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A state-of-the-art anthology of postcolonial theory and practice in the Latin American context.
En los últimos siglos Occidente ha ensanchado el abanico de las opciones de la creencia, ya sean religiosas, ateas u otras difíciles de clasificar. Un proceso paulatino de declive de la fe y retirada de la religión de la vida pública. Este retroceso supone un cambio impactante si pensamos en el papel que hasta hace poco jugaban las iglesias cristianas en el mundo Occidental. ¿Por qué ha sucedido todo esto? ¿Cuáles son los rasgos del nuevo paisaje espiritual? La era secular es el ensayo escrito más ambicioso y sobresaliente sobre el complejo proceso de secularización en Occidente que aún sigue en marcha. El filósofo Charles Taylor desgrana, en este segundo volumen, el cambio de las condiciones de la fe que desde la Ilustración socavaron las viejas formas y sentaron las bases de una nueva alternativa humanista. Sin embargo, este debilitamiento de las representaciones anteriores no ha sido incompatible con la persistencia de cierto anhelo de religiosidad, lo cual se traduce en nuestros días, en el florecimiento de múltiples alternativas —a veces contradictorias— y en un novedoso pluralismo en cuestión de espiritualidad.
The book is organized around four sections. The first section is an introduction to the problem of defining the scope and foundations of the development of moral personality and social engagement, in particular, the development of civic and ethical attitudes and prosocial behavior. The second section presents a comparative analysis of education policies in Mexico, Chile and Colombia, in particular the way the curricula of civic and citizenship education is designed and implemented. The section also describes and analyzes the way this subject is taught in the classrooms of the primary, secondary and high school levels in the three countries. The third section includes the results of research projects in Civics and Citizenship Education conducted with different theoretical and methodological models of analysis. This last section includes some of the best practices of Civic Education that have been developed in Mexico, Colombia, and Chile.
Philosophizing for, with, and by children in a community of inquiry has proven to be an internationally successful learning strategy that enhances both the cognitive and emotional growth of children. Pioneering democratic programs for philosophizing with children now exist throughout the world. The work described in this book represents the latest research on theoretical concepts and applied projects within this field and brings together contributions from twenty-nine countries, representing all continents. The authors address questions on the theoretical foundation of Philosophy for Children, the application of philosophical methods, the community of inquiry, international and national didactical concepts as well as the evaluation of those concepts. A primary goal of this book is to enhance intercultural academic exchange and to encourage further research and practical work in this field.
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What is the role of civic associations in generating electoral accountability, and how do efforts by national groups to ensure free and fair elections advance democratic consolidation? Lean advances our understanding of how civic activism can strengthen election processes and provides new insight into role of elections for democratic consolidation.
El presente trabajo, es un tema que se ubica, dentro de uno mayor llamado Inteligencias múltiples. Mi propuesta es desarrollar siete inteligencias prioritarias, acordes con el ideal constitucional (...desarrollar armónicamente, todas las facultades del ser humano. Art. 3). Al desarrollar estas siete capacidades (meta-normas), desarrollaríamos una cultura jurídica tal, que estimularía una conducta acorde con la legalidad y esto evitaría un sinnúmero de acciones, fuera del orden.