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This Report deals with the issue of making progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals by expanding access to modern energy services. It demonstrates that micro-level energy initiatives implemented through community-based approaches can successfully be scaled up, replicated and/or mainstreamed to create a sustainable solution to providing energy services. Coupled with a dynamic partnership and collaborative effort between the national and local governments, civil society, the private sector and the community, scaling up can result in significant positive development impacts at the macro-level by influencing national policies and development priorities.
Despite the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region's impressive economic growth, over 1 billion of its people still lack access to electricity and modern cooking solutions. To achieve universal access to modern energy by 2030, this book exhorts EAP countries to advance simultaneously on two paths: (1) accelerate programs for grid and off-grid electricity through appropriate policies and innovative technologies; and (2) scale up access to clean cooking fuels and efficient cooking stoves, particularly for biomass in poor rural areas.
Modern energy access is an important determinant of human health, as it plays a critical role in the capabilities of healthcare facilities and aids in the development of clean and safe household environments. But in the developing world, thousands of healthcare facilities and hundreds of millions of households lack access to modern energy services. And the situation will only get worse as the energy needs of communities and the health sectors in these countries are expected to increase dramatically in the years ahead. This special feature begins with a look at energy access and health implications, along with energy access and reliability gaps, at two levels: electrification of healthcare facilities and household energy. It then tackles the barriers to better energy access and reliability, and concludes with opportunities and options-including decentralized renewable energy, hybrid solar PV/diesel, grid extension, energy-efficient medical equipment, a greater availability of clean energy sources and technologies (such as cleaner cook stoves and fuels). The paper finds that addressing this unmet need in an efficient and timely matter will require decision-makers tobetter incorporate health considerations into energy policy, and vice-versa. The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an opportunity to apply a nexus approach to energy and health-building on various linkages that energy and health have with sustainable development(including SDG 5 on gender equality, SDG 11 on sustainable urban environments, and SDG 13 on climate action).
"This study is a joint effort by WHO, aimed at improving quality, safety and accessibility of health services in support of universal health coverage, and The World Bank in furtherance of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)-funded activity on Defining and Measuring Access to Energy for Socio-Economic Development. The WHO inputs are drawn from two years of comprehensive review of energy use in the health sector as part of the Health in the Green Economy series, for which the preliminary findings were published in 2011 and the full report is to be published in 2015. The study also draws upon the framework for measuring energy access developed by the World Bank in consultation with partner agencies to track progress under the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative."--Publisher's description.
This book showcases how small-scale renewable energy technologies such as solar panels, cookstoves, biogas digesters, microhydro units, and wind turbines are helping Asia respond to a daunting set of energy governance challenges. Using extensive original research this book offers a compendium of the most interesting renewable energy case studies over the last ten years from one of the most diverse regions in the world. Through an in-depth exploration of case studies in Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Lanka, the authors highlight the applicability of different approaches and technologies and illuminates how household and commercial innovations occur (or fail to occur) within particular energy governance regimes. It also, uniquely, explores successful case studies alongside failures or "worst practice" examples that are often just as revealing as those that met their targets. Based on these successes and failures, the book presents twelve salient lessons for policymakers and practitioners wishing to expand energy access and raise standards of living in some of the world's poorest communities. It also develops an innovative framework consisting of 42 distinct factors that explain why some energy development interventions accomplish all of their goals while others languish to achieve any.
In 1934, Lewis Mumford critiqued the industrial energy system as a key source of authoritarian economic and political tendencies in modern life. Recent debate continues to engage issues of energy authoritarianism, focusing on the contest between energy-driven globalization (the spread of energy deregulation and the simultaneous consolidation of the oil, coal, and gas industries) and the so-called "sustainable energy" strategy that celebrates the local and community scale characteristics of renewable energy. Including theoretical inquiries and case studies by distinguished writers, Transforming Power is divided into three parts: Energy, Environment, and Society; The Politics of Conventional Energy; and The Politics of Sustainable Energy. It interrogates current contemporary energy assumptions, exploring the reflexive relationship between energy, environment, and society, and examining energy as a social project. Some of these have promised a prosperous future founded upon technological advances that further modernize the modern energy system, such as "inherently safe" nuclear power, environmentally friendly coal gasification, and the advent of a wealthier, cleaner world powered by fuel cells; and the "green technologies," said by advocates to prefigure a revival of human scale development, local self-determination, and a commitment to ecological balance. >br> This volume offers a timely engagement of the social issues surrounding energy conflicts and contradictions. It will be of interest to policymakers, energy and environmental experts, sociologists, and historians of technology.
Energy is essential for humanity to develop and thrive. In 2015, the new Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by 193 countries, included for the first time a target to ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, underscoring a new level of political agreement on the importance of access to modern energy services. At the same time, the declining cost of decentralised renewables, increased access to affordable energyefficient appliances and the use of mobile platforms are changing the way we think about providing energy access. It is against this backdrop that the IEA produced this Special Report, part of its flagship World Energy Outlook (WEO) series. This report: Expands and updates the WEO’s country-by-country electricity and clean cooking access database, and assesses the status for all developing countries, reviewing recent trends and policy efforts up to 2016. Presents a global and regional electricity and clean cooking access outlook to 2030, with a dedicated chapter on sub-Saharan Africa. Provides a pathway for achieving access to modern energy for all by 2030, identifying policy priorities, detailing investment needs, and the role that decentralised and on-grid solutions may play. Analyses how energy development can unleash economic growth in sectors such as agriculture, and explores how energy access intersects with other issues such as gender, health and climate change.
This publication provides governments with guidance on the policy options that are available to make the most of private investment opportunities in clean energy infrastructure, drawing on the expertise of climate and investment communities among others.
This open access book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent (and the Sub-Saharan region in particular) and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Starting with an analysis of the status quo and the outlook for Africa’s energy demand and energy access, it provides an account of the available resources, including hydrocarbons and renewable energy resources, which are playing an increasingly crucial role. It then moves on to analyze the level of investment required to scale-up Africa’s energy systems, shedding light on the key barriers and elaborating on potential solutions. It also provides a suggestion for improving the effectiveness of EU–Africa cooperation. While mainly intended for policymakers and academics, this book also speaks to a broader audience interested in gaining an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the African energy sector today and in the future.