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Assume one has to estimate the mean J x P( dx) (or the median of P, or any other functional t;;(P)) on the basis ofi.i.d. observations from P. Ifnothing is known about P, then the sample mean is certainly the best estimator one can think of. If P is known to be the member of a certain parametric family, say {Po: {) E e}, one can usually do better by estimating {) first, say by {)(n)(.~.), and using J XPo(n)(;r.) (dx) as an estimate for J xPo(dx). There is an "intermediate" range, where we know something about the unknown probability measure P, but less than parametric theory takes for granted. Practical problems have always led statisticians to invent estimators for such intermediate models, but it usually remained open whether these estimators are nearly optimal or not. There was one exception: The case of "adaptivity", where a "nonparametric" estimate exists which is asymptotically optimal for any parametric submodel. The standard (and for a long time only) example of such a fortunate situation was the estimation of the center of symmetry for a distribution of unknown shape.
This short monograph which presents a unified treatment of the theory of estimating an economic relationship from a time series of cross-sections, is based on my Ph. D. dissertation submitted to the University of Wisconsin, Madison. To the material developed for that purpose, I have added the substance of two subsequent papers: "Efficient methods of estimating a regression equation with equi-correlated disturbances", and "The exact finite sample properties of estimators of coefficients in error components regression models" (with Arora) which form the basis for Chapters 11 and III respectively. One way of increasing the amount of statistical information is to assemble the cross-sections of successive years. To analyze such a body of data the traditional linear regression model is not appropriate and we have to introduce some additional complications and assumptions due to the hetero geneity of behavior among individuals. These complications have been discussed in this monograph. Limitations of economic data, particularly their non-experimental nature, do not permit us to know a priori the correct specification of a model. I have considered several different sets of assumptionR about the stability of coeffi cients and error variances across individuals and developed appropriate inference procedures. I have considered only those sets of assumptions which lead to opera tional procedures. Following the suggestions of Kuh, Klein and Zellner, I have adopted the linear regression models with some or all of their coefficients varying randomly across individuals.
Semiparametric regression has become very popular in the field of Statistics over the years. While on one hand more and more sophisticated models are being developed, on the other hand the resulting theory and estimation process has become more and more involved. The main problems that are addressed in this work are related to efficient inferential procedures in general semiparametric regression problems. We first discuss efficient estimation of population-level summaries in general semiparametric regression models. Here our focus is on estimating general population-level quantities that combine the parametric and nonparametric parts of the model (e.g., population mean, probabilities, etc.). We place this problem in a general context, provide a general kernel-based methodology, and derive the asymptotic distributions of estimates of these population-level quantities, showing that in many cases the estimates are semiparametric efficient. Next, motivated from the problem of testing for genetic effects on complex traits in the presence of gene-environment interaction, we consider developing score test in general semiparametric regression problems that involves Tukey style 1 d.f form of interaction between parametrically and non-parametrically modeled covariates. We develop adjusted score statistics which are unbiased and asymptotically efficient and can be performed using standard bandwidth selection methods. In addition, to over come the difficulty of solving functional equations, we give easy interpretations of the target functions, which in turn allow us to develop estimation procedures that can be easily implemented using standard computational methods. Finally, we take up the important problem of estimation in a general semiparametric regression model when covariates are measured with an additive measurement error structure having normally distributed measurement errors. In contrast to methods that require solving integral equation of dimension the size of the covariate measured with error, we propose methodology based on Monte Carlo corrected scores to estimate the model components and investigate the asymptotic behavior of the estimates. For each of the problems, we present simulation studies to observe the performance of the proposed inferential procedures. In addition, we apply our proposed methodology to analyze nontrivial real life data sets and present the results.
The dissertation considers semiparametric regression models inspired by statistical problems in ecological, medical and neurological studies. In those models, the interest is usually on the estimation of a set of finite parameters with difficulties of handling some unknown distribution functions or some other unknown structures. Developing novel semiparametric treatments and deriving a class of consistent and efficient estimators can not only provide us with better inferences, but also a general framework in those studies. In capture-recapture models for closed populations, the goal is to estimate the abundance of population. When multiple error-prone measurements of a covariate are available, we discover that no suitable complete and sufficient statistic exists due to the identity between the number of captures and the number of measurements. Hence the existing treatment utilizing such statistic no longer apply. Our investigation indicates that the familiar strategy of generalized method of moments can only resolve the issue with high capture probabilities. Further complexity includes the loss of the surrogacy assumption, commonly assumed in most measurement error problems. We devise a novel semiparametric treatment to overcome those difficulties. Simulation studies and real data analysis show good performance of our method. In HIV research, we study errors-in-variables problems when the response is binary and instrumental variables are available. We construct consistent estimators through taking advantage of the prediction relation between the unobservable variables and the instruments. The asymptotic properties of the new estimator are established, and illustrated through simulation studies. We also demonstrate that the method can be readily generalized to generalized linear models and beyond. The usefulness of the method is illustrated through a real data example. Lastly, we nonparametrically estimate distribution functions for multiple populations in kin-cohort studies. The data is mixed and known to belong to a specific population with certain probabilities. Some of the observations can be further correlated, and are subject to censoring. We estimate the distributions in an optimal way through using the optimal base estimators and then combine the estimators optimally as well. The optimality implies both estimation consistency and minimum estimation variability. One obvious advantage is that our estimator does not assume any parametric forms of the distributions, and does not require to know or to model the potential correlation structure. Analysis on the Huntington's disease data is performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from
The seemingly unrelated regression equations model; The least squares estimator and its variants; Approximate destribution theory for feasible generalized least squares estimators; Exact finite-sample properties of feasible generalized least squares estimators; Iterative estimators; Shrinkage estimators; Autoregressive disturbances; Heteroscedastic disturbances; Constrained error covariance structures; Prior information; Some miscellaneous topics.