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Keywords: cause-specific hazard, doubly robust, imputation, influence function, inverse probability weighting, locally efficient, missing at random, partial likelihood, proportional hazards model, semiparametric model.
In many clinical studies, researchers are interested in theeffects of a set of prognostic factors on the hazard of death from a specific disease even though patients may die from other competing causes. Often the time to relapse is right-censored for some individuals due to incomplete follow-up. In some circumstances, it may also be the case that patients are known to die but the cause of death is unavailable. When cause of failure is missing, excluding the missing observations from the analysis or treating them as censored may yield biased estimates and erroneous inferences. Under the assumption that cause of failure is missing at random, we propose three approaches to estimate the regression coefficients. The imputation approach isstraightforward to implement and allows for the inclusion ofauxiliary covariates, which are not of inherent interest formodeling the cause-specific hazard of interest but may be related to the missing data mechanism. The partial likelihood approach we propose is semiparametric efficient and allows for more general relationships between the two cause-specific hazards and more general missingness mechanism than the partial likelihood approach used by others. The inverse probability weighting approach isdoubly robust and highly efficient and also allows for theincorporation of auxiliary covariates. Using martingale theory and semiparametric theory for missing data problems, the asymptotic properties of these estimators are developed and the semiparametric efficiency of relevant estimators is proved. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of these estimators in finite samples. The approaches are also illustrated using the data from a clinical trial in elderly women with stage II breast cancer. The inverse probability weighted doubly robust semiparametric estimator is recommended for itssimplicity, flexibility, robustness and high efficiency.
In many clinical studies, researchers are mainly interested in studying the effects of some prognostic factors on the hazard of failure from a specific cause while individuals may failure from multiple causes. This leads to a competing risks problem. Often, due to various reasons such as finite study duration, loss to follow-up, or withdrawal from the study, the time-to-failure is right-censored for some individuals. Although the proportional hazards model has been commonly used in analyzing survival data, there are circumstances where other models are more appropriate. Here we consider the class of linear transformation models that contains the proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases. Sometimes, patients are known to die but the cause of death is unavailable. It is well known that when cause of failure is missing, ignoring the observations with missing cause or treating them as censored may result in erroneous inferences. Under the Missing At Random assumption, we propose two methods to estimate the regression coefficients in the linear transformation models. The augmented inverse probability weighting method is highly efficient and doubly robust. In addition, it allows the possibility of using auxiliary covariates to model the missing mechanism. The multiple imputation method is very efficient, is straightforward and easy to implement and also allows for the use of auxiliary covariates. The asymptotic properties of these estimators are developed using theory of counting processes and semiparametric theory for missing data problems. Simulation studies demonstrate the relevance of the theory in finite samples. These methods are also illustrated using data from a breast cancer stage II clinical trial.
Keywords: Influence function, Multiple Imputation, Missing at random, Semiparametric estimator, Inverse probability weighted, Linear transformation model, Double Robustness, Competing risks, Cause-specific hazard.
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