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The Besora'oth is a collection of the Four Gospels of the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) set forth in a PaRDeS format, with Hebraic terms inter-lineated for key concepts. There are also direct Hebrew quotes in both the Hebrew language and transliterated Hebrew for the English reader. These portions include the prayer, called the "our Father," the statements made at the Last Supper, the statement at the cross, the quotation of Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) 61, plus others. One of the most important features is the inclusion of the fragments from the Gospel according to the Hebrews (Eusibeus/Jerome). This book is an indispensable resource for those who preach the Gospels and seek understanding from a Hebraic point of view.
This edition of the Book of Yashar features the use of the Sacred Name, and the transliteration of the Hebrews names to harmonize with the Eth Cepher itself. This Book of Yashar is a perfect companion for those who do not have the complete works of scripture contained in the Eth Cepher, but who seek to obtain these scriptures.
Richard-Jude Thompson investigates Martin Noth's conclusion about the Deuteronomistic History (DH) that the people of Israel had committed apostasy ceased to obey the law code of Yhwh, and thus lost their land. Scholars have challenged Noth's hypothesis and even the existence of such a history. The present study adopts a thematic reading of the DH as a coherent corpus of writing with a consistent message. A close reading reveals a god, Yhwh, who declares war on other gods and commands his followers to conquer and to sanctify the mountain of the Emorites and the land of Canaan to Yhwh. The sanctification includes the killing of the people living there: "When you attack them, you shall annihilate them entirely. Do not make a treaty with them and do not show mercy to them". Throughout the DH, Yhwh and his spokespersons reward obedience and punish disobedience. Because the disobedient people of Israel fail to enforce Yhwh's command to remove the nations of Canaan, Yhwh enforces imperial law and sentences them to national death and exile. The author hypothesizes that the DH depicts an imperial, military covenant. After a survey of the inscriptions of the second-millennium b.c.e. Levant, the Hittite empire, the Neo-Assyrian empire, and the first-millennium b.c.e Levant, the study concludes with a hypothesis that the evidence points to the ideology of the Neo-Assyrian empire as the historical precedent for the Dtr covenant. The study challenges two presuppositions that underlie both the DH and its scholarship: that of the torahas law and that of Yhwh as a unique god.
The early prehistory of Mesopotamia provides a uniquely rich and significant contribution to the study of the human past. Within the geographic bounds of Mesopotamia many major developments took place. Early forms of hominid, probably Homo erectus and definitely Neandertal, passed countless millennia here, to be succeeded by anatomically modern humans. After the end of the last Ice Age the pace of human activity increased. Settled communities appeared for the first time, followed by the extensive and intensive exploitation and domestication of plants and animals. By 4,500 bc settled human communities were practising a full spectrum of agricultural techniques, cultivating a range of crops and husbanding domesticated animals for a variety of purposes, while maintaining an involvement in traditional hunting strategies. Firmly based on site by site examination, this volume contains detailed analyses of all evidence relevant to these and other major concerns of the early Mesopotamian past.
In the 1880s, the Norwegian-born traveler Johan Adrian Jacobsen spent a year in Alaska and amassed an unprecedented collection of Yup'ik material culture that eventually made its way to Germany’s most prominent ethnographic museum. More than a century later, a delegation of Yup'ik elders and educators from Bethel, Alaska, joined cultural anthropologists and museum professionals at the Berlin Ethnologisches Museum to examine and interpret Jacobsen's collection, one of the world’s largest and most impressive Yup'ik collections. Things of Our Ancestors is a record of this unusual meeting of minds and cultures. Evoking the stories and experiences that the cultural artifacts embody, the Yup'ik elders examine and discuss these objects made by their ancestors, reclaiming knowledge on the verge of being lost. For this Yup'ik-English bilingual book, anthropologist Ann Fienup-Riordan has chosen stories and accounts of the Berlin exchange that best describe the collection and the visit. The narrative is accompanied by 66 photographs of this unusual episode of cultural revival. This book will prove a treasure for Yup’ik readers, linguists, folklorists, anthropologists, and historians, and will hold much interest for anyone concerned with Native American oral tradition.
T S. Eliot, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashbery -- and Jorie Graham. The New Yorker places Ms. Graham in this distinguished line of poets, heralding the Pulitzer Prize winner as a profound voice in American poetry. Now, in her eighth collection, she further enhances her reputation with a book-length sequence of verse that is a stunning work of grandeur. The New Republic writes, "for 'swarm,' in other 'be born again.' Graham is writing about a spiritual turning point, a new beginning.... Beauty -- that is, the pure sense-perception which has long been a concern for Graham -- is no longer the most important criterion. Now goodness is...[and] the idea of submission, of obedience, without understanding: one must 'yield' before 'hearing the reason' for yielding."
'Erotikon' brings together leading contemporary intellectuals from a variety of fields for an expansive debate on the full meaning of eros. Restricted neither by historical period nor by genre, these contributions explore manifestations or eros throughout Western culture.