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The Institutional Capacity Building Plan is the first of three components in the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe that was launched in 2003. As part of this plan, a "translational theme-based debate" was held, the structure of which was based on an assessment of requests from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Kosovo. The results of this debate have been published across three volumes in the European Heritage series. The first volume concerned current heritage policies and legislation; the second covered the tools for integrated management of cultural and natural heritage, in the broad sense of the term (the concept of "cultural environment"). This third volume examines how the enhancement of cultural and natural heritage can contribute to the implementation of sustainable development projects. The participants' reports and presentations on European best practices should inspire institutions to define rules and guidelines for structuring their national heritage policies so that they can also contribute to regional and local development strategies.
The Institutional Capacity Building Plan is the first of three components in the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe that was launched in 2003. As part of this plan, a "translational theme-based debate" was held, the structure of which was based on an assessment of requests from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Kosovo.The results of this debate have been published across three volumes in the European Heritage series. The first volume concerned current heritage policies and legislation; the second covered the tools for integrated management of cultural and natural heritage, in the broad sense of the term (the concept of "cultural environment").This third volume examines how the enhancement of cultural and natural heritage can contribute to the implementation of sustainable development projects. The participants' reports and presentations on European best practices should inspire institutions to define rules and guidelines for structuring their national heritage policies so that they can also contribute to regional and local development strategies.
The essays in this book present, for the first time in published form, a systematic comparative overview of cultural heritage policy and its impact – specifically in the field of immovable heritage such as archaeological and historic sites – in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. The studies focus on the decade from 2003 to 2013 that followed the traumatic and often violent upheavals associated with the breakdown of communism. That same period also saw a shift in the policy of the European Union and the Council of Europe in support of cultural heritage policies in the region, which led to the launching of the “Ljubljana Process: rehabilitating our common heritage”. The challenges gradually moved from encouraging professionals to adopt European standards and realising the potential of heritage to build bridges between peoples and to foster reconciliation, towards highlighting its wider benefits as a catalyst of economic development for the local economy and the quality of life of citizens. Theorists and practitioners will gain a better insight into the value of cultural heritage and the specificity of cultural heritage policies in South-East Europe, as well as the underlying facts, vision, context and impact of the Ljubljana Process. This will encourage questioning of existing public policies, as well as the promotion and affirmation of cultural heritage within a new “culture of development”.
This second edition of the book Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions: Southeastern Europe integrates the scientific results and expertise of the researchers from the countries in Southeastern Europe. The book consists of updated information for the topics observed in first edition and several new chapters with analysis of some problems in the mountain regions of four new for the edition countries in Southeastern European space. The general themes in the book are related to Global problems and mountain regions; Nature resources and landuse in mountain regions; Social, economic and regional problems of mountain regions; Nature protection, conservation and monitoring and Networks and strategies for mountain regions. The key topics for discussion are: Natural recourses and land use in mountain regions. Sustainable social and economic development of the mountain regions. Natural disasters and risk prevention. Spatial modeling and planning. Nature protection, monitoring and conservation. Politics and sustainable practices for development of mountain regions. Transborder and regional cooperation. Mountain regions in Southeastern Europe are characterized by unique landscape and biological diversity and great economic potential. They have function as a living space and provide different groups of ecosystem and landscape services. In social and economic aspects these regions are one of the poorest in Southeastern European countries with unused potential. Human, ecological and economic problems arising in various mountain regions have the same basic characteristics irrespective of the country. Some mountain regions are subject to specific for the conditions of the mountain and country policy for planning, development and mountain population promotion. The general goal is development of whole economy and the efficient management of natural resources and prevention of natural and tec hnological disasters. The mountain regions are one of the most threatened landscape systems in Southeastern Europe. Understanding the importance of the mountain regions and conservation of the natural heritage require scientific and institutional cooperation at all levels.
