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The evaluation of the project assessed the project’s design, its achievements vis-à-vis its objectives, its impact, and its success areas, gaps, and lessons learned through a mixed-methods approach combining in-depth analysis of project documents with direct observations in the field, key informant interviews, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The evaluation found that the project was successful in meeting or nearly meeting most of the output targets set out including: i) provision of improved/climate-resilient seeds to 22 000 households; ii) established 350 vegetable nurseries; iii) established 500 seasonal vegetable production enterprises; iv) established 200 off-season vegetable production enterprises; v) provided fruit plants planted around vegetable and cereal fields, and in homestead gardens (50 plants/household to 2 000/household); vi) established 50 model demonstration plots of improved variety crops (cereal, vegetables, fodder) established through farmer field schools (FFS); vii) installed 60 High Efficiency Irrigation System (HEIS) tunnels (30 in each district); viii) provided backyard poultry packages to 3 800 women beneficiaries; ix) 2 300 doses of sexed semen (1 150 each for Khyber and Kurram districts) were procured and handed over to Livestock and Dairy Development Department; x) rehabilitated 23 irrigation schemes; and xi) rehabilitated ten fish farm projects. Overall, the evaluation team found the project design to be sound. The theory of change (TOC) is based on clearly articulated causal linkages between individual interventions and the planned objective. However, the project lacked gender-focused interventions. The project also faced delays throughout implementation which were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations for future projects include review of the FAO’s internal procurement processes to minimize delays, ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of infrastructure (irrigation) schemes through continued beneficiary engagement, provision of integrated support to poultry value chain development, and setting gender-disaggregated activity targets and linking interventions with broader outcomes for women beneficiaries.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Newly Merged Districts have seen a prolonged military conflict leading to the widespread displacement of its population and damages and losses to the agricultural lands, irrigation, and water harvesting structures, and livestock populations. Since 2015, the rehabilitation of the displaced population is ongoing but slow due to loss of livelihoods and reduced income opportunities. To support the restoration of livelihoods, funded by the FCDO, FAO undertook the “Project for the restoration of livelihoods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tribal Districts” which involved training farmers on climate-smart agriculture practices, rehabilitating government facilities/infrastructures, operationalizing small-scale enterprises, and supporting agriculture and livestock production. The evaluation found that while the project was mostly successful in meeting output targets, a critical review of the following elements can further improve programme delivery: realistic target setting, market-led initiatives for value chain development, operation and maintenance plans for rehabilitated schemes, gender-specific interventions, and incorporating anticipated procurement-related delays in the project design.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Newly Merged Districts have seen a prolonged military conflict leading to the wide-spread displacement of its population and damages and losses to the agricultural lands, irrigation and water harvesting structures, and livestock populations. Since 2015, the rehabilitation of the displaced population is ongoing but slow due to loss of livelihoods and reduced income opportunities. To support the restoration of livelihoods, funded by the United States Agency for International Development for USD 10 million, FAO undertook the project for “Restoring subsistence and commercial agriculture in tribal districts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” which involved training farmers on climate-smart agriculture practices, rehabilitating facilities/infrastructures, operationalizing small-scale enterprises, and supporting agriculture and livestock production. The evaluation found that while the project was mostly successful in meeting output targets, a critical review of the following elements can further improve programme delivery: review of procurement processes, market-led initiatives for value chain development through strengthening producer marketing groups, operation and maintenance plans for rehabilitated schemes, gender-specific interventions, and revising reporting formats for effective monitoring and evaluation.
The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. Reflecting extensive investigative work undertaken in 2016 by Human Rights Watch staff, in close partnership with domestic human rights activists, the annual World Report is an invaluable resource for journalists, diplomats, and citizens, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the fight to protect human rights in every corner of the globe.
