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Le lien étroit qui existe entre les causes et les conséquences environnementales des conflits armés constitue un argument irréfutable qui justifie leur évaluation. À l'heure où l'exercice de l'évaluation des impacts sur l'environnement (ÉIE) prolifère sur l'ensemble de la planète, comment peut-il s'opérer en période de conflits armés? C'est pour répondre à cette interrogation que la présente étude propose de regarder comment sont réalisées les ÉIE en période de conflits pour ensuite émettre des recommandations appuyées sur une grille d'analyse. Le rôle de cette dernière est d'aboutir à des recommandations qui visent à bonifier le processus d'évaluation susmentionné. À cet effet, deux cas d'étude sont traités: le Soudan pour une situation de conflit en cours, et la Sierra Leone pour une situation post-conflit.
"Le présent livre se divise en cinq parties : l'historique et la problématique des ÉIE, les acteurs, les méthodes, les outils, la pratique ainsi que les perspectives."--
The African Convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources was adopted in 1968 in Algiers. Considered the most forward looking regional agreement of the time, it influenced significantly the development of environmental law in Africa. Two and a half decades of intense developments in international environmental law made it necessary to revise this treaty, update its provisions and enlarge its scope. This was undertaken under the auspices of the African Union (previously OAU), and the revision was adopted by its Heads of State and Government in July 2003 in Maputo. The introduction provides an overview of this new international treaty, as well as a commentary to each of its provisions.
The 2018 FAO-OIE-WHO (Tripartite) zoonoses guide, “Taking A Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries” (2018 TZG) is being jointly developed to provide member countries with practical guidance on OH approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface. The 2018 TZG updates and expands on the guidance in the one previous jointly-developed, zoonoses-specific guidance document: the 2008 Tripartite “Zoonotic Diseases: A Guide to Establishing Collaboration between Animal and Human Health Sectors at the Country Level”, developed in WHO South-East Asia Region and Western Pacific Region. The 2018 TZG supports building by countries of the resilience and capacity to address emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza, rabies, Ebola, and Rift Valley fever, as well as food-borne diseases and antimicrobial resistance, and to minimize their impacts on health, livelihoods, and economies. It additionally supports country efforts to implement WHO International Health Regulations (2005) and OIE international standards, to address gaps identified through external and internal health system evaluations, and to achieve targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2018 TZG provides relevant country ministries and agencies with lessons learned and good practices identified from country-level experiences in taking OH approaches for preparedness, prevention, detection and response to zoonotic disease threats, and provides guidance on multisectoral communication, coordination, and collaboration. It informs on regional and country-level OH activities and relevant unisectoral and multisectoral tools available for countries to use.
The continent of Africa is rich in minerals needed by Western economies, but rather than forming the basis for economic growth the mining industry contributes very little to African development Investigating the impact of the 2003 Extractive Industries Review on a number of African countries, the contributors find the root of the problem in the controls imposed on the African countries by the IMF and World Bank. They aim to convince academics, governments and industry that regulation needs to be reformed to create a mining industry favourable towards social, economic and environmental development. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach and provides a historical perspective of each country, making it ideal for students of development studies and development organizations.
Terrorist groups throughout the world have been studied primarily through the use of social science methods. However, major advances in IT during the past decade have led to significant new ways of studying terrorist groups, making forecasts, learning models of their behaviour, and shaping policies about their behaviour. Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism provides the first in-depth look at how advanced mathematics and modern computing technology is shaping the study of terrorist groups. This book includes contributions from world experts in the field, and presents extensive information on terrorism data sets, new ways of building such data sets in real-time using text analytics, introduces the mathematics and computational approaches to understand terror group behaviour, analyzes terror networks, forecasts terror group behaviour, and shapes policies against terrorist groups. Auxiliary information will be posted on the book’s website. This book targets defence analysts, counter terror analysts, computer scientists, mathematicians, political scientists, psychologists, and researchers from the wide variety of fields engaged in counter-terrorism research. Advanced-level students in computer science, mathematics and social sciences will also find this book useful.