Central and Eastern European Countries are undergoing a difficult transition process with consequences for spatial development. Europe needs a more bal anced, polycentric system of cities, a new urban-rural relationship, parity of ac cess to infrastructure and knowledge as well as prudent management and devel opment of the natural and cultural heritage. Dealing with these complex challenges and the need for sustainable develop ment politicians requires qualified advice from experts. To this end, the German Ministry for Regional Planning, Construction and Urban Development initiated the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE Net) in 1992. Exchange of knowledge and an open dialogue at all levels are pre conditions for the cooperative development of visions and strategies serving spa tial development in Europe. The annual conferences of the network have been a first steps towards closer cooperation. The high interest shown in these confer ences by academics and government representatives and the fact that several re search projects have already crystallised out of the debates they engendered indi cate that the network is meeting a need for exchange and cooperation. Decisions on spatial development do not stop at national borders and the dis cussion on spatial development in any European region has therefore to take the European context into consideration. A special advantage of this publication is that, as well as focusing on spatial development and research in CEE regions, it also discusses Central and Eastern Europe in a European context.
This book seeks to enhance the cultural dimension of sustainable development and particularly focuses on minor historic centers and their natural and rural landscapes. In a society becoming ever more globalized, without territorial restrictions in the production of goods and able to reproduce in China the goods and product characteristic of South American crafts (to mention just two extremes), the only element that can still be contextualized is heritage identity: the result of close integration between cultural assets, intangible assets and settled communities. Thus, heritage identity is one of the few elements, together with natural resources, which has the potential for economic development that is still firmly rooted in places and local populations. These towns are often the centerpiece of urban landscapes and geographical areas with original features, not always but often as individual places within networks of minor historical centers linked by shared history, traditions and/or natural elements (rivers, forests, river systems or other natural elements). They are outside the major tourist networks, even if now there is a budding interest in the touristic exploitation of these environments. So, they are the right places to pursue a sustainable and local development with a cultural perspective. This book is a product of the VIVA_EASTPART project (Valorisation and Improving of management of Small Historic Centres in the eastern PARTnership region), under the EU-funded “ENPI Eastern Partnership” program. It complements the more practically-focused work that is in production from this group, more focused on empirical approaches to the development of minor historic centers of the nations involved. Though the book has been influenced by this research and working experience, the authors are solely responsible for the content and opinions presented.
Recent developments in cultural heritage policy and practice in South-East Europe. Since 2003, the Council of Europe–European Commission joint initiative known as the “Ljubljana Process: rehabilitating our common heritage” has set out to unlock the potential of the region’s rich immovable cultural heritage, working with national authorities to accelerate the development of democratic, peaceful and open societies, stimulate local economies and improve the quality of life of local communities. In 2003, the region was overcoming the effects of the traumatic transition to a market economy. Since then, it has been hit hard by the economic crisis of 2008, and more recently by an unprecedented migration crisis. Despite the challenges facing the region in the field of cultural heritage, the present situation can be seen as an opportunity to use the lessons learned from the Ljubljana Process to avoid the traps laid by the cumulative and sometimes inconsistent heritage-protection legislation of the past 60 years, overcoming the legacy of the top-down approach that privileges the “high art” canon rather than the local heritage that reflects the culture of everyday life and which often means more to most people. The authors suggest that selecting from innovative practice elsewhere could make heritage management smarter so that it more directly meets the needs of modern society and individual citizens. This volume reflects the views of international experts involved in the joint initiative and complements earlier studies on the impact of the Ljubljana Process by experts from within the region (Heritage for development in South-East Europe, edited by Gojko Rikolović and Hristina Mikić, 2014) and from the London School of Economics and Political Science (The wider benefits of investment in cultural heritage. Case studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, edited by Will Bartlett, 2015).
