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Eva & Duane are on their own RealAdventure with Life. Duane & Eva are here to Share Something Wonderful for Everyone. Life just got Bigger! We are here to tell Everyone that no one needs a God or Master anymore and YU do not have to be Kontrolled by anyone or anything, such as all the 'sound-good' ideas that have been created from the past that are still around today that most people worship. Most unaware people like being Kontroled, as it makes them feel safe with a false security. This world is Kontrolled by the One World Order and they have created a 'False Security' for the masses to 'believe' in. Hope, faith and belief are Silly Fallacies created by the Reptilian Kings & Queens of Human History. People have been taught to agree with what makes them old, and Dumbed Down to the point where they are kept unconscious for lifetimes, which most people do not remember. Eva & Duane are here to Wake YU Up to Something Real & Wonderful, so pay attention!
Most of this Dumbed Down and asleep world is not aware that most people are being Astrally TapLined in their dreams. Astral TapLining is as ancient as the Pyramids and has always been kept as a big secret, because this is how the masses are Kontrolled unconsciously in their sleep. While people are awake and aware of what is taking place on the earth it is a bit harder to fool people, as the Political, Religious and Spiritual Systems have done for ages. What I call the REPSystems (Religious, Educational, Political & SciFi Social) have dominated most people for centuries and even longer. I am actually being kind here, because it is a lot worse than most people can imagine or even want to know. Those in Kontrol of the Governments, Korporations, Queens and their Kings, Dictators, Authoritarians, Presidents, Masters, Gurus, and so many more, are basically of the Reptilian Order, as they were the first creatures on this planet. Reptilian Joanny is watching You!
List of members in each volume.