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A new theory about the origins of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the evolutionary transition to basic consciousness. What marked the evolutionary transition from organisms that lacked consciousness to those with consciousness—to minimal subjective experiencing, or, as Aristotle described it, “the sensitive soul”? In this book, Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka propose a new theory about the origin of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the transition to basic consciousness. Using a methodology similar to that used by scientists when they identified the transition from non-life to life, Ginsburg and Jablonka suggest a set of criteria, identify a marker for the transition to minimal consciousness, and explore the far-reaching biological, psychological, and philosophical implications. After presenting the historical, neurobiological, and philosophical foundations of their analysis, Ginsburg and Jablonka propose that the evolutionary marker of basic or minimal consciousness is a complex form of associative learning, which they term unlimited associative learning (UAL). UAL enables an organism to ascribe motivational value to a novel, compound, non-reflex-inducing stimulus or action, and use it as the basis for future learning. Associative learning, Ginsburg and Jablonka argue, drove the Cambrian explosion and its massive diversification of organisms. Finally, Ginsburg and Jablonka propose symbolic language as a similar type of marker for the evolutionary transition to human rationality—to Aristotle's “rational soul.”
Men have evolved from animals, and animals from inanimate matter, but what has evolved is qualitatively different from the inanimate matter from which it began. Both men and the higher animals have a mental life of sensation, thought, purpose, desire, and belief. Although these mental states in part cause, and are caused by, brain states, they are distinct from them. Richard Swinburne argues that we can only make sense of this interaction by supposing that mental states are states of a soul, a mental substance in interaction with the body. Although both have a rich mental life, human souls, unlike animal souls, are capable of logical thought, have moral beliefs, have free will, and have an internal structure (so that their beliefs and desires are formed largely by other beliefs and desires inherent in the soul). Professor Swinburne concludes that there is no full scientific explanation available for the evolution of the soul, and almost certainly there never will be. Forthis revised edition Professor Swinburne has taken the opportunity to strengthen or expand the argument in various places, to take account of certain developments in philosophy and cognitive science in the intervening years, and to add new discussion of important matters relating to the themes of the book, including connectionism and quantum theory.
The belief in soul evolution comes from the commonly held assumption that each person is spiritually incomplete, that we have returned to this earthly school for lessons our souls need to move to the next higher level. The Complete Soul: Exposing the Myth of Soul Evolution challenges this belief. Your soul, like the drop of water taken from the ocean, is complete. The spiritual awakening is not about evolution. It is about recovering your soul from the false sense of self and its evolutionary timeline, a perceived barrier between where you think you are and where you want to be. This book takes the position that no such barrier exists. Within these pages, you will discover that you did not come here to learn something from the people, places, and things of this earth. You came for the experience. You came because you had something you wanted to give. The Complete Soul affirms your spiritual wholeness and suggests creative new ways of thinking about your reason for taking on this physical body. As you consider these ideas, you may discover that the fulfillment you seek is a lot closer than you think.
"A book for contemporary seekers. It illumines the eternal quest for spiritual truth in the context of our time--a time of crisis and paradox. Even as threats to human civilization intensify, a new wave of universal spirituality is quietly breaking upon the shores of our planet"--P [4] of cover
Human beings have evolved from animals, and animals from inanimate matter; but what has evolved is qualitatively different from the inanimate matter from which it began. Both humans and the higher animals have a mental life of sensation, thought, purpose, desire, and belief. It can be argued that these mental states, while interacting with the body, are distinct from it: they are states of a soul. In this study, Swinburne examines the various parts of the mental life, the concept of the soul (both animal and human), and the products of the human soul--logical thought, moral beliefs, and free will.
Evaluates the debate between advocates for evolution and intelligent design which occured during the 2005 Dover evolution trial, dissecting the claims of the intelligent design movement and explaining why the conflict is compromising America's position a
Making a new religious freedom -- Independent black church conventions, 1866-1868 -- Religion, race, and gender at the congregational level -- Theological education, race relations, and gender, 1875-1882 -- Politics of engagement.
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