As in the cascading of water, violence and nonviolence can cascade down from commanding heights of power (as in waterfalls), up from powerless peripheries, and can undulate to spread horizontally (flowing from one space to another). As with containing water, conflict cannot be contained without asking crucial questions about which variables might cause it to cascade from the top-down, bottom up and from the middle-out. The book shows how violence cascades from state to state. Empirical research has shown that nations with a neighbor at war are more likely to have a civil war themselves (Sambanis 2001). More importantly in the analysis of this book, war cascades from hot spot to hot spot within and between states (Autesserre 2010, 2014). The key to understanding cascades of hot spots is in the interaction between local and macro cleavages and alliances (Kalyvas 2006). The analysis exposes the folly of asking single-level policy questions like do the benefits and costs of a regime change in Iraq justify an invasion? We must also ask what other violence might cascade from an invasion of Iraq? The cascades concept is widespread in the physical and biological sciences with cascades in geology, particle physics and the globalization of contagion. The past two decades has seen prominent and powerful applications of the cascades idea to the social sciences (Sunstein 1997; Gladwell 2000; Sikkink 2011). In his discussion of ethnic violence, James Rosenau (1990) stressed that the image of turbulence developed by mathematicians and physicists could provide an important basis for understanding the idea of bifurcation and related ideas of complexity, chaos, and turbulence in complex systems. He classified the bifurcated systems in contemporary world politics as the multicentric system and the statecentric system. Each of these affects the others in multiple ways, at multiple levels, and in ways that make events enormously hard to predict (Rosenau 1990, 2006). He replaced the idea of events with cascades to describe the event structures that 'gather momentum, stall, reverse course, and resume anew as their repercussions spread among whole systems and subsystems' (1990: 299). Through a detailed analysis of case studies in South Asia, that built on John Braithwaite's twenty-five year project Peacebuilding Compared, and coding of conflicts in different parts of the globe, we expand Rosenau's concept of global turbulence and images of cascades. In the cascades of violence in South Asia, we demonstrate how micro-events such as localized riots, land-grabbing, pervasive militarization and attempts to assassinate political leaders are linked to large scale macro-events of global politics. We argue in order to prevent future conflicts there is a need to understand the relationships between history, structures and agency; interest, values and politics; global and local factors and alliances.
The best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. Reflecting extensive investigative work undertaken by Human Rights Watch staff, in close partnership with domestic human rights activists, the annual World Report is an invaluable resource for journalists, diplomats, and citizens, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the fight to protect human rights in every corner of the globe.
The compliance of this book is helpful for academicians, researchers, students, as well as other people seeking the relevant material in current trends of studies on the topic of environmental degradation.
These guidelines describe how a project-level design and monitoring framework should be developed and used throughout the project cycle for Asian Development Bank (ADB) sovereign operations and technical assistance projects. The design and monitoring framework is a key tool for project design, implementation, and evaluation, and provides the basis for ADB’s project performance management system. The guidelines are intended to help staff of ADB, government officers, consultants, project sponsors and borrowers, and other stakeholders prepare high-quality design and monitoring frameworks. They serve as an effective tool to ensure that ADB-financed projects contribute to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and Pacific region as envisaged in ADB’s Strategy 2030.
The number of people in South Asia's cities rose by 130 million between 2000 and 2011--more than the entire population of Japan. This was linked to an improvement in productivity and a reduction in the incidence of extreme poverty. But the region's cities have struggled to cope with the pressure of population growth on land, housing, infrastructure, basic services, and the environment. As a result, urbanization in South Asia remains underleveraged in its ability to deliver widespread improvements in both prosperity and livability. Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia is about the state of South Asia's urbanization and the market and policy failures that have taken the region’s urban areas to where they are today--and the hard policy actions needed if the region’s cities are to leverage urbanization better. This publication provides original empirical and diagnostic analysis of urbanization and related economic trends in the region. It also discusses in detail the key policy areas, the most fundamental being urban governance and finance, where actions must be taken to make cities more prosperous and livable.
This Unasylva issue aims at showcasing forest and landscape restoration (FLR) opportunities and recent developments that have the power to upscale restoration, in order to achieving the Bonn Challenge pledge and other national and international commitments (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) Post-2020 Agenda, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Land Degradation Neutrality, Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)) and addressing the needs of the UN Decade 2021-2030 on Ecosystem Restoration. The content adresses thematics of relevance to various audiences: i) flagship restoration initiatives that differ from the so-called “business-as-usual” as they channel more funds, better empower local stakeholders and provide enhanced technical assistance through partners’ coalitions; ii) technical advances that can spread FLR and have a huge potential to be mainstreamed for different reasons (low cost, adaptability, relevance to many ecosystems and contexts, ease of implementation…); iii) the enabling factors for restoration, i.e. coordination, policy environment, resources, knowledge and capacities, as these are the enabling conditions for action to take place on the ground.