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The history of mechanics, and more particularly, the history of mechanics applied to constructions, constitutes a field of research that is relatively recent. This volume, together with the recent publication "Towards a History of Construction", is intended as an homage to the two eminent scholars who made a determinant contribution to the history of mechanics: Edoardo Benvenuto and Clifford Truesdell.
This volume collects my shorter articles on the history of mechanics, some already published in various places, some revised from earlier papers, and some never published before. All of them began as lectures, and here they are printed as such, little changed from the last times I read them out to an audience. While the several articles concern different aspects of mechanics, overlap and even some repetition could not be avoided, since mechanics is one great science, and the same original oftentimes served more than one end in its growth. My three major historical treatises, which were published in Volumes (II) 11 , 2 12, and 13 of L. Euleri Opera Omnia, are not included. To simplify the printing I have also mostly omitted detailed reference to sources discussed more fully in those treatises, but of course I have added to the texts of the lectures citations of other sources, some notes in answer to questions a reader might ask, and biblio graphical notes at the end of each. I am grateful to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this work through a grant to The Johns Hopkins University.
This book treats several subjects from the History of Mechanism and Machine Science, and also contains an illustrative presentation of the Museum of Engines and Mechanisms of the University of Palermo, Italy, which houses a collection of various pieces of machinery from the last 150 years. The various sections deal with some eminent scientists of the past, with the history of industrial installations, machinery and transport, with the human inventiveness for mechanical and scientific devices, and with robots and human-driven automata. All chapters have been written by experts in their fields. The volume shows a wide-ranging panorama on the historical progress of scientific and technical knowledge in the past centuries. It will stimulate new research and ideas for those involved in the history of Science and Technology.
The Page-Barbour Lectures of 1985, University of Virginia.
"A remarkable work which will remain a document of the first rank for the historian of mechanics." — Louis de Broglie In this masterful synthesis and summation of the science of mechanics, Rene Dugas, a leading scholar and educator at the famed Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, deals with the evolution of the principles of general mechanics chronologically from their earliest roots in antiquity through the Middle Ages to the revolutionary developments in relativistic mechanics, wave and quantum mechanics of the early 20th century. The present volume is divided into five parts: The first treats of the pioneers in the study of mechanics, from its beginnings up to and including the sixteenth century; the second section discusses the formation of classical mechanics, including the tremendously creative and influential work of Galileo, Huygens and Newton. The third part is devoted to the eighteenth century, in which the organization of mechanics finds its climax in the achievements of Euler, d'Alembert and Lagrange. The fourth part is devoted to classical mechanics after Lagrange. In Part Five, the author undertakes the relativistic revolutions in quantum and wave mechanics. Writing with great clarity and sweep of vision, M. Dugas follows closely the ideas of the great innovators and the texts of their writings. The result is an exceptionally accurate and objective account, especially thorough in its accounts of mechanics in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and the important contributions of Jordanus of Nemore, Jean Buridan, Albert of Saxony, Nicole Oresme, Leonardo da Vinci, and many other key figures. Erudite, comprehensive, replete with penetrating insights, AHistory of Mechanics is an unusually skillful and wide-ranging study that belongs in the library of anyone interested in the history of science.
Containing 609 encyclopedic articles written by more than 200 prominent scholars, The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science presents an unparalleled history of the field invaluable to anyone with an interest in the technology, ideas, discoveries, and learned institutions that have shaped our world over the past five centuries. Focusing on the period from the Renaissance to the early twenty-first century, the articles cover all disciplines (Biology, Alchemy, Behaviorism), historical periods (the Scientific Revolution, World War II, the Cold War), concepts (Hypothesis, Space and Time, Ether), and methodologies and philosophies (Observation and Experiment, Darwinism). Coverage is international, tracing the spread of science from its traditional centers and explaining how the prevailing knowledge of non-Western societies has modified or contributed to the dominant global science as it is currently understood. Revealing the interplay between science and the wider culture, the Companion includes entries on topics such as minority groups, art, religion, and science's practical applications. One hundred biographies of the most iconic historic figures, chosen for their contributions to science and the interest of their lives, are also included. Above all The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science is a companion to world history: modern in coverage, generous in breadth, and cosmopolitan in scope. The volume's utility is enhanced by a thematic outline of the entire contents, a thorough system of cross-referencing, and a detailed index that enables the reader to follow a specific line of inquiry along various threads from multiple starting points. Each essay has numerous suggestions for further reading, all of which favor literature that is accessible to the general reader, and a bibliographical essay provides a general overview of the scholarship in the field. Lastly, as a contribution to the visual appeal of the Companion, over 100 black-and-white illustrations and an eight-page color section capture the eye and spark the imagination.
