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This book explores the origin and evolution of important grammatical categories of the Indo-European verb, including the markers of person, tense, number, aspect, and mood. Its central thesis is that many of these markers can be traced to original deictic particles which were incorporated into verbal structures in order to indicate the 'hic and nunc' and various degrees of remoteness from the 'hic and nunc'. The alterations to which these deictic elements were subject are viewed here in the context of an Indo-European language very different from Brugmannian Indo-European, many features of which, it is argued, appeared only in the period of dialectal development. This book challenges numerous traditional proposals about the Indo-European verb; all reconstructions contained in it are firmly based on extant data and are consonant with established principles of linguistic change.
Ce recueil de plus de 30 contributions originales honore la memoire du professeur A.J. Van Windekens, qui fut pendant pres de cinquante ans un des principaux representants des etudes de linguistique comparative. Centree sur le theme de l'etymologie et de l'histoire des mots, cette publication reflete fidelement les orientations actuelles de la recherche historique menee dans des domaines aussi varies que l'armenien, le hittite, le vieil-indien et les langues iraniennes, le tokharien, l'albanais, le grec et le latin, le gotique, les langues celtiques, etc. Le materiel examine se compose avant tout de noms communs et de noms propres, mais egalement de pronoms, de noms de nombre et d'elements proprement grammaticaux. Pour toute ces donnees, la mise en perspective provient du vocabulaire de l'indo-europeen prehistorique, considere en lui-meme ou vu dans ses rapports avec d'autres proto-langues, telles que le semitique commun. Tout au long le livre, une place importante est reservee a la methodologie generale: le statut des reconstructions linguistiques, les lois phonetiques et l'analogie, le contact des langues et l'emprunt lexical. L'ouvrage se clot sur un index vocum exhaustif de plus de vingt pages. Les Studia Etymologica Indoeuropaea s'adressent a tous les specialistes de la linguistique indo-europeenne et generale, en particulier aux orientalistes et aux philologues classiques.
Настоящая монография представляет собой трехтомное посмертное издание труда выдающегося советского и российского лингвиста А. Б. Долгопольского, одного из крупнейших и всемирно признанных специалистов по сравнительно-историческому языкознанию и изучению дальнего родства языков. «Индоевропейский словарь с ностратическими этимологиями» составлен автором на основе главного труда его жизни – «Ностратического словаря», работу над которым А. Б. Долгопольский неотрывно и интенсивно вёл почти полвека.Основной своей задачей автор считает определение и доказательство ностратических истоков индоевропейской лексики, поиск регулярных соответствий между лексическими единицами индоевропейских языков и языков других семей Старого Света. Словарь содержит 1397 вхождений, представляющих собой реконструированные корни индоевропейского праязыка с указанием их потомков в языках индоевропейской семьи и внешних соответствий в других семьях ностратических языков. Как по широте охвата лингвистического материала, так и по глубине разработки каждой словарной единицы словарь представляет собой уникальный материал для анализа и предназначен не только для лингвистов, изучающих индоевропейские языки, но и для специалистов по сравнительно-историческому изучению языков других семей.
New, fully updated edition incorporates the latest research in Indo-European Studies Written by an international team of experts providing a range of views in one volume Revised structure with languages following the order of attestation and new indexes for Proto-Indo-European reconstructed roots/words, Proto-Indo-European vocabulary and specific families/languages indexes (i.e Sanskrit, Latin, Gothic, English) for easier reference.
This study aims to describe the typological characteristics of the original Indo-European structure, called the derivative-flectional stage (or (sub)type), and to trace its developments to the paradigmatically organized structure of the individual Indo-European languages, called the paradigmatic-flectional stage (or (sub)type). This development is demonstrated in Latin, a language characterized by highy developed inflection, which attests, especially by its verbal system, an alternative way of paradigmatizing the original structure, differing from Old Indian and Greek on which traditional reconstruction was based. The notion of derivative-flectional type is used to try to penetrate to the original form and historical sources of the IE flectional type without presupposing radical typological change between Proto-IE and IE. The author's view differs from the traditional theory of prehistoric change in IE structure (from isolation to flection via agglutination) in that she assumes the origins of flection lie in lexico-derivative categorization. The book is divided into three parts: 1. The Origins and Evolution of the Indo-European Flectional Type 2. The Basic Principles and Origins of the Nominal System and Inflections 3. The Indo-European Origins of the Latin Verbal System
“Gamkrelidze and Ivanov’s wide-ranging and interdisciplinary work, superbly translated from Russian, is a must for every student of Indo-European prehistory. Its erudition is unsurpassed, and its unorthodox conclusions are a continuing challenge.” Prof. Dr. Martin Haspelmath, Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie