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My dissertation examines the determinants of school quality and its impact on student achievement. The first essay studies the impact of class size on student achievement. The impact of class size on student achievement remains an open question despite hundreds of empirical studies and the perception amongst parents, teachers, and policymakers that larger classes are a significant detriment to student development. This essay attempts to shed new light on this ambiguity by explicitly recognizing the distributed nature of educational outcomes. This paper utilizes recently developed nonparametric tests for stochastic dominance to uniformly rank entire distributions of test scores. Moreover, by using bootstrap techniques, we are able to report the results of the dominance tests to a degree of statistical certainty. This type of analysis is very useful for policy decisions as it lends itself to broad-based, consensus ranking of outcomes. Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, we estimate the effects of eighth and tenth grade class size on the unconditional and conditional distributions of contemporaneous test scores, subsequent test scores, and test score gains. The results are quite surprising. First, after controlling for a host of determinants of student achievement, we find compelling evidence suggesting that students benefit from relatively large classes. Second, we document several instances where the relationship between student achievement and class size is non-monotonic. Finally, these conclusions are unaltered when we allow for heterogeneous effects of class size by student race or subject matter. In my second essay, I address questions regarding school competition using a spatial autoregressive model. Education reforms involving expanded school choice are receiving increased attention. Many view the heightened competition that would presumably result from such reforms as a panacea for the ills currently plaguing the US public education system. However, the present system is not devoid of competition even absent such reforms; public schools compete for students through the Tiebout (1956) process. Thus, this essay seeks to answer two questions: (i) Does competition alter the behavior of public school districts? and (ii) Do public school districts compete with neighboring public school districts? To answer such questions, we utilize panel data from Illinois over the period 1990-2000 and estimate a multi-dimensional mixed regressive, spatial autoregressive model via instrumental variables, thereby eliminating the possibility of confounding strategic competition with spatial error correlation. The data come from two sources: the Common Core of Data and the Census of Population and Housing. We find robust evidence that public school districts incorporate the educational input decisions of other public school districts in the same county into their decision calculus, thereby acting strategically when setting own input levels. Thus, reforms leading to expansion of school choice would not introduce competition into the US school system, but rather would at best accentuate the level of competition. The third essay examines the impact of peer group effects on student achievement. The current empirical evidence on the magnitude of these effects is, however, inconclusive. Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, I assess the impact of peer group influences on the test scores of tenth grade students using school-by-subject specific fixed effects models, as well as a Generalized Methods of Moments approach (via instrumental variables) to account for potential endogeneity of the peer group formation. The results are striking. In particular, I fail to uncover widespread evidence in favor of positive peer group effects. The OLS estimations yield strong and positive effects of peer group achievement on test score gains. When I account for potential endogeneity of peer group formation via instrumental variables and fixed effects these effects disappear. In addition, the dispersion of peer group achievement has no systematic influence on achievement growth. Moreover, I find no evidence supporting the hypothesis that peer effects have differential impacts in schools in which tracking is present. The only exception to the above findings is in models that control for both peer effects and tracking, and allow the effect of each to differ according to student ability. In this case, while the impact of tracking is not found to be substantially different in tracked versus nontracked schools, the results are consistent with a nonuniform effect of tracking on achievement across students of different abilities. Finally, these fundamental conclusions are not substantially altered when I allow for changes in the definitions of peer group effect and tracking.
