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Por otro lado se realizó un análisis documental, mediante la técnica de análisis de información, de los siguientes documentos: Exento 300, Decreto N\U+00ba\ 87 y Decreto N\U+00ba\ 170. A partir de todos los documentos recopilados y analizados, tanto los documentos como la entrevista, se pudo concluir que las expectativas de los jóvenes en situación de discapacidad intelectual leve, poseen medianas expectativas frente a la posibilidad de acceder a un trabajo remunerado, con buen ambiente laboral y aceptación frente a cualquier diferencia que pueda existir. Así también las aspiraciones de la familia son medianamente altas debido a 8 que conocen con mayor amplitud las reales posibilidades y barreras con las cuales sus hijos se pueden encontrar.
El desarrolo de cada individuo en el campo laboral se concidera fundamental para alcanzar su autonomía, esto desafía a cualquier sujeto inmerso en nuestra sociedad y más aún a aquellas personas que possen limitacones físicas y en especial Discapacidad Intelectual. Es por ello, que esta investigación busca dar a conocer la realidad de jóvenes con Discapacidad Intelectual Leve, que estudian tres establecimientos educacionales de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, mediante una exploración, descripción y valoración de las espectativas laborales que poseen. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa, y utilizará como técnica de recolección de datos la entrevista, para interpretar y analizar las expectativas que los jovenes con Discapacidad Intelectual Leve poseen para enfrentarse al mundo laboral, estableciendo un paralelo en relación a los establecimientos educacionales a los que pertenecen, a travéz de las herramientas y preparación que estos centros educativos les entregan para enfrentar la vida de trabajo. Por lo tanto, se obtuvo como resultado una diferencia significativa de las espectativas laborales de los jóvenes que asisten a establecimientos con Proyecto de Integración y los que asisten a un Centro de Capacitación Laboral, de acuerdo a su formación y autoconcepto.
Desde que las personas inician su participación en la sociedad como individuos con derechos y deberes; independiente de su condición, estos deben ser respetados y a su vez, corresponde, brindar las mismas oportunidades en las distintas áreas que se pueden llegar a desarrollar las personas. A medida que la persona en situación de discapacidad va creciendo e intereactuando con el medio se va haciendo más notorio la desigualdad en cuanto a los derechos, ya que se van disminuyendo las oportunidades, en cuanto al desarrollo personal e integral de la PeSD. Esta situación se puede identificar con mayor claridad en el periodo de transición desde la escolarización al procreso de inserción laboral. La investigación se centra en describir las barreras y facilitadores a las cuales se ve enfrentado un joven en situación de discapacidad, perteneciente a la institución de capacitación laboral UNPADE, de la ciudad de Los Ángeles al momento de llevar a cabo el proceso de inserción laboral en el centro de práctica NORFI Ltda. El enfoque con el cual se aboradara esta investigación será de tipo cualitativo, el diseño escogido será etnografía. La recolección de datos será mediante una observación participante, registrando diariamente las actividades realizadas; además de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, las cuales nos permitiran completar la información recabada mediante la observación.
Han sido escasas las investigaciones a lo largo de la historia, que apuntan a la calidad de vida en adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual, por esto, la orientación de esta investigación está destinada a conocer el nivel de vida de los estudiantes que pertenecen al Centro Educacional y Capacitación Profesional de la comuna de Los Ángeles. Para la evaluación de un tema tan contingente como este, hoy en día existen una gran variedad de instrumentos que miden la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Con el fin de dar una respuesta adecuada a la investigación, se utilizará un enfoque mixto; en el cual su diseño está orientado principalmente a un modelo explicativo secuencial, con un alcance descriptivo de datos obtenidos a través de la escala KidsLife y la entrevista semi-estructurada, el tipo de muestra será no probabilística. El análisis de los datos tiene la finalidad de informar el nivel de calidad de vida de los adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual a la comunidad educativa del Centro Educacional y Capacitación Profesional en beneficio de los estudiantes.
In The Equality Illusion, 'the most influential young feminist in the country' ( Guardian) and UK Feminista founder Kat Banyard argues passionately and articulately that feminism continues to be one of the most urgent and relevant social justice campaigns today. Women have made huge strides in equality over the last century. And yet: Women working full-time in the UK are paid on average 17% less an hour than men 1 in 3 women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused because of her gender Of parliamentary seats across the globe only 15% are held by women and fewer than 20% of UK MPs are women 96% of executive directors of the UK's top hundred companies are men Structuring the book around a normal day, Banyard sets out the major issues for twenty-first century feminism, from work and education to sex, relationships and having children. She draws on her own campaigning experience as well as academic research and dozens of her own interviews. The book also includes information on how to get involved in grassroots action.
