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Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Online Video, explains 100 resistance training exercises with step-by-step instructions, photos, and online video demonstrations
Created by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, Third Edition, is a practical resource for current and aspiring strength and conditioning professionals and personal trainers. With unmatched visual demonstration of a variety of free weight and machine exercises, the text is a valuable tool for those preparing for NSCA certification and for others who design programs for athletes and clients of all ages and fitness levels.
Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and now in its fourth edition, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning is the essential text for strength and conditioning professionals and students. This comprehensive resource, created by 30 expert contributors in the field, explains the key theories, concepts, and scientific principles of strength training and conditioning as well as their direct application to athletic competition and performance. The scope and content of Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, have been updated to convey the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a strength and conditioning professional and to address the latest information found on the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam. The evidence-based approach and unbeatable accuracy of the text make it the primary resource to rely on for CSCS exam preparation. The text is organized to lead readers from theory to program design and practical strategies for administration and management of strength and conditioning facilities. The fourth edition contains the most current research and applications and several new features: Online videos featuring 21 resistance training exercises demonstrate proper exercise form for classroom and practical use. Updated research—specifically in the areas of high-intensity interval training, overtraining, agility and change of direction, nutrition for health and performance, and periodization—helps readers better understand these popular trends in the industry. A new chapter with instructions and photos presents techniques for exercises using alternative modes and nontraditional implements. Ten additional tests, including those for maximum strength, power, and aerobic capacity, along with new flexibility exercises, resistance training exercises, plyometric exercises, and speed and agility drills help professionals design programs that reflect current guidelines. Key points, chapter objectives, and learning aids including key terms and self-study questions provide a structure to help students and professionals conceptualize the information and reinforce fundamental facts. Application sidebars provide practical application of scientific concepts that can be used by strength and conditioning specialists in real-world settings, making the information immediately relatable and usable. Online learning tools delivered through HKPropel provide students with 11 downloadable lab activities for practice and retention of information. Further, both students and professionals will benefit from the online videos of 21 foundational exercises that provide visual instruction and reinforce proper technique. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Fourth Edition, provides the most comprehensive information on organization and administration of facilities, testing and evaluation, exercise techniques, training adaptations, program design, and structure and function of body systems. Its scope, precision, and dependability make it the essential preparation text for the CSCS exam as well as a definitive reference for strength and conditioning professionals to consult in their everyday practice. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is not included with this ebook but may be purchased separately.
Comprehensive and research based, the second edition of NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training is the resource to rely on for personal training information and guidance. With state-of-the-art knowledge regarding applied aspects of personal training as well as clear explanations of supporting scientific evidence, NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, is also the authoritative preparation text for those preparing for the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) exam. This essential reference was developed by the NSCA to present the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for personal trainers. With contributions from leading authorities in the field, the text will assist both current and future personal trainers in applying the most current research to the needs of their clients: A discussion on nutrition outlines the role of the personal trainer in establishing nutrition guidelines, including the application of nutrition principles for clients with metabolic concerns. The latest guidelines on client assessment from prominent organizations—such as the American Heart Association (AHA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—keep personal trainers up to speed on the latest assessment protocols. New information is presented on flexibility training and cardiovascular exercise prescription as well as a discussion of research on the effectiveness of stability ball training. Revised information on design of resistance training programs incorporates the latest information on the application of periodization of training. New information addressing injuries and rehabilitation prepares personal trainers to work with clients with special concerns such as orthopedic conditions, low back pain, ankle sprains, and hip arthroscopy. New guidelines for determining resistance training loads will assist those whose clientele includes athletes. A variety of fitness testing protocols and norms allows readers to select from several options to evaluate each component of fitness. A new instructor guide and image bank aid instructors in teaching the material to students. NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, focuses on the complex process of designing safe, effective, and goal-specific resistance, aerobic, plyometric, and speed training programs. Featuring over 200 full-color photos with accompanying technique instructions, this resource offers readers a step-by-step approach to designing exercise programs with special attention to the application of principles based on age, fitness level, and health status. Using comprehensive guidelines and sample clients portrayed in the text, readers can learn appropriate ways to adjust exercise programs to work with a variety of clients while accommodating each client’s individual needs. Personal trainers will appreciate the book’s presentation of detailed exercise programming guidelines for specific populations. Modifications and contraindications to exercise are given for prepubescent youth, older adults, and athletes as well as for clients who are overweight or obese or have eating disorders, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipedimia, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsyIn addition, the book provides clear, easy-to-understand guidelines for initial client consultation and health appraisal. For those preparing for the NSCA-CPT exam, this second edition features new and revised study questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are written in the same style and format as those found on the NSCA-CPT exam to fully prepare candidates for exam day. For efficient self-study, answers to study questions and suggested solutions for the applied knowledge questions are located in the back of the text. Chapter objectives and key points provide a framework for study and review of important information, while sidebars throughout the text present practical explanations and applications of scientific concepts and theory. The second edition of NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training is the most comprehensive resource available for current and future personal trainers, exercise instructors, fitness facility and wellness center mangers, and other fitness professionals. Unmatched in scope, this text remains the leading source for personal training preparation and professional development.