Conceived as a series of more or less autonomous essays, the present book critically exposes the initial developments of continuum thermo-mechanics in a post Newtonian period extending from the creative works of the Bernoullis to the First World war, i.e., roughly during first the “Age of reason” and next the “Birth of the modern world”. The emphasis is rightly placed on the original contributions from the “Continental” scientists (the Bernoulli family, Euler, d’Alembert, Lagrange, Cauchy, Piola, Duhamel, Neumann, Clebsch, Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Saint-Venant, Boussinesq, the Cosserat brothers, Caratheodory) in competition with their British peers (Green, Kelvin, Stokes, Maxwell, Rayleigh, Love,..). It underlines the main breakthroughs as well as the secondary ones. It highlights the role of scientists who left essential prints in this history of scientific ideas. The book shows how the formidable developments that blossomed in the twentieth century (and perused in a previous book of the author in the same Springer Series: “Continuum Mechanics through the Twentieth Century”, Springer 2013) found rich compost in the constructive foundational achievements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The pre-WWI situation is well summarized by a thorough analysis of treatises (Appell, Hellinger) published at that time. English translations by the author of most critical texts in French or German are given to the benefit of the readers.
When, after the agreeable fatigues of solicitation, Mrs Millamant set out a long bill of conditions subject to which she might by degrees dwindle into a wife, Mirabell offered in return the condition that he might not thereby be beyond measure enlarged into a husband. With age and experience in research come the twin dangers of dwindling into a philosopher of science while being enlarged into a dotard. The philosophy of science, I believe, should not be the preserve of senile scientists and of teachers of philosophy who have themselves never so much as understood the contents of a textbook of theoretical physics, let alone done a bit of mathematical research or even enjoyed the confidence of a creating scientist. On the latter count I run no risk: Any reader will see that I am untrained (though not altogether unread) in classroom philosophy. Of no ignorance of mine do I boast, indeed I regret it, but neither do I find this one ignorance fatal here, for few indeed of the great philosophers to explicate whose works hodiernal professors of phil osophy destroy forests of pulp were themselves so broadly and specially trained as are their scholiasts. In attempt to palliate the former count I have chosen to collect works written over the past thirty years, some of them not published before, and I include only a few very recent essays.