This dissertation is composed of three essays. Essay 1, "Does School Start Too Early For Student Learning?", considers the connection between school start time and student performance. Biological evidence indicates that adolescents' internal clocks are designed to make them fall asleep and wake up at later times than adults. This science has prompted widespread debate about delaying school start times in the U.S., a country which has some of the earliest start times worldwide. The debate suffers, however, from a glaring absence of evidence: the small number of prior studies has been too low powered statistically to test whether later start times improve achievement. I fill the gap by studying achievement across a large, nationally representative set of high schools that have varying start times. I identify the positive effect of later clock start times, as well as the independent effect of greater daylight at school start time. My primary empirical method is cross-sectional regression with rich controls for potentially confounding variables. The findings are confirmed by regression discontinuity analysis focused on schools close to time zone boundaries. I quantify the net gain in welfare from having an additional hour of sunlight before school starts by comparing the substantial lifetime earnings benefits for students against the likely the societal costs. Essay 2, "Student Success and Teaching Assistant Effectiveness In Large Classes", considers the impact teaching assistants (TAs) have on student performance. In universities, TAs play a crucial role by providing small group instruction in lecture courses with large enrollment. The multiplicity of TAs creates both positive opportunities and negative incentives. On the one hand, some TAs may excel at tasks--such as helping struggling students--at which other TAs fail. If so, all students may be able to learn better if they can match themselves to the TA that best suits their needs. On the other hand, the multiplicity of TAs means that students in the same class often receive instruction that varies in quality even though they are ultimately graded on the same standard. In this paper, we use data from a large lecture course in which students are conditionally randomly assigned to TAs. In addition to administrative data on scores and grades, we use survey data (which we generated) on students' initial preparation, their study habits, and their interactions with TAs. We identify the existence of variation among TAs in teaching effectiveness. We also identify how TAs vary in their effectiveness with certain subpopulations of students: the least and best prepared, students with different backgrounds, and so on. Using our parameter estimates, we simulate student achievement under scenarios such as random assignment to TAs, elimination/retraining of the least effective TAs, and matching of TAs to students based on initial information to show the potential gains in student welfare from more efficient matching. Essay 3, "A Study of Student Majors: A Historical Perspective", considers whether differing financial returns across degrees are a significant factor in a student's choice of a major. During the late 1990s, the U.S. experienced a technology boom that significantly increased the initial salary offers to engineering students, and computer science students in particular. These dramatic increases in returns provide an excellent opportunity to examine not only how students respond to salary levels, but also to salary trends. The existing literature has focused on the extent to which differing financial returns can affect a student's choice of undergraduate major. This paper extends the analysis to test if trends in salary levels also affect the share of students selecting into various majors using a comprehensive dataset of all post-secondary institutions. I find that students select into majors that offer higher salaries and have greater wage growth. Using a flexible empirical model that allows students to respond to both changes in salary levels and growth, I find that the results hold across majors and within engineering disciplines. These results help to explain why, for instance, the percentage of students choosing to major in computer science grew more rapidly than could be explained by salary level alone.
This dissertation is composed of three essays. Essay 1, "Does School Start Too Early For Student Learning?", considers the connection between school start time and student performance. Biological evidence indicates that adolescents' internal clocks are designed to make them fall asleep and wake up at later times than adults. This science has prompted widespread debate about delaying school start times in the U.S., a country which has some of the earliest start times worldwide. The debate suffers, however, from a glaring absence of evidence: the small number of prior studies has been too low powered statistically to test whether later start times improve achievement. I fill the gap by studying achievement across a large, nationally representative set of high schools that have varying start times. I identify the positive effect of later clock start times, as well as the independent effect of greater daylight at school start time. My primary empirical method is cross-sectional regression with rich controls for potentially confounding variables. The findings are confirmed by regression discontinuity analysis focused on schools close to time zone boundaries. I quantify the net gain in welfare from having an additional hour of sunlight before school starts by comparing the substantial lifetime earnings benefits for students against the likely the societal costs. Essay 2, "Student Success and Teaching Assistant Effectiveness In Large Classes", considers the impact teaching