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Crime prevention policy and practice is, on the whole, far from objective. Instead of being based on scientific evidence, the crime policy agenda is seemingly driven by political ideology, anecdotal evidence and programme trends. Evidence-Based Crime Prevention seeks to change this by comprehensively and rigorously assessing the existing scientific knowledge on the effectiveness of crime prevention programmes internationally. Reviewing more than 600 scientific evaluations of programmes intended to prevent crime in settings such as families, schools, labour markets and communities, this book grades programmes on their scientific validity using the 'scientific methods scale'. This collection, which brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of crime prevention, will provide policy-makers, researchers and community leaders with an understandable source of information about what works, what does not work and what is promising in preventing crime.
Comprehensive - reviews 675 crime prevention programs across the world Employs the easy to understand 'scientific methods scale' to communicate data on what works and what does not to policy makers and practitioners as well as students and researchers Farrington is a big name on both sides of the Atlantic - has been president of American Society of Criminology and British Society of Criminology as well as European Association of Psychology and Law
This book addresses and reviews progress in a major innovative development within police work known as evidence-based policing. It involves a significant extension and strengthening of links between research and practice and is directed to the task of increasing police effectiveness in the field of community crime prevention. This volume provides an international perspective that synthesizes recent research results from the United States and other countries – including systematic reviews of large bodies of evidence – to illuminate several of the most challenging issues currently confronting police departments. It examines recent advances in research-based models of policing and the expanding base in outcome evaluation. Key areas of coverage include: Managing the nighttime economy. Supervising sex offenders. Tackling domestic/intimate partner violence. Addressing school violence and the formation of gangs. Reducing victim and witness retraction and disengagement. Responding to mental disorders, safeguarding vulnerable adults, and providing victim support. Leveraging public awareness campaigns. In addition, each chapter presents an overview of key issues within a designated area, synthesizes existing reviews, and examines the most recent research. The book clearly and concisely presents major concepts, theories, and research findings, thereby providing both conceptual and analytic tools alongside an integrated presentation of principal findings and messages. The volume concludes with a discussion of current directions in research, key developments in policing strategies, and identification of effective operational structures for facilitating and sustaining research-practice links. Evidence-Based Policing and Community Crime Prevention is a must-have resource for researchers, clinicians and other professionals, and graduate students in forensic psychology, criminology and criminal justice, public health, developmental psychology, psychotherapy and counseling, psychiatry, social work, educational policy and politics, health psychology, nursing, and behavioral therapy/rehabilitation.
This book examines evidence-based crime prevention through the use of the rigorous methodology of systematic reviews. It brings together the leading scientific evidence on what works best for a wide range of interventions organized around four important domains in criminology: at-risk children, offenders, victims, and places. It is an indispensable guide to the leading scientific evidence on what works best to prevent crime.
Risk-based policing is a research advancement that improves public safety, and its applications prevent crime specifically by managing crime risks. In Risk-Based Policing, the authors analyze case studies from a variety of city agencies including Atlantic City, New Jersey; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Glendale, Arizona; Kansas City, Missouri; Newark, New Jersey; and others. They demonstrate how focusing police resources on risky places and basing police work on smart uses of data can address the worst effects of disorder and crime while improving community relations and public safety. Topics include the role of big data; the evolution of modern policing; dealing with high-risk targets; designing, implementing, and evaluating risk-based policing strategies; and the role of multiple stakeholders in risk-based policing. The book also demonstrates how risk terrain modeling can be extended to provide a comprehensive view of prevention and deterrence.
Evidence-based policing is based on the straightforward, but powerful, idea that crime prevention and crime control policy should be based on what works best in promoting public safety, as determined by the best available scientific evidence. Bringing together leading academics and practitioners, this book explores a wide range of case studies from around the world that best exemplify the integration of scientific evidence in contemporary policing processes. Chapters explore the transfer of scientific knowledge to the practice community, the role of officers in conducting police-led science, connection of work between police researchers and practitioners, and how evidence-based policing can be incorporated in daily police functions. The Globalization of Evidence-Based Policing is written for both researchers and practitioners interested in ensuring that scientific research is at center stage in policing. Agencies (including law enforcement agencies, research centers, and institutions of higher learning) can look to these case studies as road maps to better foster an evidence-based approach to crime prevention and crime control. Those already committed to evidence-based policing can look to these chapters to ensure that evidence-based policing is firmly institutionalized within their agencies. Accessible and compelling, this book is essential reading for all those interested in learning more about and doing more to bring about evidence-based policing.
The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention is the most reliable and the only comprehensive source on research and experience on the prevention of crime in the United States and across the Western world.
Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations, 9th Edition, meets the needs of students and instructors for engaging, evidence-based, impartial coverage of the origins of crime, as well as of public policy that can reduce or prevent deviance. The book examines a range of approaches to preventing crime and elucidates their respective goals. Strategies include primary prevention measures designed to prevent conditions that foster deviance; secondary prevention measures directed toward persons or conditions with a high potential for deviance; and tertiary prevention measures to deal with persons who have already committed crimes. This edition provides research and information on all aspects of crime prevention, including the physical environment and crime, neighborhood crime prevention programs, community policing, crime in schools, and electronic monitoring and home confinement. Lab offers a thorough and well-rounded discussion of the many sides of the crime prevention debate, in clear and accessible language.
What cannot be measured, cannot be managed. Despite this axiom, few books in the security industry have tackled the need to truly understand crime. Unraveled: An Evidence-Based Approach to Understanding and Preventing Crime bridges the gap between criminological theories and the practical application of these theories in the real world. Unraveled is applicable to a broad audience of people responsible for making security decisions for one or hundreds of properties. ​​​​ Unraveled: An Evidence-Based Approach to Understanding and Preventing Crime provides a practical approach to understanding crime and the theories which support crime prevention and security measures. Using research, Unraveled guides security decision makers to a deeper understanding of the unique nature of crime at their properties, summarizes the theories which support crime prevention efforts, and how to objectively analyze security programs. Unraveled discusses crime data sources used in conducting crime analysis and explores ways to organize statistical data and the techniques used in crime analysis such as crime rate analysis, temporal analysis, threshold analysis and more. By explaining the significance of crime statistics relative to crime prevention theory and techniques, Unraveled provides readers with a clear, strategic plan to implement and evaluate crime prevention programs and optimize security programs. Unraveled: An Evidence-Based Approach to Understanding and Preventing Crime includes an extensive bibliography and 600+ endnotes citing evidence-based research on the following topics: Definition of Crime Analysis Units of Analysis Crime Hot Spots The importance of Place Law Enforcement Data Sources Calls for Service Offense / Incident Reports Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Law Enforcement Data Limitations Crime Typologies Victim-Offender Relationships Violence Escalation Crime Rates Temporal Analysis Spatial Analysis Crime Thresholds Forecasting Modus Operandi Analysis Crime Harm Index Environmental Criminology/Crime Science Problem Analysis Triangle (or new Crime Triangle) Opportunity Structure and Signatures Opportunity Theories Routine Activity Theory Rational Choice Theory Crime Pattern Theory Situational Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Problem-Oriented Policing Displacement and Diffusion of Benefits Instrumental vs. Expressive Violence Targeted Violent Crimes Dispute-Related Violent Crimes Predatory Violence Limitations Of Violent Crime Prevention Research
Argues that evidence-based policing is not just the process of evaluating police practices, but also about translating that knowledge into digestible and useable forms, as well as institutionalizing research processes and findings into everyday policing systems so that research can be used.