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Knowledge and rigorous evidence around the role of external development partners in situations of conflict and fragility is still lacking. There is little accountability for the billions in aid being spent in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This book analyses evaluation theory and practice in order to help fill this knowledge gap and advocates a realistic and rigorous approach to evaluating international engagement. Through a series of case studies, this book highlights both the promise, and potential pitfalls, of taking a more evaluative approach to understanding aid in conflict regions. These illustrate the methodological and analytical approach taken by researchers working to understand the results and effectiveness of conflict prevention and peacebuilding support. While well-grounded in current theoretical and methodological debates, the book provides valuable practical information by examining how and why different choices were made in the context of each evaluation. The book shows what future steps may be envisaged to further strengthen evaluations of support for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The analysis draws on a wealth of perspectives and voices to provide researchers and students in development studies and conflict and peace studies as well as development evaluators with a deep and broad understanding of evaluation methods and approaches.
Knowledge and rigorous evidence around the role of external development partners in situations of conflict and fragility is still lacking. There is little accountability for the billions in aid being spent in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This book analyses evaluation theory and practice in order to help fill this knowledge gap and advocates a realistic and rigorous approach to evaluating international engagement. Through a series of case studies, this book highlights both the promise, and potential pitfalls, of taking a more evaluative approach to understanding aid in conflict regions. These illustrate the methodological and analytical approach taken by researchers working to understand the results and effectiveness of conflict prevention and peacebuilding support. While well-grounded in current theoretical and methodological debates, the book provides valuable practical information by examining how and why different choices were made in the context of each evaluation. The book shows what future steps may be envisaged to further strengthen evaluations of support for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The analysis draws on a wealth of perspectives and voices to provide researchers and students in development studies and conflict and peace studies as well as development evaluators with a deep and broad understanding of evaluation methods and approaches.
The guidance presented in this book provides step-by-step guidance on the core steps in planning, carrying out and learning from evaluation, as well as some basic principles on programme design and management.
Evaluation is a key tool in improving the quality and effectiveness of development co-operation. The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Working Party in Aid Evaluation is the only international forum where bilateral and multilateral evaluation ...
"Armed conflict has become the overarching challenge for foreign policy and puts development and humanitarian assistance at considerable risk. How to deal with the situation? What to do? A milestone in its field, this guidebook provides conceptual thought and practical support. It leads both practitioner and academic reader through a planning and evaluation process that helps the user to better design development, humanitarian and peacebuilding interventions in conflict prone areas of the world. Basedin the state of the art in theory and practice of peacebuilding, planning and evaluation, the book introduces the "Aid for Peace" approach and walks the user through a systematic and comprehensive step by step process. The user understands how to analyze and anticipate conflict dynamics and peacebuilding needs, plan new interventions and evaluate existing ones, map her or his own intervention and assess its relevance for peacebuilding, assess the effects of interventions on peace and conflict by making hypotheses of change explicit and operational, integrate the conflict and peace lens into standard planning and evaluation procedures and criteria as well as organizational structures, combine a strategic with a process understanding in building a vision for peacebuilding for better contributing to conflict transformation and social change. Written for a broad readership, "Aid for Peace" leads to the creation of an appropriate policy, project or program design for working in conflict zones."--P. 4 of cover.
Two billion people live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict and violence. The World Bank estimates that by 2030, up to two-thirds of the global extreme poor will be living in fragile and conflict-affected situations, making it evident that without intensified action, global poverty goals will not be met. Evaluation - like development aid itself - can unintentionally exacerbate tensions in ways that negatively affect conflict-affected populations if care is not taken to develop and integrate conflict sensitivity into the evaluation's design and approaches. This book is a guide to designing, managing and conducting evaluations in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Such contexts may present challenges for evaluation that, if not properly addressed or mitigated, can adversely affect the validity and results of the evaluation. Mitigating these challenges can entail significant effort, and can sometimes require redefining the direction, purpose or scope of the evaluation. This book is an initiative of IDEAS. It builds upon the knowledge and practical experience of evaluation professionals of various organizations and regions, thus showing a diversity of perspectives and experiences. Hur Hassnain provided overall leadership and management in writing and developing the book. The book's co-authors were Anupam Anand, Inga-Lill Aronsson, Sarah Davies, Gabrielle Duffy, Lauren Kelly, Wanda Krause, Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Marco Lorenzoni, Rhiannon McHugh, Emma Rotondo, Wendy Rowe, Simona Somma, Melinda Sutherland and Serge Eric Yakeu. Reviews and Endorsements: - This book is both important and timely. Use the wisdom and insights in this book to enhance your work on behalf of all of us. Michael Quinn Patton, Utilization-Focused Evaluation & Blue Marble Evaluation - Many of the elements included in this book will have an immediate purpose in strengthening the work of my own evaluation function at the WFP. Andrea Cook, World Food Programme - This publication is a welcome initiative reminding development practitioners that during conflicts and pandemics and in fragile circumstances in general, M&E matter more than ever. Marvin Taylor-Dormond, Asian Development Bank - The wealth of