NSCA's Guide to Program Design offers the most current information, guidance, and protocols from respected scientists and practitioners with expertise in strength and conditioning program design. Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this text offers strength and conditioning professionals a scientific basis for developing training programs for specific athletes at specific times of year. Straightforward and accessible, NSCA’s Guide to Program Design presents a detailed examination of considerations and challenges in developing a program for each key fitness component and fitness performance goal. Editor Jay Hoffman and his team of contributors have assembled an exceptional reference for practicing professionals and a valuable educational resource for new professionals and students preparing for certification. This authoritative text moves beyond the simple template presentation of program design to help readers grasp the reasons and procedures for sequencing training in a safe, sport-specific manner. The text offers 20 tables that are sample workouts or training plans for athletes in a variety of sports, technique photos and instructions for select drills, and a sample annual training plan that shows how to assemble all the pieces previously presented. Plus, extensive references offer starting points for continued study and professional enrichment. NSCA’s Guide to Program Design progresses sequentially through the program design process. It begins by examining the athlete needs assessment process as well as performance testing considerations and selection. Next, performance-related information on both dynamic warm-up and static stretching is discussed and dynamic warm-up protocols and exercises are presented. Then it reveals an in-depth by-chapter look at program design for resistance, power, anaerobic, endurance, agility, speed, and balance and stability training. For each, considerations and adaptations are examined, strategies and methods are discussed, and evidence-based information on program development is presented. The final two chapters help you put it all together with a discussion of training integration, periodization, and implementation. In addition, a sample annual training plan illustrates how to integrate each of the key fitness components into a cohesive yearlong program. As a bonus, a sample annual training plan is provided on our website so you can create your own training plans. The fitness, safety, and performance of athletes reflect the importance of continued education in the science of strength and conditioning. NSCA’s Guide to Program Design helps bridge the gap between scientist and practitioner by providing coaches and other strength and conditioning professionals with evidence-based information and applications. Sharing the latest in proven research, NSCA’s Guide to Program Design helps readers remain on the cutting edge of athletic performance. NSCA’s Guide to Program Design is part of the Science of Strength and Conditioning series. Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this series of texts provides the guidelines for converting scientific research into practical application. The series covers topics such as tests and assessments, program design, and nutrition. Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is a guide to developing individualized training programs for both serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts. In this updated and expanded fourth edition, two of the world’s leading experts on strength training explore how to design scientifically based resistance training programs, modify and adapt programs to meet the needs of special populations, and apply the elements of program design in the real world. Fleck and Kraemer provide readers with a thorough understanding of the process of designing resistance training programs from both scientific and practical perspectives. As with previous editions, the fourth edition includes comprehensive tables that compare data and conclusions from research on core topics related to design of resistance training programs. By summarizing research and content for the reader, these tables offer a study guide, on-the-job reference, or starting point for further research. Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is the only resource available that presents the body of research in the field in this organized and comprehensive format. The fourth edition has been thoroughly revised to present the most current information while retaining the studies that are the basis for concepts, guidelines, and applications in resistance training. Meticulously updated and heavily referenced, the fourth edition contains the following updates: • A full-color interior provides stronger visual appeal for the text. • Sidebars focus on a specific practical question or an applied research concept, allowing readers to connect research to real-life situations. • Multiple detailed tables summarize research from the text, offering an easy way to compare data and conclusions. • A glossary makes it simple to find key terms in one convenient location. • Newly added instructor ancillaries make the fourth edition a true learning resource for the classroom. Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, begins by outlining the principles of resistance training and exercise prescription, and examines the various types of strength training, including isometrics and eccentric training. This is followed by a discussion of resistance training from a physiological perspective and an overview of how resistance training programs interact with the other conditioning components such as aerobic, interval, plyometric, and flexibility training. Readers will then explore advanced training techniques, how to manipulate training variables in a long-term resistance training program, and ways to plan rest into long-term training that minimizes losses in fitness or performance gains. An important text for students, researchers, and practitioners, this textbook offers the information and tools to help readers evaluate resistance training programs and better understand the context and efficacy of new data findings in this ever-changing field. Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is an essential resource for understanding the science behind resistance training and designing evidence-based resistance training programs for any population. This text provides the tools for understanding and designing resistance training programs for almost any situation or need.
