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This second volume is a continuation of study from the first volume. It focuses on several advanced and intermediate Arabic grammar important in a higher level of Qur'inic study. This includes topics in Morphology, Irregular Verbs, and other topics found in Intermediate Arabic Grammar study. Similar to the first volume, numerous examples from the Qur'an have been given so that our focus is maintained. "Review Questions" are included in the back of this book on the chapters that have been detailed. The last three chapters are focused on more advanced discussions relative to Qur'anic Arabic such as Eloquence (Balagha) and the Inimitability of the Qu'ran.
This 2-Volume Series is an attempt to guide those who want to understand the language of the Qur'an and read it with comprehension. This first volume guides the student in a step-wise progression to learn the fundamentals of Qur'anic grammar. The methodology of this book is different from others in that conversational Arabic and non-Qur'anic vocabulary are not emphasized. Instead, there is a keen focus on mastering key grammar principles alongside "high-yield" Qur'anic vocabulary. Numerous examples are used from the Qur'an. This textbook is also being used by the International Open University for its Diploma Courses in Quranic Arabic. Altogether, this will Insha Allah enable them to better understand and experience the Lofty and Majestic Words of Allah Almighty.
What is this Book? Quranic Arabic book #4. is the 4th in a five-book series aimed at Arabic as a Second Language for advanced level. Objectives include: moving further beyond implementing reading skills learned in level 2 (all about Nouns) and level3 (all about verbs) to learning types of particles and meaningful letters beside grammar rules, and sentence structure. The curriculum used in the book provides adding to the student's knowledge of Arabic tools and style types and properties. How does it work? the process of learning the components of the sentence will be completed in Chapter one of this book. in chapter two the process of learning the curriculum methodology will be completed. The methodology used in the book's curriculum is based on a unique analysis and categorization of the Arabic nouns and verbs, considering the basic form verb as the root to all types of verbs and nouns. Students will learn step by step to get the result, all based on the equation (roots+letters=multiple verbs conjugations) to implement the curriculum methodologies. We analyze the way verbs are structured, then we break down the conjugations to the basic form verb/roots. The book contains a dictionary of meaningful words, presented with translation, images, and words' locations in the Quran. The translation of each word is concluded from many scholars' lectures and analyses. *Note This book will never claim to provide the precise interpretation of the Quran, as the profound characteristic of the Quranic words and letters are wide opened, allowing rooms for multiple interpretations, and only God the mighty knows the exact meaning of each word in his book (the Holy Quran) Why this book?-This book acts as a dictionary for Quranic terms, by providing their exact location within the Quran by surah and ayah number. -It also acts as a textbook and a workbook. It sets rules to avoid grammar and spelling errors, as well as promote engagement by providing plenty of worksheets and coloring activities. -The integration between learning the Arabic language and Quranic knowledge are on track during the learning process. -The book is using exclusively words and sentences from Quranic Verses/Ayat, teaches reading skills as-well-as the meaning of each word. -Connecting the learners with the Quranic terms to emphasize the comprehending of the Quranic vocabularies the sentences and words used are exclusively from the Quran, providing a direct link between Arabic vocabulary, grammar, and the Quranic sentences (Ayat). -The grammars and rules are constructed from texts and sentences in the Quran, unlike the conventional grammatical terms and rules of the Arabic Language. What did they say? Book reviews Ayesha Bhabi recommends Quranic Arabic Course/ Edmonton I highly recommend Suzan's course without a shadow of a doubt! No prior knowledge of Arabic is required; as you start from the alphabet and work your way through Arabic grammar, syntax, and dictionary. The amount of hard work and dedication that Suzan has put into her curriculum shows in the incredible detail her books offer. I am currently on Book 2 and am already able to glean the meaning of many different words and phrases from the Quran. Suzan is a patient instructor who will answer any questions without judgment and helps students learn at their own pace. I am so glad I found her course!
What is this Book? Quranic Arabic book #3. is the 3rd in a five-book series aimed at Arabic as a Second Language for advanced level. Objectives include: moving further beyond implementing reading skills learned in level 2 (all about Nouns) to learning types of verbs, grammar rules, and sentence structure. The curriculum used in the book provides adding to the student's knowledge of Arabic verb types and properties. How does it work? The methodology used in the book's curriculum is based on a unique analysis and categorization of the Arabic verbs, considering the basic form verb as the root to all types of verbs: Chapter1 about past tense verbs.Chapter2 about present tense verbs.Chapter3 about imperative verbs. A mathematical application is implemented which involves manipulating the basic form verb (the root) producing multiple conjugations verbs, readers will be able to identify each verb's type, subject, and object person's referral, number, and gender, they will also learn to recognize the type. Students will learn step by step to get the result, all based on the equation (roots+letters=multiple verbs conjugations) to implement the curriculum methodologies. We analyze the way verbs are structured, then we break down the conjugations to the basic form verb/roots. The book contains a dictionary of meaningful words, presented with translation, images, and words' locations in the Quran. The translation of each word is concluded from many scholars' lectures and analyses. *Note This book will never claim to provide the precise interpretation of the Quran, as the profound characteristic of the Quranic words and letters are wide opened, allowing rooms for multiple interpretations, and only God the mighty knows the exact meaning of each word in his book (the Holy Quran). Why this book?-This book acts as a dictionary for Quranic terms, by providing their exact location within the Quran by surah and ayah number. -It also acts as a textbook and a workbook. It sets rules to avoid grammar and spelling errors, as well as promote engagement by providing plenty of worksheets and coloring activities. -The integration between learning the Arabic language and Quranic knowledge are on track during the learning process. -The book is using exclusively words and sentences from Quranic Verses/Ayat, teaches reading skills as-well-as the meaning of each word. -Connecting the learners with the Quranic terms to emphasize the comprehending of the Quranic vocabularies the sentences and words used are exclusively from the Quran, providing a direct link between Arabic vocabulary, grammar, and the Quranic sentences (Ayat). -The grammars and rules are constructed from texts and sentences in the Quran, unlike the conventional grammatical terms and rules of the Arabic Language. What did they say? Book reviews Ayesha Bhabi recommends Quranic Arabic Course/ Edmonton I highly recommend Suzan's course without a shadow of a doubt! No prior knowledge of Arabic is required; as you start from the alphabet and work your way through Arabic grammar, syntax, and dictionary. The amount of hard work and dedication that Suzan has put into her curriculum shows in the incredible detail her books offer. I am currently on Book 2 and am already able to glean the meaning of many different words and phrases from the Quran. Suzan is a patient instructor who will answer any questions without judgment and helps students learn at their own pace. I am so glad I found her course!