As part of the Institutional Capacity Building Plan, which is the first of the three components of the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South-East Europe launched in 2003, the first stage of a "transnational theme-based debate" was organised following an assessment of requests from the countries/regions participating in the regional programme: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo/UNMIK, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".It was concerned with current heritage policies and legislation and aimed to take stock of the current position in the countries of South-East Europe. It also highlighted the need to undertake an in-depth analysis of certain key areas where difficulties still arise with regard to implementation.
The CHERPLAN project (CHERPLAN stands for “Enhancement of Cultural Heritage through Environmental Planning and Management") aims to provide a strong basis for ensuring compatibility and synergy between cultural heritage conservation and socioeconomic growth by fostering the adoption of a modern environmental planning approach throughout southeast Europe (SEE). The aim of environmental planning is to integrate traditional urban/spatial planning with the concerns of environmentalism to ensure sustainable development; when innovatively applied to cultural heritage sites, environmental planning’s comprehensive perspective can be regarded as composed of three spheres: the built and historical environment, the socioeconomic and cultural environment, and the biophysical environment. In this regard, this publication, as one of the results of the CHERPLAN project, addresses vital parts of cultural heritage management. It provides the basic framework defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and guidelines for twenty specific management issues composed of a thematic introduction, recommendations, and good-practice examples. Thus, the publication provides practical information on the application of environmental planning in SEE, some of it developed within CHERPLAN pilot projects and some of it defined through the experiences of other cultural heritage sites. In both cases, recommendations and good-practice examples present local traditional knowledge and experience that has been developed through successful management practices in the past. The publication aims to assist cultural heritage site managers in their everyday decisions by supporting them with firm technical knowledge and specific instructions on how to react in a given situation. In this regard, it could support the recently issued World Heritage Resource Manual on Managing Cultural World Heritage, which was published by UNESCO in November 2013. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knjiga Upravljanje območij s kulturno dediščino v Jugovzhodni Evropi, kot eden od rezultatov projekta CHERPLAN, naslavlja ključna vprašanja upravljanja območij s kulturno dediščino. Predstavlja osnovni okvir, ki sta ga na tem področju izoblikovala Unesco in ICOMOS, ter usmeritve za dvajset različnih izzivov upravljanja, kjer vsakega pospremimo z uvodom, priporočili in primeri dobrih praks. Knjiga tako zagotavlja praktične informacije za uveljavljanje okoljskega planiranja na območjih s kulturno dediščino v Jugovzhodni Evropi, pri čemer je bil del priporočil pripravljen znotraj pilotnih območij, del pa smo jih prevzeli od drugje. V obeh primerih predstavljajo priporočila in dobre prakse preverjena lokalna znanja, saj so jih v opisanih primerih uspešno uporabili. Projekt CHERPLAN – Krepitev kulturne dediščine z okoljskim načrtovanjem in upravljanjem – je bil namenjen zagotavljanju sinergij med ohranjanjem kulturne dediščine in družbenoekonomskim razvojem, s posebnim poudarkom na razvoju in uporabi okolju prijaznih skupnih pristopov in novih tehnik v načrtovanju in upravljanju območij s kulturno dediščino v Jugovzhodni Evropi. Običajno se na tovrstnih območjih pojavlja navzkrižje interesov med sistemom zaščite kulturne dediščine, ki lokalnemu okolju postavlja določene omejitve, ter potrebo lokalnega okolja po razvoju in modernizaciji. Namen projekta je bil tako tradicionalne načine planiranja nadgraditi z okoljskimi elementi ter na ta način zagotavljati celostno načrtovanje območij s kulturno dediščino. Knjiga je namenjena upravljavcem območij s kulturno dediščino in naj bi jim pomagala pri vsakodnevnih odločitvah s tehničnim znanjem in praktičnimi nasveti, kako se odzvati v konkretni situaciji. Tako lahko knjiga dopolnjuje leta 2013 izdani priročnik Unesca o upravljanju območij s kulturno dediščino (World Heritage Resource Manual on Managing Cultural World Heritage).