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Explores the synthesis of the national and regional Floras of Europe and the fifth and final volume covers the Monocotyledons.
The Flora Europaea presents a synthesis of all the national and regional Floras of Europe.
Ethnologia Europaea (Volume 24/1) - Journal of European Ethnology
The reference presents detailed research on the olive (Olea europaea) and the stone fruit. Readers will learn about the biotechnology, plant nutrition, plant breeding, pomology, postharvest physiology, plant pathology of these two plant species. In a practical sense, the book also presents applicable agricultural knowledge about these plants for crop improvement, production, nutrients, pest management, disease, genetic, genomic and the food industry. The contributions by the authors of this book include descriptions about the manipulation of variables and genetic resources of inheritance of quantitative genes, crop rotation, soil water, and the effect of temperature on crop production. Aspects such as protecting crops against pests and diseases whilst ensuring the protection of human health are also taken into account. This is a valuable reference for students, scientists, horticulturists and, in general, for anyone wishing to obtain knowledge and experience with olives and drupes to increase productivity.
Special issue: Muslim Intimacies In every society, individual choice and freedom are shaped at least to some degree by the needs of familial and marital institutions. Currently, negotiations between individuals and families are undergoing transformations due to late modern processes such as recent waves of mass migration, the increasing transnationalism of everyday practices, global commerce in ideas and images, and the expansion of information technology into all corners of people’s lives. Some of the greatest challenges are experienced by Muslim families; the majority of the world’s Muslims live in extreme poverty, and in Europe, anti-Muslim sentiment has found a firm foothold in public attitudes and debates. This special issue explores the dilemmas facing transnational Muslim families as well as those who feel the impact of late modern transformations in societies where they have lived for generations. Five scholarly articles address family dynamics among Muslims in Finland (Anne Häkkinen), Ethiopia (Outi Fingerroos), Italy and Sweden (Pia Karlsson Minganti), Morocco (Raquel Gil Carvalheira), and Tanzania (Laura Stark); these are complemented by the insightful commentary by Garbi Schmidt. The aim of this theme issue is to develop new ways of talking about the links between Islam, family and the individual, which move away from the ethnocentrism of Western concepts and pay greater attention to the desires and goals of those studied. This volume includes two open issue contributions: Magdalena Elchinova scrutinizes identity construction among Orthodox Bulgarians based in Istanbul, and in the context of the post- Fordist “creative city” Ove Sutter analyses the playful and performative protests of activists following the declaration of the so-called Danger Zone 2014 in Hamburg, Germany.
Mit der Societas Privata Europaea (SPE) wird eine europäische Rechtsform eingeführt, auf die der exportorientierte Mittelstand seit vielen Jahren wartet. Die SPE kann schnell und kostengünstig für die Neugründung einer Auslandsaktivität eingesetzt werden oder durch Formwechsel aus einer nationalen Gesellschaft entstehen. Sie erlaubt außerdem die Bildung eines Netzes von ausländischen Vertriebs- und Servicegesellschaften in einer europaweit einheitlich anerkannten Rechtsform. Rechtsberater und Rechtswissenschaftler müssen für die Betrachtung der rechtlichen Einzelfragen in der SPE eine europäische Perspektive einnehmen. In dem ECFR-Sonderheft beleuchtet daher ein internationales Autorenteam die praktisch wichtigen Grundfragen der neuen Rechtsform aus wissenschaftlich vertiefter Perspektive: Gründung und Registerverfahren, anwendbares Recht, praktische Einsatzmöglichkeiten der SPE, Gläubigerschutz, innere Ordnung, Geschäftsleiterpflichten, Schutz von Minderheitengesellschaftern, Anfechtungsklagen gegen Gesellschafterbeschlüsse, Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer, Steuerrecht. Die Autoren aus Dänemark, Deutschland, England, den Niederlanden, Polen und Spanien sind langjährige Spezialisten auf ihrem Gebiet und sowohl wissenschaftlich als auch praktisch ausgewiesen.
The leitmotif of this special issue is "revisiting": Swedish and Danish scholars pay a visit to concepts and approaches of the field of European ethnology. In re-examining, revising, reawakening and relaunching concepts and approaches that might have otherwise been overlooked, worn out or rejected, they explore and explicate new dimensions of research that have remained tacit knowledge. In engaging with past knowledge claims, concepts and research endeavours, the volume offers original reworkings of the role of everyday life in user-driven innovation projects (Tine Damsholt and Astrid P. Jespersen), on the possible links between the historic-geographic atlas works and controversy mapping (Anders K. Munk and Torben Elgaard Jensen), understanding the meaning and creation of archival knowledge (Karin Gustavsson), and of fieldwork engagements (Frida Hastrup). Discussing the role of continuity and rupture in past and present analyses (Signe Mellemgaard) and rethinking borders (Fredrik Nilsson) are further avenues explored. Four main themes forge the connections of this volume: reworking everyday life, fieldwork as craftsmanship, mapping connections and conversing with the past create a dynamic matrix of novel takes on ethnologies for the future. The six contributions are supplemented with four comments; in commenting on the revisits, they contribute their own reflections on revisiting European ethnology.
Disorder and order are among the principles through which the articles in this issue are connected. Peter Jan Margry grasps the exuberant excesses surrounding the Dutch monarch’s birthday with the term “mobocracy” and sees in the suspension of rules a means to reconcile Dutch republicanism with the anachronism of a monarchical system. Ongoing disorder of a rather different nature is experienced by migrant workers from Poland in Denmark. Niels Jul Nielsen and Marie Sandberg accompany them at work and in their different home settings and analyse the divergent interplay of the Polish labour niche and family dynamics on different constructions of “orderly work conditions”. Stefan Groth uncovers the structuring power of new tools and events to measure performance in recreational cycling; competitive norms are shown to permeate a leisure activity. Old age, too, is not free from the structuring arm of social and health regimes. Through his analysis of billiards – a game favoured by the older men he studies – Aske Juul Lassen critiques aging policies striving to “activate” the elderly and overlooking the rhythms inherent to a traditional game – and activity. The issue concludes with Tuuli Lähdesmäki’s comparison of how local heritage actors choose to narrate the transnationally launched European Heritage Label. Within an initiative to foster Europeanization, she finds actors formulating European identities in different moulds.