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) has long been at the forefront of aiding aspiring and established exercise professionals in working with clients from special populations, such as children, aging adults, and clients with temporary or permanent physical or cognitive conditions and disorders. Clients with special conditions often require modifications to general exercise recommendations, specific exercise facility design, and particular training equipment. They may also require exercise programming supervised by exercise professionals with specialized training. NSCA's Essentials of Training Special Populations will help exercise professionals design customized programs for clients with unique considerations. It is an ideal preparatory resource for those seeking to become an NSCA Certified Special Population Specialist (CSPS) as well as professionals who work in collaboration with health care professionals to assess, educate, and train special population clients of all ages regarding their health and fitness needs. Editor Patrick L. Jacobs, who has extensive experience as both a practitioner and scholar, and a team of qualified contributors provide evidence-based information and recommendations on particular training protocols for a breadth of conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions, cardiovascular conditions, immunologic disorders, and cancer. The book discusses the benefits of exercise for clients with special conditions and the exercise-related challenges they often face, as well as the importance of safe and effective health and fitness assessments for these clients. With an emphasis on published research, NSCA's Essentials of Training Special Populations reviews the pathology and pathophysiology of numerous conditions and disorders, including the known effects of exercise on those conditions and disorders. Each chapter includes tables that provide exercise recommendations for specific conditions, complete with training modifications, precautions, and contraindications. Also included are case studies with practical examples of the application of these population-specific recommendations, as well as a summary of the commonly prescribed medications and their potential effects on exercise responses and adaptations. NSCA's Essentials of Training Special Populations includes a number of learning aids designed to assist the reader. Chapter objectives appear at the beginning of each chapter, study questions are at the end of each chapter, key points in easy-to-find boxes summarize important concepts for the reader, and key terms are identified and defined throughout the text. Recommended readings are also provided for readers wishing to learn more about a topic in general or specifically in preparation for the CSPS exam. For instructors using NSCA's Essentials of Training Special Populations in a higher education course or for a training symposium, ancillary materials are available to make class preparation easy. The materials are designed to complement the content and assist in its instruction. The ancillaries consist of an instructor's guide, test package, and presentation package plus image bank.
Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, is the definitive reference for personal training professionals and students. This comprehensive guide to personal training, with contributions from leaders in the field, provides the most accurate and reliable information and guidance for current and aspiring professionals. Updated to reflect the latest research, with clear explanations of supporting scientific evidence, this edition will give readers the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed by modern personal training professionals. New content addresses the latest objectives found on the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) exam, maintaining this text’s position as the single best resource for those preparing for the NSCA-CPT exam. NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition, provides guidelines for the complex process of designing safe, effective, and goal-specific resistance, aerobic, plyometric, and speed training programs for clients of all ages and fitness levels. With comprehensive coverage of various categories of unique client needs, readers will learn how to make specific modifications and adjust exercise programs for each individual client. Multiple fitness testing protocols and norms for each component of fitness—including 10 new tests—are all presented, along with instructions that are detailed yet easy to follow. Over 200 full-color photos and accompanying instructions clearly describe and visually show proper technique for exercises and drills, including stretching, plyometrics, and stability ball exercises. There are new sections on suspension training, manual resistance training, and common types of resistance training equipment. Plus, 27 online videos, delivered through HKPropel, demonstrate exercise technique in action, preparing readers to instruct clients through safe exercise performance. Students will also be able to complete chapter quizzes assigned by instructors through HKPropel. Study questions at the end of each chapter, written in the same style and format as those found on the NSCA-CPT exam, facilitate learning of chapter content and fully prepare candidates for exam day. Practicing professionals and aspiring professionals alike will benefit from a new appendix of advice on building a successful career as a personal trainer. NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition, remains the most comprehensive resource available for personal training preparation and professional development. Unmatched in scope, this essential text continues to be a definitive reference for current and future personal trainers, exercise instructors, fitness facility and wellness center managers, and other fitness professionals. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is not included with this ebook but may be purchased separately.
"Suitable for newcomers to strength training, as well as those looking to fine-tune an existing programme, this text provides a range of flexible programme options and exercises using machines, free weights and other apparatus to customise training to suit personal preferences."--Publisher.
NSCA's Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning equips you to deliver the highest-quality strength and conditioning program in the high school setting--whether you are a strength and conditioning professional, physical education teacher, sport coach, or administrator.