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Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems provides an overview of research in semiconductors that exhibit resonance enhanced optical nonlinearities in the frequency range close to the valence-conduction band gap. The book is divided into the following sections: quantum wells, wires, and dots; superlattices; nonlinear optical properties of confined systems; and effects of external fields on confined systems. Topics range from fundamental theory to more applied aspects of excitons in confined sytems.
The optical properties of semiconductors have played an important role since the identification of semiconductors as "small" bandgap materials in the thinies, due both to their fundamental interest as a class of solids baving specific optical propenies and to their many important applications. On the former aspect we can cite the fundamental edge absorption and its assignment to direct or indirect transitions, many-body effects as revealed by exciton formation and photoconductivity. On the latter aspect, large-scale applications sucb as LEDs and lasers, photovoltaic converters, photodetectors, electro-optics and non-linear optic devices, come to mind. The eighties saw a revitalization of the whole field due to the advent of heterostructures of lower-dimensionality, mainly two-dimensional quantum wells, which through their enhanced photon-matter interaction yielded new devices with unsurpassed performance. Although many of the basic phenomena were evidenced through the seventies, it was this impact on applications which in turn led to such a massive investment in fabrication tools, thanks to which many new structures and materials were studied, yielding funher advances in fundamental physics.
In the last few years it was seen the emergence of various new quantum phenomena specifically related with electronic or optical confinement on a sub-wavelength-size. Fast developments simultaneously occurred in the field of Atomic Physics, notably through various regimes of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, and in Solid State Physics, with advances in Quantum Well technology and Nanooptoelectronics. Simultaneously, breakthroughs in Near-Field Optics provided new tools which should be widely applicable to these domains. However, the key concepts used to describe these new and partly related effects are often very different and specific of the Community involved in a given development. It has been the ambition of the Meeting held at "Centre de Physique des Houches" to give an opportunity to specialists of different Communities to deepen their understanding of advances more or less intimately related to their own field, while presenting the basic concepts of these different fields through pedagogical Introductions. The audience comprised advanced students, postdocs and senior scientists, with a balanced participation of Atomic Physicists and Solid State Physicists, and had a truly international character. The considerable efforts of the lecturers, in order to present exciting new results in a language accessible to the whole audience, were the essential ingredients to achieve successfully what was the main goal of this School.
Microcavities are semiconductor, metal, or dielectric structures providing optical confinement in one, two or three dimensions. At the end of the 20th century, microcavities have attracted attention due to the discovery of a strong exciton-light coupling regime allowing for the formation of superposition light-matter quasiparticles: exciton-polaritons. In the following century several remarkable effects have been discovered in microcavities, including the Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons, polariton lasing, superfluidity, optical spin Hall and spin Meissner effects, amongst other discoveries. Currently, polariton devices exploiting the bosonic stimulation effects at room temperature are being developed by laboratories across the world. This book addresses the physics of microcavities: from classical to quantum optics, from a Boltzmann gas to a superfluid. It provides the theoretical background needed for understanding the complex phenomena in coupled light-matter systems, and it presents a broad overview of experimental progress in the physics of microcavities.
Rapid development of microfabrication and assembly of nanostructures has opened up many opportunities to miniaturize structures that confine light, producing unusual and extremely interesting optical properties. This book addresses the large variety of optical phenomena taking place in confined solid state structures: microcavities. Realisations include planar and pillar microcavities, whispering gallery modes, and photonic crystals. The microcavities represent a unique laboratory for quantum optics and photonics. They exhibit a number of beautiful effects including lasing, superfluidity, superradiance, entanglement etc. Written by four practitioners strongly involved in experiments and theories of microcavities, it is addressed to any interested reader having a general physical background, but in particular to undergraduate and graduate students at physics faculties.
The physics of strong light-matter coupling has been addressed in different scientific communities over the last three decades. Since the early eighties, atoms coupled to optical and microwave cavities have led to pioneering demonstrations of cavity quantum electrodynamics, Gedanken experiments, and building blocks for quantum information processing, for which the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 2012. In the framework of semiconducting devices, strong coupling has allowed investigations into the physics of Bose gases in solid-state environments, and the latter holds promise for exploiting light-matter interaction at the single-photon level in scalable architectures. More recently, impressive developments in the so-called superconducting circuit QED have opened another fundamental playground to revisit cavity quantum electrodynamics for practical and fundamental purposes.This book aims at developing the necessary interface between these communities, by providing future researchers with a robust conceptual, theoretical and experimental basis on strong light-matter coupling, both in the classical and in the quantum regimes. In addition, the emphasis is on new forefront research topics currently developed around the physics of strong light-matter interaction in the atomic and solid-state scenarios.
Solid state physics is a fascinating sub-genre of condensed matter physics - though some graduate students consider it a very boring and tedious subject area in Physics and others even call it a “squalid state”. Topics covered in this book are built on standard solid state physics references available in most online libraries or in other books on solid state physics. The complexity of high speed semiconductor physics and related devices arose from condensed solid state matter. The content covered in this book gives a deep coverage on some topics or sections that may be covered only superficially in other literature. Therefore, these topics are likely to differ a great deal from what is deemed important elsewhere in other books or available literature. There are many extremely good books on solid-state physics and condensed matter physics but very few of these books are restricted to high speed semiconductor physic though. Chapter one covers the general semiconductor qualities that make high speed semiconductor devices effect and includes the theory of crystals, diffusion and ist mechanisms, while chapter two covers solid state materials, material processing for high speed semiconductor devices and an introduction to quantum theory for materials in relation to density of states of the radiation for a black body and ist radiation properties. Chapter three discuss high speed semiconductor energy band theory, energy bands in general solid semiconductor materials, the Debye model, the Einstein model the Debye model and semiconductor transport carriers in 3D semiconductors while chapter four discuss effect of external force on current flow based on the concept of holes valence band, and lattice scattering in high speed devices. Chapter five briefly describes solid state thermoelectric fundamentals, thermoelectric material and thermoelectric theory of solids in lattice and phonons while chapter six scattering in high field effect in semiconductors in inter-valley electron scattering and the associated Fermi Dirac statistics and Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation on their carrier concentration variation with energy in extrinsic doping chapter seven covers p-n junction diodes, varactor diode, pin diode Schottky diode and their transient response of diode in multi-valley semiconductors. Chapter eight discusses high speed metal semiconductor field effect transistors.
The purpose of this course was to give an overview of the physics of artificial semiconductor structures confining electrons and photons. It furnishes the background for several applications in particular in the domain of optical devices, lasers, light emitting diodes or photonic crystals. The effects related to the microactivity polaritons, which are mixed electromagnetic radiation-exciton states inside a semiconconductor microactivity are covered. The study of the characteristics of such states shows strong relations with the domain of cavity quantum electrodynamics and thus with the investigation of some fundamental theoretical concepts.