Have you ever wanted to learn the language in which the final revelation (Quran) was revealed? Maybe you thought learning Arabic was too difficult for you or that you were too old to learn a new language. Well in fact, not only is learning Quranic Arabic remarkably easy, it is also quite fun as you ll see throughout this 24-hour course. Even if you have little or no knowledge of Arabic, you ll feel comfortable going through these tutorials from the comfort of your home. At the end of each hour you will be able to put your knowledge into practice and begin to understand Quranic Arabic.
As Muslims, we have the desire to have a proper understanding of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet. To understand the Quran we need the explanations of the Olama (Islamic scholars) in their interpretations. Likewise, to understand the hadiths of the Prophet, we need to study the sharh (explanations) of the Olama. If we want to understand the explanations of the Olama, we need to equip ourselves with proper skills in the Arabic language. Only then we can understand the structure of Arabic in the fields of Nahwu and Shorof (Tashrif). This book is meant as a guide to equip readers with basic passive Arabic skills to understand Arabic with the help of a dictionary. Hopefully, it can be a useful starting point in developing Arabic language skills. The main references referred to in this book include matn al-Ajurrumiyyah with its syarh, such as the syarh of Shaykh Ibn Uthaimin and also al-Mumti' by Malik bin Salim bin Mathor al-Mahdzariy who was taqdim Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'iy (rahimahullah). Likewise, the book Durusul Lughoh al-Arobiyyah by Dr. V. Abdurrahim, with his syarh by Husain bin Ahmad bin Abdillah Aalu Ali. Not to forget al-Amthilatut Tashrifiyyah who was commanded by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Saifuddin Zuhri. This book provides many examples in the form of sentences taken from verses of the Quran, corresponding with what is being discussed in the lessons. We also used hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and sayings of the Ulama of Ahlussunnah taken from their literature. In most of the chapters, there are exercises in the form of questions to practice. This includes exercises in translating non-characterized Arabic writings. Sometimes we added a mini dictionary to facilitate the completion of the tasks. This book originally printed in Indonesian language as title “Panduan Mudah Memahami Bahasa Arab (Dasar-dasar Ilmu Nahwu dan Tashrif”. Then, translated into English by Abo Abdil Aziz Obaid al-Holandiy. Jazaahullaahu khayran. May be some transliteration in this book still in Indonesian style.
Arabic With Husna is a first of its kind, comprehensive Qur'anic Arabic curriculum that leverages best teaching practices based on experience with thousands of students, enhanced study materials designed to optimize student learning and most importantly video resources in order to ensure a rich, engaging, meticulously organized and result driven learning experience for children and adults alike. This curriculum was put together by a team of educators in collaboration with Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan at the Bayyinah Institute. Book 2 is a thorough study of fragments (combination of two or more words) in Arabic. At the end of the book, a student will be able to describe in detail the meaning and properties of each Ism and each fragment in the first ten ayaat of Surah Kahf.
The Holy Quran (القران الكريم) Arabic Edition Vol 2 Surah 039 Az-Zumar and Surah 114 An-Nas. The Holy Quran is a compilation of the verbal revelations given to the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW over a period of twenty three years. The Holy Quran is the Holy Book or the Scriptures of the Muslims. It lays down for them the law and commandments, codes for their social and moral behaviour, and contains a comprehensive religious philosophy. The language of the Quran is Arabic. Besides its proper name, the Quran is also known by the following names: al Kitab (The Book); al Furqan (The Discrimination): al Dhikr (The Exposition); al Bayan (The Explanation); al Burhan (The Argument); al Haqq (The Truth); al Tanzil (The Revelation); al Hikmat (The Wisdom); al Huda (The Guide); al Hukm (The Judgment); al Mau'izah (The Admonition); al Rahmat (The Mercy); al-Noor (The Light); al-Rooh (The Word). The Holy Quran is divided into 114 Surahs or Chapters and each Chapter consists of individual Ayaat or verses. There are in total 6,348 verses in the Holy Quran. The Surahs are of varying lengths, some consisting of a few lines while others run for many pages. Surah al Baqarah (Ch.2) is the longest Chapter comprising 287 verses while Surah al Kauthar (Ch. 108) is the shortest with only four verses including the tasmia. The text of the Holy Quran has remained unchanged over the past 1400 years. The millions of copies of the Quran circulating in the world today are all identical down to a single letter. And this is not strange since Allah SWT (God) says in the Holy Quran that He Himself will guard this book: "Surely it is We Who have revealed the Exposition, and surely it is We Who are its guardians" (Holy Quran 15:10)