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The Army has been involved with space-based military operations for well over a half-century. During this time, space operations have changed from a realm exclusive to scientists and engineers, to highly classified activities largely unknown to the general population, to the unveiling of space-based communication, imagery, surveillance, and environment capabilities that have become a foundation for all modern warfare. Today, such support is so ingrained into daily operations that most soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines assume it has been, and always will be, available for their use. But with such reliance comes vulnerability that potential adversaries may try to exploit. The evolution of Army space operations is well-documented in many sources, thus this monograph serves not as a comprehensive history or detailed critique of the myriad accomplishments. Rather, it serves as a primer for current and future space-based operations to provide senior policymakers, decisionmakers, military leaders, and their respective staffs, an overall appreciation for existing Army space capabilities and the challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with their use in joint operations. Other products relating to this topic include the following: United States Code, 2012 Edition, V. 34, Title 50, War and National Defense to Title 51, National Commercial Space Programs can be found at this link: https: // NASA's First A: Aeronautics From 1958 to 2008 can be found at this link: https: // Space Handbook: A War Fighter\'s Guide to Space, V. 1 can be found at this link: https: // Space Warriors: The Army Space Support Team can be found at this link: https: // Army Support of Military Cyberspace Operations: Joint Contexts and Global Escalation Implications can be found at this link: https: //
Over the last century, the domains of air, space, and cyberspace have joined the traditional warfighting domains of land and sea. While the doctrine for land operations is relatively mature, the doctrine for space and cyberspace continue to evolve, often in an unstructured manner. This monograph examines the relationships among these domains and how they apply to U.S. Army and joint warfighting. It concentrates on the central question: How are U.S. military operations in the newest domains of space and cyberspace being integrated with operations in the traditional domain of land? This inquiry is divided into three major sections: Existing Doctrine: This section presents an overview of the current state of joint and U.S. Army doctrinal development for each of the domains of land, space, and cyberspace. Operations in Multiple Domains: This section examines the concept of cross-domain synergy and its ability to enhance globally integrated operations. Future Operations. This section explores probable future operating environments as well as the resulting implications for U.S. Army and joint force development. It includes recommendations for policymakers and senior leaders regarding the future development and integration of space and cyberspace doctrine. Anticipated future trends favor the decreased emphasis on traditional large-scale land operations and increased frequency and intensity of conflict in space and cyberspace, perhaps even where these newer domains may become preeminent for a given operation. The joint staff's pursuit of achieving cross-domain synergy in planning and operations offers a credible method to face some of the challenges of the future joint force, but this will likely remain an evolutionary vice revolutionary endeavor. Related products: Army Support of Military Cyberspace Operations: Joint Contexts and Global Escalation Implications can be found here: https: // Prism: A Journal of the Center for Complex Operations -print subscription available here: https: // Evolving Army Needs for Space-Based Support available here: https: // Evaluation of the 2015 DOD Cyber Strategy: Mild Progress in a Complex and Dynamic Military Domain available here: https: // Related products:
Future success of Army forces will be critically dependent upon exploitation of space assets, capabilities, and products across the entire spectrum of military operations. In an environment of rapid political, technological, and economic change, Army access to national, civil, allied, military, and commercial space capabilities and products is essential to successful operations. Consistent with national and Department of Defense policies and in cooperation withother services and agencies, the Department of the Army will conduct space and space-related activities that enhance operational support to war fighters and contribute to successful execution of Army missions. Furthermore, the Army will consider space toinclude those regions from, through, or in which space or space-surrogate systems operate. Employment of space products that meet land warfighter requirements will provide a force multiplier essential: to our power projection force. Information technology,which enables success on the battlefield, relies heavily on space solutions. Beyond affecting future space systems design and developmental initiatives, the Army, in jointand combined operations, will organize and train Army forces using space capabilities andproducts to make them more responsive, flexible, interoperable, survivable, and sustainable. Space and space-related capabilities are essential contributors to Army modernization objectives. In addition to exploiting existing space systems, the Army willensure that new systems support land component requirements. Space applications will be embedded in Army doctrine, training scenarios, wargames, exercises, and plans. The use of space products will be normalized in the preparation for and conduct of assigned missions.Successful execution of this policy requires developing, maintaining, and enhancing Army space expertise, to include provision for training of space-knowledgeable soldiers and civilians and the development of space concepts, doctrine, requirements, and equipment.The Army will seek to normalize the direct and immediate in-theater response tocommanders from evolving space-based capabilities.Aggressive exploitation of space capabilities and products normalized in concepts,doctrine, training, operations, and modernization will ensure that the Army is able tomaintain land force dominance well into the twenty-first century. The Army's future isinextricably tied to space.
