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Interest in the Arctic as one of the world's last energy frontiers is increasing. The indigenous peoples of the circumpolar North have long been involved in struggles to make sense of, adapt to, and negotiate the impacts and consequences of resource development, but they have also been involved in struggles to gain some measure of control over development as well as to benefit from it. With a focus on the North American Arctic, Pipeline Dreams discusses how dreams of extracting resource wealth have been significant in influencing and shaping relations between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, as well as for the opening up of northern frontier regions to economic development. Pipeline Dreams looks at the emergence of the circumpolar North as an imagined hydrocarbon province and, through a detailed discussion of plans to explore for oil and gas and to build pipelines across the Arctic and Subarctic lands, it discusses a number of case studies from Canada and Alaska, as well as from other circumpolar regions, which illustrate some of the diverse perspectives, interests and concerns of indigenous peoples. The book considers and reflects upon the idea of the Arctic as a resource frontier and the concerns expressed by a variety of groups and commentators over the social and environmental impacts of oil and gas development, as well as the opportunities that oil and gas activities may bring to both the long-term viability of indigenous and local communities, and to the sustainability of indigenous and local livelihoods, cultures, and societies.
This volume explores how Texas's groundbreaking program of electricity restructuring has become a model for truly competitive energy markets in the United States. The authors contend that restructuring in Texas has been successful because the industry is free from federal over...
Americans' safety, productivity, comfort, and convenience depend on the reliable supply of electric power. The electric power system is a complex "cyber-physical" system composed of a network of millions of components spread out across the continent. These components are owned, operated, and regulated by thousands of different entities. Power system operators work hard to assure safe and reliable service, but large outages occasionally happen. Given the nature of the system, there is simply no way that outages can be completely avoided, no matter how much time and money is devoted to such an effort. The system's reliability and resilience can be improved but never made perfect. Thus, system owners, operators, and regulators must prioritize their investments based on potential benefits. Enhancing the Resilience of the Nation's Electricity System focuses on identifying, developing, and implementing strategies to increase the power system's resilience in the face of events that can cause large-area, long-duration outages: blackouts that extend over multiple service areas and last several days or longer. Resilience is not just about lessening the likelihood that these outages will occur. It is also about limiting the scope and impact of outages when they do occur, restoring power rapidly afterwards, and learning from these experiences to better deal with events in the future.
Violence at work, ranging from bullying and mobbing, to threats by psychologically unstable co-workers, sexual harassment and homicide, is increasing worldwide and has reached epidemic levels in some countries. This updated and revised edition looks at the full range of aggressive acts, offers new information on their occurrence and identifies occupations and situations at particular risk. It is organised in three sections: understanding violence at work; responding to violence at work; future action.
Based on a wealth of empirical studies and case studies, this book explains the strategic choices companies have to make in order to remain consistent. In each chapter, real-life examples illuminate the key message managers should take away from the book. It offers a purely managerial viewpoint focused on what managers can do to manage the business enviroment in any situation.
"The projections in the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA's) Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) focus on the factors that shape the U.S. energy system over the long term. Under the assumption that current laws and regulations remain unchanged throughout the projections, the AEO2012 Reference case provides the basis for examination and discussion of energy production, consumption, technology, and market trends and the direction they may take in the future. It also serves as a starting point for analysis of potential changes in energy policies. But AEO2012 is not limited to the Reference case. It also includes 29 alternative cases (see Appendix E, Table E1), which explore important areas of uncertainty for markets, technologies, and policies in the U.S. energy economy. Many of the implications of the alternative cases are discussed in the 'Issues in focus' section of this report. / Key results highlighted in AEO2012 include continued modest growth in demand for energy over the next 25 years and increased domestic crude oil and natural gas production, largely driven by rising production from tight oil and shale resources. As a result, U.S. reliance on imported oil is reduced; domestic production of natural gas exceeds consumption, allowing for net exports; a growing share of U.S. electric power generation is met with natural gas and renewables; and energy-related carbon dioxide emissions remain below their 2005 level from 2010 to 2035, even in the absence of new Federal policies designed to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions."--Executive Summary (p. 2).
On 9 March 2007, Enbridge Southern Lights GP on behalf of Enbridge Southern Lights LP (ESL) and Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (EPI), collectively the Applicants, applied to the National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) for approvals related to the Southern Lights Project (Project). This Project consists of two components: Diluent Pipeline Project; and Capacity Replacement Project. In this proceeding, the Board heard evidence on engineering design and safety issues; economic considerations, such as supply and markets; public engagement and consultation; impacts on Aboriginal people; socio-economic and environmental effects of the Project; and land and routing matters.--Document.