assistants (TAs) have on student performance. In universities, TAs play a crucial role by providing small group instruction in lecture courses with large enrollment. The multiplicity of TAs creates both positive opportunities and negative incentives. On the one hand, some TAs may excel at tasks--such as helping struggling students--at which other TAs fail. If so, all students may be able to learn better if they can match themselves to the TA that best suits their needs. On the other hand, the multiplicity of TAs means that students in the same class often receive instruction that varies in quality even though they are ultimately graded on the same standard. In this paper, we use data from a large lecture course in which students are conditionally randomly assigned to TAs. In addition to administrative data on scores and grades, we use survey data (which we generated) on students' initial preparation, their study habits, and their interactions with TAs. We identify the existence of variation among TAs in teaching effectiveness. We also identify how TAs vary in their effectiveness with certain subpopulations of students: the least and best prepared, students with different backgrounds, and so on. Using our parameter estimates, we simulate student achievement under scenarios such as random assignment to TAs, elimination/retraining of the least effective TAs, and matching of TAs to students based on initial information to show the potential gains in student welfare from more efficient matching. Essay 3, "A Study of Student Majors: A Historical Perspective", considers whether differing financial returns across degrees are a significant factor in a student's choice of a major. During the late 1990s, the U.S. experienced a technology boom that significantly increased the initial salary offers to engineering students, and computer science students in particular. These dramatic increases in returns provide an excellent opportunity to examine not only how students respond to salary levels, but also to salary trends. The existing literature has focused on the extent to which differing financial returns can affect a student's choice of undergraduate major. This paper extends the analysis to test if trends in salary levels also affect the share of students selecting into various majors using a comprehensive dataset of all post-secondary institutions. I find that students select into majors that offer higher salaries and have greater wage growth. Using a flexible empirical model that allows students to respond to both changes in salary levels and growth, I find that the results hold across majors and within engineering disciplines. These results help to explain why, for instance, the percentage of students choosing to major in computer science grew more rapidly than could be explained by salary level alone.
In my second chapter, I use alternative measures of class size to illustrate that inherent differences in these measures can partially explain the inconclusive evidence found in prior studies of the effect of class size on student outcomes. With data from the NELS:88 and ELS:2002, I use teacher-student ratios that vary in the level of aggregation (i.e., student, school, and state-level data) and in the types of teachers included (i.e., all teachers versus only teachers in specific subjects). I estimate multiple value-added education production functions of math achievement, each using an alternative class size measure, for two cohorts of public high school students to illustrate that identically constructed teacher-student ratios yield substantially different results over time. Overall, my findings show that the composition of teachers in the school varies substantially across schools and over time, indicating that the most commonly used measure of class size - the school's teacher-student ratio - may be a poor indicator of school quality, and that the core teacher-student ratio is likely to provide richer information about school quality than other class size measures.
"This thesis consists of three essays on the economics of education. These essays focus on how educators affect student outcomes in the short run and long run, and they assess the effects of policies aimed at educators' incentives. Chapter 1 considers the effects of test-score-based school accountability on students' test scores and long-run outcomes, as well as the relationship between these two different types of effects. While many education policies target test scores as a contemporaneous measure of student learning, a common concern is that these policies may generate higher test scores in a way that fails to translate to more important student outcomes in the long run. I use administrative data from North Carolina and two regression discontinuity designs to estimate the impact of school accountability pressure under No Child Left Behind on elementary students' test scores and their long-run outcomes at the end of high school. I find modest positive effects on elementary test scores and a significant increase in SAT scores years later. There is some evidence for a small increase in high school GPA, mixed evidence for an increase in students intending to attend a 4-year instead of a 2-year college, and no effect on high school graduation or intention to attend any college. Further evidence suggests the effect on SAT scores may be explained by persistent test-score effects in years after accountability exposure. Altogether, these results lend support to a mixed story for No Child Left Behind: while accountability pressure led to a long-run increase in skill captured by tests, these learning gains were not strong or broad enough to yield meaningful improvements in other long-run outcomes like educational attainment. Chapter 2 evaluates the test score effects of individual