examples from the field, combined with the extensive review of applicable evaluation methods will be found invaluable by both new and experienced evaluators. Michael Bamberger - I encourage development practitioners to read this guidance. Fragility and conflict are among the most serious hurdles to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Fabrizio Felloni, International Fund for Agricultural Development - This book provides useful advice from the early stages of understanding power and conflict to the final stages of reporting findings, with practical information about choosing methods and protecting staff and communities. Patricia Rogers, BetterEvaluation - This is an important, useful book to produce good-quality evidence while making real-world choices along the way about costs, data, rigour and methods. Jyotsna Puri, IFAD - I highly recommend it. Linda Morra Imas, IPDET - I invite all VOPEs to disseminate and promote the use of this book. Silvia Salinas Mulder, IOCE - This book is a great resource. Asela Kalugampitiya - This book is an important step in enhancing our repertoire for designing and conducting meaningful evaluations in challenging contexts defined by FCV. Juha I. Uitto, Global Environment Facility - This book is essential for all evaluators, especially, YEEs. Khalil Bitar - This book fulfils a long-standing need to provide technical insights on conducting evaluations in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence. Marco Segone, United Nations Population Fund & EvalPartners
Practice and research of peace education has grown in the recent years as shown by a steadily increasing number of publications, programs, events, and funding mechanisms. The oft-cited point of departure for the peace education community is the belief in education as a valuable tool for decreasing the use of violence in conflict and for building cultures of positive peace hallmarked by just and equitable structures. Educators and organizations implementing peace education activities and programming, however, often lack the tools and capacities for evaluation and thus pay scant regard to this step in program management. Reasons for this inattention are related to the perceived urgency to prioritize new and more action in the context of scarce financial and human resources, notwithstanding violence or conflict; the lack of skills and time to indulge in a thorough evaluative strategy; and the absence of institutional incentives and support. Evaluation is often demand-driven by donors who emphasize accounting given the current context of international development assistance and budget cuts. Program evaluation is considered an added burden to already over-tasked programmers who are unaware of the incentives and of assessment techniques. Peace education practitioners are typically faced with forcing evaluation frameworks, techniques, and norms standardized for traditional education programs and venues. Together, these conditions create an unfavorable environment in which evaluation becomes under-valued, de-prioritized, and mythologized for its laboriousness. This volume serves three inter-related objectives. First, it offers a critical reflection on theoretical and methodological issues regarding evaluation applied to peace education interventions and programming. The overarching questions of the nature of peace and the principles guiding peace education, as well as governing theories and assumptions of change, transformation, and complexity are explored. Second, the volume investigates existing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods evaluation practices of peace educators in order to identify what needs related to evaluation persist among practitioners. Promising practices are presented from peace education programming in different settings (formal and non-formal education), within various groups (e.g. children, youth, police, journalists) and among diverse cultural contexts. Finally, the volume proposes ideas of evaluation, novel techniques for experimentation, and creative adaptation of tools from related fields, in order to offer pragmatic and philosophical substance to peace educators’ “next moves” and inspire the agenda for continued exploration and innovation. The authors come from variety of fields including education, peace and conflict studies, educational evaluation, development studies, comparative education, economics, and psychology.
There is widespread dissatisfaction with the current suite of evaluation and monitoring tools available to peacebuilders and those responding to conflict. Yet, despite this dissatisfaction, there are few concrete moves to investigate alternative methods of gauging the success or failure of peace initiatives. This volume explores alternative methods of assessing peace. These methods tend to be bottom-up and people-centric and are interested in many aspects of conflict societies that orthodox top-down indicators often miss. The methods explored in this work chime with the contemporary interest in critical approaches to peace and conflict studies, and approaches that are interested in local perspectives. The volume also connects with a growing interest in civic epistemology, or the co-production of data whereby research ‘subjects’ participate in the research and have a chance of understanding the relevance of research. All of the contributors to the volume have significant field experience in conflict-affected areas and their work is informed by an engagement with the everyday challenges and opportunities facing people in war zones. This bookw as published as a special issue of the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
This book covers the design, evaluation, and learning for international interventions aiming to promote peace. More specifically, it reconceptualises this space by critically analysing mainstream approaches – presenting both conceptual and empirical content. This volume offers a variety of original and insightful contributions to the debates grappling with the adoption of complexity thinking. Insights from Complexity Thinking for Peacebuilding Practice and Evaluation addresses the core dilemma that practitioners have to confront: how to function in situations that are fast changing and complex, when equipped with tools designed for neither? How do we reconcile the tension between the use of linear causal logic and the dynamic political transitions that interventions are meant to assist? Readers will be given a rare opportunity to superimpose the latest conceptual innovations with the latest case study applications and from a diverse spectrum of organisational vantage points. This provides the myriad practitioners and consultants in this space with invaluable insights as to how to improve their trade craft, while ensuring policy makers and the accompanying research/academic industry have clearer guidance and innovative thinking. This edited volume provides critically innovative offerings for the audiences that make up this broad area’s practitioners, researchers/academics/educators, and consultants, as well as policy makers.