscent of the times of the apostles and the early church founders. These early believers knew and understood that He who was in them was greater than who was in the world (1 John 4:4). They could not be bullied, silenced, or ignored. They escaped from legalistic traditions and the mind-numbing status
It used to be that providing clear evidence for the resurrection of Jesus or the reliability of the Bible was a pretty effective way to reach people with the Good News. But today, many folks think all truth is relative, even our historical and scientific data about Christianity. So how can we reach them? We need new ways of telling people the old, old story. We need to look again at our usual mental habits if we want to reach people who have a brand new mindset of their own. We need to get outside the box of ideas and practices that are sacred to us but are not sacred to God. That's what Rick Richardson's book is all about. Here are fresh perspectives on relying on the Holy Spirit, awakening spiritual interest in others, appealing to what they value (instead of what we think they should value) and leading them into a transforming experience with God. Also included is Richardson's Circles of Belonging, a new, straightforward presentation of the message of Jesus (yes, it can even be sketched out on a napkin!) that is true to Scripture and true to the new way people live and think. As an experienced evangelist and leader of evangelism programs, Richardson offers in this helpful book the principles and practices that will help us all grow in love for--and communicate effectively with--people who need Jesus.
The faithfulness of God is something that you have to experience not read about in our lives and when I was young I knew that God was real and some thing's I would not do and things that I wouldn't say because I was always aware of His presence, God spoke to me when I was drowning and from that day until now, His presence is what I desire. Psalms 42:1-5, is one of my favorite Scriptures because as Moses said Lord if I have found favor in your sight, show me your Glory, this is what I desire more than anything. The reason I'm writing this book is to that degree, I want to see the body of Christ functioning as I see in the book of Acts. When I was in this certain denomination 20 years ago I read the book of Acts and something was different and so I begin to seek the Lord more and more to answer this burning in my heart for more, in that Church I didn't see what I was seeing in the Bible and it seem like only a few was really hungry for more.
Life is filled with the unforeseen and the unexpected. Sometimes the kind that brings big joy and sometimes the kind that brings big pain and everything in between. In his breakout book Out of the Box author, transformational speaker, and founder of Venturing Wisdom, Ken Sylvia unpacks how big God really is and the 8 lies that keep Him small in our mind. After 20 years of ministry and leadership experience combined with his own life's journey, Ken shares what set him free after decades of struggle.
Boxes. They come in all shapes and sizes. They can be big, they can be small. If you get inside of one, they can seem safe and secure, and even a little fun.....for awhile. But as time passes, it gets warm in there, it is dark, and it is confining.Our arms and legs start to cramp up, and we want to stretch out. Just as there are boxes made of cardboard, there are boxes we create for our own lives. They serve the same purpose only with our lives. We make those boxes a place we go to retreat, or hide. They protect us from others, from situations, from hurts. But what we don't realize is that they are also keeping us from freedom, from miracles, and from all God has waiting for us outside of the box. I lived in that box for years. It was lonely, it was stifling. I was stagnant. It took one of the hardest journeys of my life to show me what God had waiting for me.....outside of this box I had created for myself. It took this journey to help me realize that not only was I living inside of my protective box,but I had limited God by putting him in a box as well.I want to share that journey with you. I want to show you the tools God gave me to have the ability to get outside of the box, when I didn't even have the strength to stand. At times this journey is raw, it is real, it is life. But I wouldn't trade it for the world because it was that part of the journey where God showed me how to move outside of that box and experience healing, wholeness, and miracles. It just takes that first step. It is my prayer that after reading this book, you too will make that first step out of the box you have created, and experience the fullness that God has waiting for your life.
2021 Illumination Book Awards, Silver Medal: Theology God’s presence is not “out there” but right here. We tend to look for God in dramatic or miraculous moments, but such expectations can blind us to God’s ongoing presence. What if God is already with us, in the life we have this moment? When we experience ordinary but meaningful events, such as our first love or a favorite novel, we are in fact encountering God’s presence. As we learn to notice spiritual movement within and around us, we can recognize the many facets of God’s love that touch us daily. “As a priest and spiritual director of many decades, my driving desire is for people to experience God’s limitless love for them and to recognize it when it emerges in what they consider just ordinary life happenings and conversations.” —William A. Barry, SJ Whether we are in pain or crisis, questioning if we are really worthy of God’s attention, or are simply wondering why God would be in the mundane details of our lives, Experiencing God in the Ordinary can nurture our hope—that God is always present and can be found in an ordinary day. Complete with personal stories and various suggestions for prayer and meditation, this book is perfect for devotional reading, retreat, or small-group discussion.
What’s in your God-box? Each of us, says author Anne Robertson, builds our own way of understanding God—our “God-box”-- and fills it up with bits of scripture, wisdom, and our experiences of God at work in our lives. It’s a perfectly good way to puzzle out what God means to us. Encountering God through our human limitations, we learn something about the meaning of Incarnation. But to say that our experience of God is the only valid one is to put a lid on the box and create an idol. This book is about examining our God-boxes and bursting them wide open. Blowing the Lid Off the God-Box starts with the ministry of Jesus – who blew the lid off everyone’s God-box by constantly challenging his followers with the unexpected. Subsequent chapters examine the God-boxes we create with scripture, worship, and political and social agendas. In a world marked by extremism on both the right and left, the author calls readers to spiritual balance as they learn to integrate others’ experiences of God, rather than insisting on their own. Anne Robertson is a United Methodist minister who leads a parish in Dover, New Hampshire. Active in the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church, she is a regular columnist for Zion’s Herald, a national publication.