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The publication of this Encyclopedia by Professor Judivan J. Vieira, PhD, is driven more by mission than editorial pursuits. The research is composed of five volumes, and it is the result of the author’s willful work in a field of study that has been his passion since his graduation in law school in 1993. Corruption is inherent to the human being, and according to the author, it is a metastatic cancer capable of destroy any social doctrine, even our democracies. Throughout the five volumes, Judivan Vieira analyzes the various perspectives of this social “disease” that menaces hegemonic and underdeveloped countries. In the last volume of the Encyclopedia, the author offers the solution to remediate this disease of the soul, which prevents social well-being and relegates us to live in formal democracies that do not provide the minimum of social dignity peoples of the world deserves.
Hablar de ética en los medios de comunicación, en un momento histórico de crisis moral de valores, no resulta tarea sencilla, por lo que es imprescindible subrayar la importancia y actualidad de una deontología en este ámbito. Hoy en día, tanto estudiantes como profesionales de las ciencias de la información se enfrentan con problemas éticos que exigen tomar decisiones desde el punto de vista moral. Es lo que los anglosajones denominan making ethical decision. A tal efecto, este libro aporta fundamentales contenidos y reflexiones para una correcta resolución de los dilemas éticos en el ejercicio profesional del periodismo y de la comunicación audiovisual. Se abordan temas de actualidad y aplicación práctica como son, entre otros, el tratamiento ético de informaciones sobre violencia y terrorismo; la publicidad engañosa e información subliminal; la ética de los anuncios televisivos; la influencia de la televisión en los niños; la ética del fotógrafo en prensa y los paparazzi; la deontología del contertulio radiofónico; la importancia de la calidad de los contenidos en televisión; la telebasura y la responsabilidad social del cineasta.
O presente livro é o resultado de uma parceria entre orientador e orientando, mas confesso que tive forte incentivo do Decano da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Agostinho Neto o Prof. Dr. Fausto Tavares de Carvalho Simões numa daquelas reuniões acadêmicas. A minha aposta concretizou – se com essa obra na qual dedico para todos os meus alunos do Curso de Contabilidade e Auditória da Cadeira de Direito Económico. Ao meu parceiro na obra o jovem licenciado Francisco Ngueve que aceitou o desafio em escrever conjuntamente comigo na qual tenho plena certeza no seu futuro brilhante na sua especialidade.
A companion volume to "Public Office, Private Interests: Accountability through Income and Asset Disclosure", this volume includes case studies of the income and asset disclosure systems in 11 countries: from Argentina and Croatia to Indonesia and the United States.
As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour, actions and governance are important factors in how they, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can create an organisational culture of performance and results. This report uses PAFER to assess both the internal and external governance of Brazil’s National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation (ANA). The review offers recommendations for the regulator to build upon its strong technical reputation and good practices. It proposes an integrated set of recommendations to help ANA best fulfil its roles relating to water resource management and water-use regulation, dam safety, and water supply and sanitation.
With the financial meltdown and the economic crisis in their fifth year already no one can any longer be in doubt about their exceptional gravity, their truly global impact and their profound effects hurting vulnerable groups and the very poor especially. As the world looks for an exit from this economic crisis – the worst in eight decades – the focus of attention is naturally on the causes, the factors that account for its wide reach and severity, as well as on strategies that might bring it to a closure. The quest for exit strategies is at the very centre of the issues and concerns explored in the present volume, produced by the IIAS. Like the preceding volumes, but even more emphatically, this volume, representing a collective endeavour of scholars and practitioners from many parts of the globe, finds cause to lay the blame, for our difficult predicament, on the institutional deficit, the policies, the practices and values that have followed in the trail of a highly misleading and erroneous model of governance. The «Market Model of Governance» as it is known, sought to reform, the structures and culture of administration and government in private sector ways. While instrumental values like efficiency and effectiveness were raised and praised profusely, those of democratic governance were discounted by comparison. In particular, integrity, the rule of law and due process, equity, legality and public service professionalism suffered a steep decline, in several parts of the world. Likewise, the invasion and the capture of public space, inevitably led to an unprecedented surge of greed, abuse and corruption that contributed directly to the crisis which is upon us. Looking for exit strategies, as its title aptly suggests, the present volume offers a rich menu of ideas drawn from the current experience of all the world ́s main regions. Not surprisingly, two concepts stand out throughout the book as necessary correctives, as well as pressing remedies to the world ́s ongoing malaise. They call for the recapture of our common administrative space and the reaffirmation of the values and virtues appropriate for democratic governance. To the IIAS, none perhaps are more important than public service professionalism and none other can contribute more effectively to the reform and consolidation of sound institutions for national, sub national, global and regional governance. For these reasons, at this juncture, the new volume like the others should be featured in every public library and become a vademecum of all scholars and practitioners of public administration and politics around the world.