Zehn Jahre nach der 1. Auflage in englischer Sprache legt der Autor sein Buch The History of the Theory of Structures in wesentlich erweiterter Form vor, nunmehr mit dem Untertitel Searching for Equilibrium. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch lädt der Verfasser seine Leser zur Suche nach dem Gleichgewicht von Tragwerken auf Zeitreisen ein. Die Zeitreisen setzen mit der Entstehung der Statik und Festigkeitslehre eines Leonardo und Galilei ein und erreichen ihren ersten Höhepunkt mit den baustatischen Theorien über den Balken, Erddruck und das Gewölbe von Coulomb am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im folgenden Jahrhundert formiert sich die Baustatik mit Navier, Culmann, Maxwell, Rankine, Mohr, Castigliano und Müller-Breslau zu einer technikwissenschaftlichen Grundlagendisziplin, die im 20. Jahrhundert in Gestalt der modernen Strukturmechanik bei der Herausbildung der konstruktiven Sprache des Stahl-, Stahlbeton-, Flugzeug-, Automobil- und des Schiffbaus eine tragende Rolle spielt. Dabei setzt der Autor den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf die Formierung und Entwicklung moderner numerischer Ingenieurmethoden wie der Finite-Elemente-Methode und beschreibt ihre disziplinäre Integration in der Computational Mechanics. Kurze, durch historische Skizzen unterstützte Einblicke in gängige Berechnungsverfahren erleichtern den Zugang zur Geschichte der Strukturmechanik und Erddrucktheorie vom heutigen Stand der Ingenieurpraxis und stellen einen auch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Ingenieurpädagogik dar. Dem Autor gelingt es, die Unterschiedlichkeit der Akteure hinsichtlich ihres technisch-wissenschaftlichen Profils und ihrer Persönlichkeit plastisch zu schildern und das Verständnis für den gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu erzeugen. So werden in 260 Kurzbiografien die subjektive Dimension der Baustatik und der Strukturmechanik von der frühen Neuzeit bis heute entfaltet. Dabei werden die wesentlichen Beiträge der Protagonisten der Baustatik besprochen und in die nachfolgende Bibliografie integriert. Berücksichtigt wurden nicht nur Bauingenieure und Architekten, sondern auch Mathematiker, Physiker, Maschinenbauer sowie Flugzeug- und Schiffbauer. Neben den bekannten Persönlichkeiten der Baustatik, wie Coulomb, Culmann, Maxwell, Mohr, Müller-Breslau, Navier, Rankine, Saint-Venant, Timoshenko und Westergaard, wurden u. a. auch G. Green, A. N. Krylov, G. Li, A. J. S. Pippard, W. Prager, H. A. Schade, A. W. Skempton, C. A. Truesdell, J. A. L. Waddell und H. Wagner berücksichtigt. Den Wegbereitern der Moderne in der Baustatik J. H. Argyris, R. W. Clough, Th. v. Kármán, M. J. Turner und O. C. Zienkiewicz wurden umfangreiche Biografien gewidmet. Eine ca. 4500 Titel umfassende Bibliografie rundet das Werk ab. Neue Inhalte der 2. Auflage sind: Erddrucktheorie, Traglastverfahren, historische Lehrbuchanalyse, Stahlbrückenbau, Leichtbau, Platten- und Schalentheorie, Greensche Funktion, Computerstatik, FEM, Computergestützte Graphostatik und Historische Technikwissenschaft. Gegenüber der 1., englischen Ausgabe wurde der Seitenumfang um 50 % auf nunmehr etwas über 1200 Druckseiten gesteigert. Das vorliegende Buch ist die erste zusammenfassende historische Gesamtdarstellung der Baustatik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis heute. Über die Reihe edition Bautechnikgeschichte: Mit erstaunlicher Dynamik hat sich die Bautechnikgeschichte in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einer höchst lebendigen, international vernetzten und viel beachteten eigenständigen Disziplin entwickelt. Auch wenn die nationalen Forschungszugänge unterschiedliche Akzente setzen, eint sie doch das Bewusstsein, dass gerade die inhaltliche und methodische Vielfalt und das damit verbundene synthetische Potenzial die Stärke des neuen Forschungsfeldes ausmachen. Bautechnikgeschichte erschließt neue Formen des Verstehens von Bauen zwischen Ingenieurwesen und Architektur, zwischen Bau- und Kunst-, Technik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Mit der edition Bautechnikgeschichte erhält die neue Disziplin erstmals einen Ort für die Publikation wichtiger Arbeiten auf angemessenem Niveau in hochwertiger Gestaltung. Die Bücher erscheinen in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Beide Hauptrichtungen der Bautechnikgeschichte, der eher konstruktionsgeschichtlich und der eher theoriegeschichtlich geleitete Zugang, finden Berücksichtigung; das Spektrum der Bände reicht von Überblickswerken über Monographien zu Einzelaspekten oder -bauten bis hin zu Biographien bedeutender Ingenieurpersönlichkeiten. Ein international besetzter Wissenschaftlicher Beirat unterstützt die Herausgeber in der Umsetzung des Konzepts.