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inatoa tafiti ya sasa na inayoongoza makini juu ya usalama na usalama wa mfumo. Huna haja ya kuwa mtaalamu wa usalama wa usalama ili kulinda maelezo yako. Kuna watu huko nje ambao kazi yao kuu inajaribu kuiba habari binafsi na fedha. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
yana gabatar da mafi kyawun halin yanzu da kuma jagorancin bincike game da tsarin tsaro da tsaro. Ba buƙatar ku zama masu kwarewar cyber-tsaro don kare bayaninku ba. Akwai mutane daga wurin da babban aikin suke ƙoƙarin sata bayanin sirri da kuma kudi. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
leading ore investigationis et maxime ad perficiendum current ratio a salute et securitate. Et non necesse esse cyber securitatem, peritis protegas notitia. Illic es populus sicco illic qui furantur personalis et financial notitia in trying ut principalis officium. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
Dit bied die nuutste en voorste navorsing oor stelselveiligheid en sekuriteit aan. Jy hoef nie 'n kuber-sekuriteits deskundige te wees om jou inligting te beskerm nie. Daar is mense daar buite wie se hoofwerk dit persoonlike en finansiële inligting probeer steel. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
آن را ارائه می دهد در حال حاضر و پیشرو در لبه تحقیق در ایمنی و امنیت سیستم. شما لازم نیست که یک متخصص امنیت سایبری برای محافظت از اطلاعات خود باشید. افرادی وجود دارند که کار اصلیشان تلاش برای سرقت اطلاعات شخصی و مالی است. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
הוא מציג את המחקר העדכני ביותר והמובילים בתחום הבטיחות והביטחון של המערכת. אתה לא צריך להיות מומחה אבטחה סייבר כדי להגן על המידע שלך. יש אנשים שם בחוץ, שתפקידם העיקרי הוא לגנוב מידע אישי ופיננסי. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
它介绍了有关系统安全和安全的最新和前沿研究。 您不需要成为网络安全专家来保护您的信息。 在那里有人试图窃取个人和财务信息的主要工作。 it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
яна ўяўляе самую апошнюю і вядучых навукова-даследчых краю па пытаннях бяспекі і бяспекі сістэмы. Вам не трэба быць экспертам у галіне кібер-бяспекі для абароны вашай інфармацыі. Ёсць людзі, там, асноўная задача якога яна спрабуе скрасці асабістую і фінансавую інфармацыю. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
sistema segurtasun eta segurtasunari buruzko gaur egungo eta goi mailako ikerketak aurkezten ditu. Ez duzu cyber-segurtasun aditua izan behar zure informazioa babesteko. Badira jende asko dagoena, norberaren eta finantzaaren informazioa lapurtzen saiatzen ari dena. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.
він представляє найактуальніші та передові дослідження систем безпеки та безпеки. Вам не потрібно бути експертом в галузі кібер-безпеки, щоб захистити вашу інформацію. Тут є люди, чия основна робота намагається викрасти особисту та фінансову інформацію. it presents the most current and leading edge research on system safety and security. You do not need to be a cyber-security expert to protect your information. There are people out there whose main job it is trying to steal personal and financial information.