Best practices for addressing the bias and inequality that may result from the automated collection, analysis, and distribution of large datasets. Human-centered data science is a new interdisciplinary field that draws from human-computer interaction, social science, statistics, and computational techniques. This book, written by founders of the field, introduces best practices for addressing the bias and inequality that may result from the automated collection, analysis, and distribution of very large datasets. It offers a brief and accessible overview of many common statistical and algorithmic data science techniques, explains human-centered approaches to data science problems, and presents practical guidelines and real-world case studies to help readers apply these methods. The authors explain how data scientists’ choices are involved at every stage of the data science workflow—and show how a human-centered approach can enhance each one, by making the process more transparent, asking questions, and considering the social context of the data. They describe how tools from social science might be incorporated into data science practices, discuss different types of collaboration, and consider data storytelling through visualization. The book shows that data science practitioners can build rigorous and ethical algorithms and design projects that use cutting-edge computational tools and address social concerns.
How people judge humans and machines differently, in scenarios involving natural disasters, labor displacement, policing, privacy, algorithmic bias, and more. How would you feel about losing your job to a machine? How about a tsunami alert system that fails? Would you react differently to acts of discrimination depending on whether they were carried out by a machine or by a human? What about public surveillance? How Humans Judge Machines compares people's reactions to actions performed by humans and machines. Using data collected in dozens of experiments, this book reveals the biases that permeate human-machine interactions. Are there conditions in which we judge machines unfairly? Is our judgment of machines affected by the moral dimensions of a scenario? Is our judgment of machine correlated with demographic factors such as education or gender? César Hidalgo and colleagues use hard science to take on these pressing technological questions. Using randomized experiments, they create revealing counterfactuals and build statistical models to explain how people judge artificial intelligence and whether they do it fairly. Through original research, How Humans Judge Machines bring us one step closer tounderstanding the ethical consequences of AI.
Contains four case studies of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (an NGO), the bodyshop, the International Center for Improvement of Maize and Wheat (an international agricultural research institute in Mexico), the National Land Committee in South Africa, and a public housing organization in Canada.
Meaning is a fundamental concept in Natural Language Processing (NLP), in the tasks of both Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). This is because the aims of these fields are to build systems that understand what people mean when they speak or write, and that can produce linguistic strings that successfully express to people the intended content. In order for NLP to scale beyond partial, task-specific solutions, researchers in these fields must be informed by what is known about how humans use language to express and understand communicative intents. The purpose of this book is to present a selection of useful information about semantics and pragmatics, as understood in linguistics, in a way that's accessible to and useful for NLP practitioners with minimal (or even no) prior training in linguistics.
An exploration of the factors behind neoliberalism’s resilience in developing economies and what this could mean for democracy’s future Since the 1980s, neoliberalism has withstood repeated economic shocks and financial crises to become the hegemonic economic policy worldwide. Why has neoliberalism remained so resilient? What is the relationship between this resiliency and the backsliding of Western democracy? Can democracy survive an increasingly authoritarian neoliberal capitalism? Neoliberal Resilience answers these questions by bringing the developing world’s recent history to the forefront of our thinking about democratic capitalism’s future. Looking at four decades of change in four countries once considered to be leading examples of effective neoliberal policy in Latin America and Eastern Europe—Argentina, Chile, Estonia, and Poland—Aldo Madariaga examines the domestic actors and institutions responsible for defending neoliberalism. Delving into neoliberalism’s political power, Madariaga demonstrates that it is strongest in countries where traditional democratic principles have been slowly and purposefully weakened. He identifies three mechanisms through which coalitions of political, institutional, and financial forces have propagated neoliberalism’s success: the privatization of state companies to create a supporting business class, the use of political institutions to block the representation of alternatives in congress, and the constitutionalization of key economic policies to shield them from partisan influence. Madariaga reflects on today’s most pressing issues, including the influence of increasing austerity measures and the rise of populism. A comparative exploration of political economics at the peripheries of global capitalism, Neoliberal Resilience investigates the tensions between neoliberalism’s longevity and democracy’s gradual decline.