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The Euclidean approach to Quantum Gravity was initiated almost 15 years ago in an attempt to understand the difficulties raised by the spacetime singularities of classical general relativity which arise in the gravitational collapse of stars to form black holes and the entire universe in the Big Bang. An important motivation was to develop an approach capable of dealing with the nonlinear, non-perturbative aspects of quantum gravity due to topologically non-trivial spacetimes. There are important links with a Riemannian geometry. Since its inception the theory has been applied to a number of important physical problems including the thermodynamic properties of black holes, quantum cosmology and the problem of the cosmological constant. It is currently at the centre of a great deal of interest.This is a collection of survey lectures and reprints of some important lectures on the Euclidean approach to quantum gravity in which one expresses the Feynman path integral as a sum over Riemannian metrics. As well as papers on the basic formalism there are sections on Black Holes, Quantum Cosmology, Wormholes and Gravitational Instantons.
This book reflects our own struggle to understand the semiclassical behaviour of quantized fields in the presence of boundaries. Along many years, motivated by the problems of quantum cosmology and quantum field theory, we have studied in detail the one-loop properties of massless spin-l/2 fields, Euclidean Maxwell the ory, gravitino potentials and Euclidean quantum gravity. Hence our book begins with a review of the physical and mathematical motivations for studying physical theories in the presence of boundaries, with emphasis on electrostatics, vacuum v Maxwell theory and quantum cosmology. We then study the Feynman propagator in Minkowski space-time and in curved space-time. In the latter case, the corre sponding Schwinger-DeWitt asymptotic expansion is given. The following chapters are devoted to the standard theory of the effective action and the geometric im provement due to Vilkovisky, the manifestly covariant quantization of gauge fields, zeta-function regularization in mathematics and in quantum field theory, and the problem of boundary conditions in one-loop quantum theory. For this purpose, we study in detail Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions for scalar fields, local and non-local boundary conditions for massless spin-l/2 fields, mixed boundary conditions for gauge fields and gravitation. This is the content of Part I. Part II presents our investigations of Euclidean Maxwell theory, simple super gravity and Euclidean quantum gravity.
Main section headings: Ideas and Problems in Quantum Gravity; On Ellipticity and Quantum Gravity; Non-Local Boundary Data in Quantum Gravity; Non-Locality and Ellipticity for Gauge Theories; New Kernels in Quantum Gravity; Quantum Gravity from First Principles; Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry; Bibliography; Index.
The theory of General Relativity, after its invention by Albert Einstein, remained for many years a monument of mathemati cal speculation, striking in its ambition and its formal beauty, but quite separated from the main stream of modern Physics, which had centered, after the early twenties, on quantum mechanics and its applications. In the last ten or fifteen years, however, the situation has changed radically. First, a great deal of significant exper~en tal data became available. Then important contributions were made to the incorporation of general relativity into the framework of quantum theory. Finally, in the last three years, exciting devel opments took place which have placed general relativity, and all the concepts behind it, at the center of our understanding of par ticle physics and quantum field theory. Firstly, this is due to the fact that general relativity is really the "original non-abe lian gauge theory," and that our description of quantum field in teractions makes extensive use of the concept of gauge invariance. Secondly, the ideas of supersymmetry have enabled theoreticians to combine gravity with other elementary particle interactions, and to construct what is perhaps the first approach to a more finite quantum theory of gravitation, which is known as super gravity.
The relation between quantum theory and the theory of gravitation remains one of the most outstanding unresolved issues of modern physics. According to general expectation, general relativity as well as quantum (field) theory in a fixed background spacetime cannot be fundamentally correct. Hence there should exist a broader theory comprising both in appropriate limits, i.e., quantum gravity. This book gives readers a comprehensive introduction accessible to interested non-experts to the main issues surrounding the search for quantum gravity. These issues relate to fundamental questions concerning the various formalisms of quantization; specific questions concerning concrete processes, like gravitational collapse or black-hole evaporation; and the all important question concerning the possibility of experimental tests of quantum-gravity effects.
In discussing the question of whether General Relativity Theory really needs to be quantized, a simply negative answer cannot be accepted, of course. Such an answer is not satisfying because, first, Einstein's gravitational equations connect gravity and non-gravitational matter and because, second, it can be taken for granted that non-gravitational matter has an atomic or quantum structure such that its energy-momentum tensor standing on the right-hand side of Einstein's equations is formed out of quantum operators. These two facts make it impossible to read the left-hand side of Einstein's equations as an ordinary classical function. This does not necessarily mean, however, that we must draw the conclusion that General Relativity Theory, similar to electrodynamics, could or should be quantized in a rigorous manner and that this quantization has similar consequences to quantum electrodynamics. In other words, when for reasons of consistency quantization is tried, then one has to ask whether and where the quantization procedure has a physical meaning, i.e., whether there exist measurable effects of quantum gravity. IQ accordance with these questions, we are mainly dealing with the discus sion of the principles of quantized General Relativity Theory and with the estimation of quantum effects including the question of their measurability. This analysis proves that it is impossible to distinguish between classical and quantum General Relativity Theory for the extreme case of Planck's orders of magnitude. In other words, there does not exist a physically meaningful rigorous quantization conception for Einstein's theory.
Professor Roman Jackiw is a theoretical physicist renowned for his many fundamental contributions and discoveries in quantum and classical field theories, ranging from high energy physics and gravitation to condensed matter and the physics of fluids. Among his major achievements is the establishment of the presence of the famous Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomalies in quantum field theory, a discovery with far-reaching implications for the structure of the Standard Model of particle physics and all attempts to go beyond it. Other important contributions, among many, that one may mention here are the topological mass term in gravity and gauge theories, and the fractionalization of fermion number and charge in the presence of topological objects.Roman Jackiw, a Professor Emeritus at the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, is the recipient of several international awards including the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics and the Dirac Medal of the ICTP. He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and honorary doctor of Kiev, Montreal, Tours, Turin and Uppsala universities.To celebrate his 80th birthday, many students and colleagues of Professor Jackiw have come together to share interesting anecdotes of working with him as well as their latest research, some of it inspired by his work. Edited by his former students Antti Niemi and Terry Tomboulis together with his long-time friend KK Phua, this festschrift volume is a must-have collection for all theoretical physicists.
The first comprehensive survey of (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity - for graduate students and researchers.