teacher performance pay schemes implemented in a number of high-need schools in North Carolina. Since performance bonuses were paid to teachers with value-added above a threshold toward the top of the district-wide distribution, I evaluate whether this policy generates larger incentives for teachers with higher probability of attaining the bonus. I find evidence for the opposite: those expected to be further away from the threshold increased their value-added, though the performance incentives did not have a significant overall effect. I show that the single-year value-added estimates are quite noisy, which likely was a reason for this. I also find that almost all of the teachers in these high-need schools were predicted to have value-added below the performance threshold. Both of these factors could explain the lack of overall incentive effectiveness. One possibility is that lower value-added teachers have more scope to improve effort. Chapter 3 addresses the questions of whether the assignment of less effective teachers contributes to worse short-term and longer-term outcomes for disadvantaged students. We leverage transfers of elementary teachers across schools in North Carolina to measure differences in teachers' effects on contemporaneous and future test scores according to students' socio-economic characteristics. We quantify the importance of these differences to account for the observed test score gaps between disadvantaged and advantaged students. Variation in teacher quality accounts for 3% of the total variation in contemporaneous test scores. We also find that teacher quality accounts for similar proportions when we consider variability in test scores taken two and three years after. Our estimates are robust to bias-correction methods that account for limited mobility bias."--Pages viii-ix.
This thesis includes three empirical chapters, which are self-contained but all related to education inequality in China. Chapter 2 aims to examine the causal effect (nurture effect) of parental education on children's education. Parents and their children share many common characteristics which are often unobserved -- this causes the omitted-variable bias. To eliminate this bias, this chapter uses school interruption during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (CR) as an instrument. The Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) significantly interrupted one generation's education, but has had no direct effect on the next generation. It naturally provides a valid instrument. The empirical results suggest that in urban China, an one year decrease in parent's schooling because of school interruption during the CR leads to a 0.27-0.38 year decrease in the child's schooling; if a parent did not obtain a university degree because of school interruption during the CR, the child is 35-53 percent less likely to obtain a university degree. The results also suggest that maternal education has a greater influence on children's education than paternal education. Overall, for the particular group whose parental education was changed by the CR, this chapter confirms a significant and sizable nurture effect. Chapter 3 estimates the causal effect of private tutoring on Chinese and mathematics test scores of primary school students in urban China. Because the unobserved determinants of schooling achievement often influence private tutoring expenditure, OLS cannot provide a consistent estimate. This chapter adopts a heteroskedasticity based identification strategy proposed by Lewbel (2012) to handle this problem. The estimation results show that, on average, private tutoring expenditure has a small but statistically significant effect on the mathematics test scores of primary school students, but has no statistically significant effect on the Chinese test scores. A 1000 yuan (about 55% of a standard deviation) increase in private tutoring expenditure raises the primary school students' mathematics test scores by 0.80-0.87 percentage point (about 11% of a standard deviation). The instrumental variable quantile regression combined with the Lewbel method suggests that private tutoring is more likely to improve student achievement at the bottom end of test score distribution. When moving upward to the top end, the effect becomes smaller and even negative, despite not being significant. Chapter 4 measures and analyzes the rural-urban schooling achievement gap in primary education in China. Using the RUMiC 2010 data, this chapter finds that the test scores of urban children are on average about 5.7 percentage points higher than that of rural children. This is approximately equivalent to 54-56% and 65-72% of the standard deviations of urban and rural children's test scores, respectively. The regression analysis and Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition analysis suggest that urban children outperform their rural counterparts mainly because of their better socio-economic background (e.g. parental education and family income per capita), better school quality and higher government budgetary spending on education per student in cities.
There is no country or economy participating in PISA 2012 that can claim that all of its 15-year-old students have achieved a baseline level of proficiency in mathematics, reading and science. Poor performance at school has long-term consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole. Reducing the number of low-performing students is not only a goal in its own right but also an effective way to improve an education system's overall performance - and equity, since low performers are disproportionately from socio-economically disadvantaged families. Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers' family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.