Space support to Land Component formations continues to evolve as the requirements for Space support change and grow. This evolution is apparent in the methods and procedures used to deliver Space support, as well as in the organizational structure that is developing and expanding to provide this support. The Army's current organizational structure for Space is largely a result of the confluence of the Global War on Terror and the effects of Army Transformation. Specifically, Army Space Support Teams and Space Support Elements have been modified in terms of both organization and function even as we work to complete the fielding of these Teams and Elements across the Modular Army. Today's structure, including both personnel and equipment, is not optimized to deliver Space support for current operations and will not be adequate in the future without additional evolution. This paper will address Land Component Space support needs, the organizations designed to deliver this support, the roles and functions of those organizations, and recommendations for optimizing the quality and effectiveness of Space support.
CMH Pub 70-91-1. Revision of the 1998 edition with added last chapter. Prepared by James Walker and James T. Hooper. Outlines the organizational and conceptual evolution of the Army Space Support Team (ARSST) from 1986 to 1998. Identifies trends and issues of significance, explaining how important problems were approached and why key decisions were made. Includes sections on the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and satellite weather support.
In the conflict environment of the future, global connectivity will be needed for deployment; simultaneous attack throughout depth will require synchronization, cooperation, and interconnectivity; command and control on the move will be essential; the Army will need to focus on avoiding incidents of fratricide; and the Army will need to plan for simultaneous contingency operations in regions without infrastructure. Given this environment, we believe that Army Future Operations will need to become Aerospace Land Operations, because this concept continues to reflect the aggressive, opportunitic spirit of Army Future Operations and gives the future Army the flexibility and agility it will need. This Note draws on space-related research the Arroyo Center has performed (and is performing) for the Army and proposes a strategy for the Army's role in space-one that is grounded in the argument that the Army's primary role in space should be to support the battlefield commander. The Note then suggests that the Army must modify its organization to emphasize space, should pursue a two-part investment strategy that centers on aggressively exploiting existing commercial, civilian, and national space assets, and must modify operational procedures for space (specifically those involving acquisition, training, and information distribution).
Growth in the technical capabilities of commercial and foreign space systems, potential exploitation of space by adversaries, increasing use of commercial space capabilities by U.S. forces, and continuing budget constraints are all changing the role of the U.S. military in space. The growth of commercial space markets, and the rapid privatization and increasing foreign ownership of commercial space assets, suggest that the Department of Defense must develop a long-term strategy to ensure adequate and secure access to commercial communications satellites and other commercial space resources. Space control will assume increasing importance in military operations, and space itself may become a theater of military operations. The United States should develop a long-term strategy to enable the U.S. military to deny space capabilities to potential adversaries. Such a strategy should rely on system or operational concepts that minimize collateral damage to commercial, civil, and third-party space assets and that do not violate existing arms control agreements or treaties. Space surveillance--the ability to precisely identify, track, and predict the position of objects in space --is an essential aspect of space control. Space control and changing space surveillance needs have implications for the Air Force as an institution.
As the United States creates the Space Force as a service within the Department of the Air Force, RAND assessed which units to bring into the Space Force, analyzed career field sustainability, and drew lessons from other defense organizations. The report focuses on implications for effectiveness, efficiency, independence, and sense of identity for the new service.
This monograph examines the question of an evolving Joint space campaign concept and the Army's role in it over the next 20 years. Analysis progresses logically through a series of topics in order to arrive at a complete picture of this evolutionary space campaign concept, as well as the Army's place in it. Space plays an increasingly important role in US military operations, particularly when tied together with advances in information management. The synergistic impact due to the combination of these two areas suggests a revolution in the nature of modern warfare which saw its emergence during the 1991 Gulf War. With this theme in mind, I review the Army's roles, missions, and historical involvement in space, then present technological opportunities and a perspective on investment strategies for military space. A detailed discussion of a near-term military space theory and current space doctrines supports the need for an accepted military space theory as a foundation for Joint and Service space doctrines, space campaign design and conduct, and space force generation. The basis for such a theory is established using Julian Corbett's maritime warfare theory as a point of departure, while recognizing that space as a unique military operating medium requires its own theory and a regime to govern the application of space forces.