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What's special about Oneness Pentecostals? In this penetrating analysis of Oneness theology and practice, Gregory Boyd reveals the experience of four years of personal involvement in a Oneness church. Although Oneness Pentecostals' belief in Christ's deity establishes some common ground with other Christians, their aggressive denial of the Trinity has nonetheless fostered their indisputably sub-Christian ideas about God's character, about salvation, and about Christian living.
Offers a fascinating look at Pentecostalism's place in global theology and shows how Christians from other traditions can benefit from recent developments in Pentecostal theology.
"Examines the history and development of Moravian theology, from its origins in the Hussite movement to the work of Comenius. Explores the theology of the Unity of the Brethren within the context of the Protestant Reformation"--Provided by publisher.
A Concise Summary of Biblical Truth by John MacArthur Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward him and directs your actions for him—but it can be difficult to know where to begin. This concise handbook, developed from John MacArthur's larger work Biblical Doctrine, is an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. As MacArthur walks through the essentials of the Christian faith doctrine by doctrine, he'll not only encourage your heart and mind, but also empower you to proclaim the faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).
A Definitive Look at Oneness Theology: In the Light of Biblical Trinitarianism (4th ed.) critically examines the claims of Oneness unitarian theology in light of biblical exegesis. Specifically, this book clearly shows that the entire content of biblical revelation reveals that the one true God is triune existing in three distinct persons-the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Further, the triune nature of God has been implicitly and explicitly affirmed by the early church, important Ecumenical Councils (and their resulting Creeds), and contemporary conservative biblical scholarship. Oneness theology rejects the biblical doctrine of the Trinity erroneously assuming a unitarian view of God-namely, a one person deity whose name is "Jesus." Hence, it teaches that Jesus is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Oneness advocates then see the titles "Father," Son," and "Holy Spirit" as mere names or roles that Jesus manifests and not as distinct persons. They embrace the notion that "Son" represents the humanity of Jesus while "Father" (and Holy Spirit) represents the deity of Jesus, thus denying the unipersonality, deity, and preexistence of the Son, Jesus Christ. This view sharply opposes the biblical position that the Son had/shared glory "with" the Father "before the world was" (John 17:5). Since, the biblical presentation of the preexistence of the Son (esp. as Creator) is the Achilles' heel of Oneness doctrine, this book devotes the needed space and attention to the exegesis of key passages (such as Gen. 19:24; John 1:1-18; 17:5; Col. 1:16-17; Phil. 2:6-11; and the prologue of Hebrews), which positively affirms biblical Trinitarianism. On this point alone, the Oneness position is shown biblically false.
Christians cannot remain indifferent to the divisions in the Church today. In this study guide companion, Chan draws on the gospel infused message of Until Unity to remind readers that Church unity is not optional. This study guide includes: Deeper exploration of every chapter in Until Unity Free original videos with Francis Chan Tips for leading and participating in a small group Scripture passages and reflection questions Prompts for group and individual prayer Chan’s emphasis on worship and praise, along with his passionate teaching, make this guide a unique and life-changing exploration of why unity is not just God’s wish for His Church—it’s His command.
Trinity or Oneness. Which belief is right? Does the average Christian truly understand the basis of their own beliefs regarding the makeup of the Godhead, or do they simply hang onto a handful of key platitudes and talking points that have been handed down by their pastor? Other than a few memorized Scriptures that seem to support their particular doctrine of the Godhead, many Christians don't have a firm grasp of scriptural evidence that truly supports the cornerstone of their most basic beliefs.A solid foundation of belief is desperately needed because these two doctrines are at extreme odds with each other. Proponents from both sides have been known to proclaim that the other side cannot be saved due to their beliefs in the Godhead. Other than an agreement that our God is also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there is little other accord between these two opposing theological camps.This book presents many of the typical arguments from both doctrines, and puts them together, in a debate-like format. This way, both Oneness believers, and Trinitarians alike, will be able to better understand the basis of their own positions. At the same time, they will come away with a better understanding of the positions presented by the other side. Hopefully, if they are able to lay their biases to the side, they'll be able to make an informed decision as to which side has the best scriptural support and logic.
Only a few decades past, academia tended to scoff at the very idea of serious Pentecostal theology. Today profound and variegated theological implications of this dynamic movement are the object of exploration and development across the entire spectrum of the Christian theological corpus. Arguably, an acute need has arisen for identification and evaluation of the Pentecostal movement's original and ongoing theological ""essentials."" What is Pentecostal theology really all about anyway? This volume realizes that Pentecostal theology is at its heart a working theology undergirding and energizing believers' worship of God in prayer and praise, in holy living, and in witness to a personal experience of the risen Lord and Savior manifested in the continuing power of the Holy Spirit. Authentic implementation, if not explicit articulation, of fervent Pentecostal theology often occurs in the vitality of local churches, house fellowships, and various mission settings in America and around the world. Birthed in the fires of revival movements, essential Pentecostalism, including Pentecostal theology, continues to burn brightest wherever it is fueled most directly.